Management of workloads. The Synod seeks to ensure that all employees have reasonable workloads. The Synod is therefore committed to strongly encouraging all managers to meet regularly with their staff with the purpose of consultatively and intentionally planning, resourcing, monitoring and providing guidance in relation to reasonable workloads.
Management of workloads. 3.1 To enable the workload to be managed and to deliver the required outputs, a degree of multi-skilling is required from certain groups of staff.
3.2 A Skills Matrix (Appendix A) has been developed that recognises certain tasks that can be performed safely following satisfactory training and assessment.
3.3 Staff are organised in rosters that reflect both the required levels of multi- skilled staff together with necessary core skills staff of each shift.
3.4 Where no cover line is available in rosters to maximise staffing, shift teams will manage the workloads with the staff available subject to Health and Safety requirements.
3.5 Rosters will be designed to provide the appropriate staffing at the required times i.e. when the Metrocars and Rolling Stock are available for maintenance and cleaning.
3.6 It is understood that this may require roster changes to fit future service changes.
3.7 It is therefore recognised by all parties that competency based deployment of staff and efficient rosters provide the most productive working hours.
3.8 Reviews may be undertaken every 12 weeks to ensure the appropriate skills are available and the roster provides the maximum opportunity for maintenance.
3.9 If staffing levels fall below tolerable levels or workloads change, Sectional Committee B (SCB) will agree changes to enable Production, Maintenance and Train Care targets to be met.
3.10 Any amendments to rosters are subject to review utilising the Health and Safety Executive’s Fatigue and Risk Index Calculator.