MANDATED OVERTIME FOR ALL CLASSIFICATIONS a) If there are insufficient volunteers for Saturday overtime to meet customer demand in any classification, the Company will be permitted to schedule TPT’s and/or probationary employees; if there is still a need for additional employees, they will schedule individuals with the lowest overtime worked hours by shift in each of the classifications required to work overtime at the applicable overtime rate with the following exceptions: (i) Saturday immediately preceding or following an employee’s scheduled vacation; (ii) Saturday immediately following a Friday holiday; (iii) Saturday immediately preceding a Monday holiday. b) The Company will post a notice of this scheduled overtime for all employees by the end of their shift on Thursday, as to whether scheduled overtime is required on Saturday. c) The Company will only have the right to schedule employees not more than one (1) times per month d) The Company will only have the right to schedule employees in the Mold Processors, Mold Setters and/or Maintenance group not more than two times per month. e) Upon being mandated for overtime, the employee must work the mandated overtime shift in order for their obligation to be fulfilled. f) Mandatory Saturday overtime will be paid at time and one half regardless of the number of compensated hours worked at regular applicable rate.


  • Wages and Classification Premiums Provisions under these headings shall remain unchanged and are repeated as 20.04, except to the extent that the Wage Schedule referred to in the hospital's expiring collective agreement shall be adjusted and retroactivity shall be paid in accordance with the Implementation Agreement signed.

  • Banked Overtime In the event the day in lieu of working the statutory holiday is not provided as stipulated in 8.01.04, this portion may also be banked.

  • WAGE RATES AND CLASSIFICATIONS Classifications and the hourly wage rates applicable thereto are contained in the Appendices attached to and forming part of this Agreement.

  • WAGES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 42.01 The classification and wages for persons covered by the Collective Agreement shall, during the term of the Agreement, be as set out in Schedule "D" attached hereto. 42.02 Where a Child and Youth Worker II or III, who has a minimum of three (3) years continuous service in his/her current position wishes, for the purposes of career development and experience to apply for a Child and Youth Worker position which is classified one level lower, s/he may apply to the Chief Human Resources Officer to have this position considered as a secondment for a maximum of one (1) year through which s/he will retain his/her current salary. (a) If a new job is established by the Employer, the Joint Job Evaluation Committee will evaluate the job. In circumstances where it is impossible for either party to convene the Joint Job Evaluation Committee, or a rating cannot be agreed upon prior to the posting of a newly created job, the Employer will set the initial wage rate. It is agreed that the newly created job will be reviewed by the Joint Job Evaluation Committee no later than three (3) months after the date that the new job is posted, unless otherwise agreed. Any increase in rate of pay resulting from such a review shall be retroactive to the start date(s) of the employee(s) in the new position. In the event that the rate of pay decreases, any decrease shall not apply to present incumbents. If the parties are unable to agree upon the rate of pay, the procedure set out in Article 42.04 shall apply. At the request of either party, all newly created jobs shall be re-reviewed by the Joint Job Evaluation Committee within twelve (12) months of the start date of the new job. Any increase in rate of pay resulting from such a review shall be retroactive to the start of the new job. In the event that the rate of pay decreases, any decrease shall not apply to present incumbents. If the parties are unable to agree upon the rate of pay, the procedure set out in Article 42.04 shall apply. (b) Where the duties and responsibilities of an employee’s job are changed by the Employer in a substantive manner, so that a job is no longer properly classified and the rate should be changed, either the employee or the Employer may request that the job be reviewed by the Joint Job Evaluation Committee. Any such request must be made within six (6) months of the changes to the duties and responsibilities being made by the Employer. The job will be reviewed by the Joint Job Evaluation Committee no later than three (3) months after the request. It is understood that the cumulative effect of small changes may result in change “in a substantive manner”. Any increase in rate of pay resulting from such a review shall be retroactive to the date that the request was made which resulted in a re- classification. In the event that the rate of pay decreases, any decrease shall not apply to present incumbents. If the parties are unable to agree upon the rate of pay under a changed job as referred to above, the procedure set out in Article 42.04 shall apply with the appropriate changes. No job will be reviewed under section (b) more than once every twelve

  • Daily Overtime All employees shall be paid the applicable overtime rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for all time worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day.

  • Mandatory Overtime a. Mandatory Overtime is overtime that an employee is assigned and required to work involuntarily, and will only be required in operational emergencies when sufficient voluntary overtime cannot be secured to maintain the Company’s operation. Mandatory overtime will be limited to the number of employees and hours required to cover the emergency as determined by local management. b. Mandatory overtime will not exceed 4 hours past an employee’s scheduled shift in any 24 hour period. Employees will not be required to work mandatory overtime until the opportunity to work the additional hours has been offered to all qualified employees who are currently at work, and if there are an insufficient number of volunteers, then to otherwise eligible employees whose names remain on the overtime call sign up list. c. Mandatory overtime will be assigned in reverse bid seniority order according to shift time, except that employees already working overtime will be assigned last. d. Every attempt will be made to notify employees on duty of mandatory overtime at least 1 hour in advance. If 1 hour’s advance notice is not provided, the employee will receive 1 ½ hours’ pay as a penalty in addition to the pay earned for any mandatory overtime hours actually worked. e. Employees will not be assigned mandatory overtime during their vacation periods. For this purpose, the vacation period is defined as the period beginning 24 hours after the commencement of the employee’s last regularly scheduled shift before the vacation commenced. An employee may be assigned to mandatory overtime on the last regularly assigned shift prior to a vacation or DAT day, but will be placed at the bottom of the mandatory overtime list. f. If any mandatory overtime causes a rest period violation to occur, every attempt will be made to adjust the employee’s shift to provide the minimum 8 hours rest. g. All mandatory overtime hours will be paid at the applicable rate of pay but not less than the time and one half (1.5X) rate of pay regardless of work status or hours worked. If an employee is required to work mandatory overtime on two or more consecutive days, the minimum payment for all mandatory overtime hours worked will be at the double-time (2X) rate of pay.

  • Repair and classification The Borrower shall procure that each Owner shall keep the Ship owned by it in a good and safe condition and state of repair: (a) consistent with first-class ship ownership and management practice; (b) so as to maintain the highest class with a first-class classification society which is a member of IACS acceptable to the Agent free of overdue recommendations and conditions of such classification society; and (c) so as to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to vessels registered at ports in the relevant Approved Flag State or to vessels trading to any jurisdiction to which the Ship may trade from time to time, including but not limited to the ISM Code, the ISPS Code, the ISM Code Documentation and the ISPS Code Documentation.

  • Scheduled Overtime Scheduled overtime is overtime which is assigned by the end of the employee's last worked shift prior to the overtime assignment and which does not immediately precede or immediately follow a scheduled work shift. Unless notified otherwise in advance of the scheduled starting time of the scheduled overtime assignment, any employee who is scheduled to report for work and who reports as scheduled shall be assigned at least two (2) hours work. If work is not available, the employee may be excused from duty and paid for two (2) hours at the employee's appropriate rate. If the employee begins work but is excused from duty before completing two (2) hours of work, the employee shall be paid for two (2) hours at the employee's appropriate rate.

  • Leave for Writing Examinations Leave of absence with pay shall be granted to allow employees time to write examinations for courses approved by the Employer. Employees shall advise the Employer of the time and place of the examination when they are made aware of the time and place.

  • EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS Section 1. Definition and Use