Maximum PTO Leave Accrual Sample Clauses

Maximum PTO Leave Accrual. Employees shall be allowed to accumulate accrued PTO leave up to a maximum of two times (2.0) the annual accrual rate; e.g. an employee earning 200 hours per year may accumulate up to 400 hours of PTO leave. Employees shall be expected to schedule vacations (or PTO cash out, per 14.6) as necessary to maintain a balance within the above limitations.
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Maximum PTO Leave Accrual. Employees shall be allowed to accumulate accrued PTO leave up to a maximum of two times (2.0) the annual accrual rate; e.g. an employee earning 200 hours per year may accumulate up to 400 hours of PTO leave. Employees shall be expected to schedule vacations as necessary to maintain a balance within the above limitations. When the staffing requirements of the City do not permit the scheduling of a vacation in order to reduce the balance, accruals beyond the maximum will be granted for a maximum of ninety (90) days following the date on which the maximum accumulation was reached. Department Head approval is required before the employee may exceed the maximum accrual as covered in this paragraph.

Related to Maximum PTO Leave Accrual

  • Annual Leave Accrual If an employee leaves State Classified employment and is later rehired, he/she shall accrue annual leave at the same rate as a new hire. However, once a rehired employee has been in pay status for five (5) years, all previous service time shall be credited for annual leave accrual. The only exception shall be for employees rehired who repay severance pay received.

  • Leave Accrual After the first 30 days of active military service in any one calendar year, employees shall not accrue City-paid vacation, holiday, or sick leave benefits or other forms of paid leave; provided, however, that any public employee on military leave for intermittent training periods shall continue to accrue the same vacation, sick, and holiday leave up to a maximum period of 180 cumulative days per calendar year as if the employee had not been on military leave.

  • Excessive leave accruals request by employee for leave

  • Vacation Leave Accrual ‌ After a full-time employee has been in pay status for eighty (80) non-overtime hours in a calendar month, the employee will accrue vacation leave according to the rate schedule below. Vacation leave accrual for part-time employees will be proportionate to the number of hours the part-time employee is in pay status during the month to that required for full-time employment.

  • Vacation Leave Accrual Rate Schedule Full Years of Service Hours Per Year During the first year of current continuous employment Ninety-six (96) During the second year of current continuous employment One hundred four (104) During the third and fourth years of current continuous employment One hundred twelve (112) During the fifth, sixth, and seventh years of total employment One hundred twenty (120) During the eighth, ninth, and tenth years of total employment One hundred twenty-eight (128) During the eleventh year of total employment One hundred thirty-six (136) During the twelfth year of total employment One hundred forty-four (144) During the thirteenth year of total employment One hundred fifty-two (152) During the fourteenth year of total employment One hundred sixty (160) During the fifteenth year of total employment One hundred sixty-eight (168) During the sixteenth year of total employment and thereafter One hundred seventy-six (176)

  • Sick Leave Accrual Full-time employees will accrue eight (8) hours of sick leave in a calendar month. Part- time employees will accrue sick leave credit on the same proportional basis that their employment schedule bears to a full-time schedule, up to a maximum of eight (8) hours in a calendar month.

  • Maximum Vacation Accrual Employees may accrue vacation up to a maximum of two hundred forty (240) hours. An employee who has reached the maximum accrual level may continue to accrue vacation until his or her next anniversary date, at which time any vacation accrued in addition to the two hundred forty (240) hour maximum accrual will be extinguished. With the written approval of the appropriate Vice President, an employee may accrue more than two hundred forty (240) hours of vacation when he or she is precluded from taking a previously scheduled vacation because of University needs. Any such written approval will specify a timeline for the employee to use any excess vacation accrual, after which any excess vacation accrual will be extinguished.

  • Leave Accruals Accumulated annual leave, personal leave, and sick leave balances will automatically be frozen for the duration of the leave of absence. The employee will not accrue leave credits during the leave of absence.

  • Personal Leave Accrual All employees shall accrue personal leave at the rate of one and twenty-three hundredths (1.23) hours for each eighty (80) hours in active pay status, excluding overtime hours, not to exceed a total of thirty-two (32) hours accrued in one year.

  • Maximum Accrual Vacation credit may be accumulated to a maximum that can be earned in four (4) years. Further accumulation will not continue when the maximum is reached. When an employee’s vacation reaches the maximum level, and if the employee has been denied vacation during the twelve (12) months, the employee will be paid for the time denied but no more than eighty (80) hours in a pay period. Annual Rate of Vacation Accumulation Maximum 80 hours 320 hours 120 hours 480 hours 160 hours 640 hours 180 hours 720 hours 200 hours 800 hours 240 hours 960 hours

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