Health Care Program. 1. For all eligible unit employees who have been appointed prior to November 15, 2000, the following is to apply.
a. Each eligible unit employee who regularly works four and one-half (4.5) or more hours on a daily basis may join any of the healthcare plans. The respective contribution rate is as follows: • 85% - The Non-Monroe County Municipal School District Blue Point 2 (NMCMSD) low option plan - $15 medical co-pay/$5-$15-$30 prescription co-pay. • Beginning 2013-14 - 85% - The Non-Monroe County Municipal School District Blue Point 2 (NMCMSD) low option plan - $15 medical co- pay/$5-$15-$30 prescription co-pay or the Genesee Area Healthcare Plan $5-$10-$25 – whichever is the lesser cost. The employee is able to use the value listed above for any of the Co-pay healthcare plans offered by the district. There is a separate amount offered for those who choose not to use the district healthcare plan in Section 11.05. The employee contribution/cost of the plan is paid in deductions from his/her paycheck. Eligible unit employees are able to join the Genesee Area Health Care Plan High Deductible Option according to the benefit description in #3 below
2. For all eligible unit employees who have been appointed after November 15, 2000, but before July 1, 2012, and for those unit employees who become eligible after November 15, 2000, but before July 1, 2012 for health care benefits by virtue of working more hours per day on a regular basis, the following is to apply: Each eligible unit employee who works seven (7) or more hours on a daily basis may join any of these healthcare plans. The respective contribution rate is as follows: • 85% - The Non-Monroe County Municipal School District Blue Point 2 (NMCMSD) low option plan - $15 medical co-pay/$5-$15-$30 prescription co-pay. • Beginning 2013-14 - 85% - The Non-Monroe County Municipal School District Blue Point 2 (NMCMSD) low option plan - $15 medical co-pay/$5- $15-$30 prescription co-pay or the Genesee Area Healthcare Plan $5- $10-$25 – whichever is the lesser cost. The employee is able to use the value listed above for any of the Co-pay healthcare plans offered by the district. There is a separate amount offered for those who choose not to use the district healthcare plan in Section 11.05. The employee contribution/cost of the plan is paid in deductions from his/her paycheck.
a. Each eligible unit member who regularly works at least five and one-half (5.5) hours, but less than seven (7) hours on a daily basis, may...
Health Care Program. Beginning July 1, 2017, the Employer shall provide a PPO health care program that shall remain in effect through June 30, 2019, for all eligible members in the bargaining unit. If the District desires to change carriers or if one of the options is no longer available in the area, the District will (1) present the details of the change to the Association, (2) provide a reasonable time for the Association to analyze the proposed change, and (3) meet and discuss the issue with the Association. If a decision is made to change carriers there shall be no reduction in coverages and services. If one of the options is no longer available in the area, the parties shall meet and discuss how to address the issue. The benefits provided under the PPO plan shall be as specified in the Schedule of Benefits attached hereto as Appendix “A.” Employees shall contribute toward the applicable premium of the PPO health care plan on a monthly basis as follows: Single 2-Party Family 11% 11% 11% The District will pay the remaining cost of the applicable premium. The percentage of the total cost of the elected level of health care coverage paid by an employee shall not exceed $100 per month for single coverage, $200 per month for two-party coverage and $225 per month for family coverage. The District shall offer a Section 125 plan to enable employees to pay their share of insurance coverage premiums, unreimbursed medical/health/dental/vision care costs and dependent care on a pre- tax basis to the extent allowed by law. In the event two spouses both work in the District and are both eligible for District-provided coverage, both spouses shall not be required to separately enroll for health care coverage. In the event a spouse of an employee has medical insurance coverage available to him/her through his/her own employer at less than 51% of the total monthly premium, said spouse shall not be eligible for medical insurance coverage on the District’s health insurance plan(s). The settlement or payment of claims shall not be subject to the grievance procedure included in this Agreement. When the District has properly provided said program, in no case and under no circumstances shall the District be required to provide a cash settlement or any other substitute benefit in any form in lieu of the health care benefits provided for in this Article. The District shall offer employees, through June 30, 2019, an optional Qualified High Deductible Healthcare Plan (QHDHP) with Health Savings Accou...
Health Care Program. A. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees hired on or after July 1, 2020 must enroll and remain in the New Jersey Educator’s Health Plan (or Garden State Health Plan (GSHP) once available) until January 1, 2028. All employees currently enrolled in the POS health Plan shall be eligi- ble for enrollment in the Direct Access Health Plan (subject to all employee premium contributions required by law). The prescription plan for employees shall be revised to reflect co-payments of $15/ $35/2x. Dental and vision coverage shall remain unchanged. The prescription drug plan will be as follows for all new employees effective July 1, 2017:
(a) Represented employees will be covered under the National Employees Health Plan (NEHP) for the medical, dental, and vision benefits as set forth in the NEHP Renewal Update dated February 29, 2016 and as shown as Attachment 1 of this Collective Bargaining Agreement.
(b) The amount of the Employer’s contributions for these coverages shall be based on the plan (HMP or PPO) under which coverage is provided, the employee’s annual compensation range and the coverage level selected. The dollar amounts of the Employer’s monthly contributions for medical and dental benefits, expressed as a percentage of the total premium costs are set forth below. Employees shall pay any premium amount that is not covered by the Employer. Employees will pay the full cost of vision coverage if they enroll. Wage Tier – Under $35,000 – Employer pays 79% Wage Tier - $35,000-$75,000 – Employer pays 73% Wage Tier – Over $75,000 – Employer pays 70% During the negotiations for this 2016-2019 Agreement, the parties discussed certain errors in the manner in which premiums were allocated as between the employer and the employees over the course of the preceding contract. It is agreed that any erroneous over/under premium contributions are canceled out and no monetary adjustment is owed.
(c) Eligibility for regular full-time employees shall commence on the first of the month following the completion of three (3) months of employment.
(d) Eligibility for regular part-time employees hired prior to October 13, 2003 shall commence on the first day of the first month of the quarter immediately following any quarter wherein the part-time employee received no less than two hundred fifty (250) hours compensation. A “quarter” for purposes of this article shall mean any of the following three- month periods: January, February, March; April, May, June; July, August, September; October, November, December. If an individual works one thousand (1,000) or more hours in a calendar year, he/she shall automatically qualify for insurance coverage in the following year.
(e) Eligibility for regular part-time employees hired on or after October 13, 2003, shall commence on the first day of the first month of the quarter immediately following any quarter wherein the part-time employee received no less than three hundred twenty-five (325) hours of compensation; provided however, for those newly hired part-time employees not hired on the first work day of any given quarter, initial eligibili...
Health Care Program. A. All members of Local 1 shall be enrolled in a POS 10 plan for medi- cal and prescription coverage. Prescription coverage will be at 10/20, 2X mail order RX. Dental and vision coverage shall remain un- changed.
B. Local 1 members will contribute 1.5% of their base annual salary to- xxxx the cost of their health care premium, as required by law.
C. Should the Board determine that a change in carrier(s) shall be effec- tuated, it shall consult with the Union prior to said change.
D. Regular part-time employees and employees on the probationary pe- riod may purchase the health care program directly from the Board. Employees must make a decision to purchase entire health plan within fifteen (15) calendar days after their initial employment and decision cannot be changed.
F. Employees on approved unpaid leaves of absence may continue cov- erage at their own expense by direct payment to the Board for the duration of the leave, not to exceed a period of one year.
Health Care Program. A. The Board shall grant health care insurance protection as provided in the master contracts with the carrier(s).
B. All local 1 members who have traditional plan coverage will make an annual contribution of 3% of those premium costs starting in January 2008. All current PPO participants will make no contribution, nor will their coverage change for the years covered by this Agreement. Starting in the 2008-09 year all new hires will receive at no cost a PPO plan with higher co-pays for medical and prescription. If they wish to be enrolled in the current PPO plan they will contribute 3% to those premium costs. (See Section K)
Health Care Program. To the Knowledge of BMH, BMH meets the conditions for participation in the Medicare and Medicaid programs and there is no pending or threatened proceeding or investigation under a Government Health Care Program.
Health Care Program. 1. For all eligible teaching assistants who have been appointed prior to November 15, 2000, the following is to apply.
a. Each eligible teaching assistant who regularly works four and one-half (4.5) or more hours on a daily basis may join any of the healthcare plans. The respective contribution rate is as follows: The teaching assistant is able to use the value listed above for any of the healthcare plans offered by the district. There is a separate amount offered for those who choose not to use the district healthcare plan in Section 25.29. The teaching assistant contribution/cost of the plan is paid in deductions from his/her paycheck.
b. Each eligible teaching assistant who regularly works less than four and one-half (4.5) hours on a daily basis may join any plan offered by the District. Each such teaching assistant is responsible for the total cost of the health care plan chosen.
c. If there is a current teaching assistant who works 4 hours or less and who was as of October 3, 2000 receiving health insurance benefits at the 50% employer paid and 50% teaching assistant paid basis, the District will grandfather this teaching assistant (or teaching assistants) at the current employer/teaching assistant ratio as long as the person works the current number of hours per week.
2. For all eligible teaching assistants who have been appointed after November 15, 2000, and for those teaching assistants who become eligible after November 15, 2000 for health care benefits by virtue of working more hours per day on a regular basis, the following is to apply: Each eligible unit teaching assistant who works seven (7) or more hours on a daily basis may join any of these healthcare plans. The respective contribution rate is as follows: • 85% of Blue Point 2 - The Non-Monroe County Municipal School District Blue Point 2 (NMCMSD) low option plan - $15 medical co- pay/$5-$15-$30 prescription co-pay for as long as so offered by the plan. The teaching assistant is able to use the value listed above for any of the healthcare plans offered by the district. There is a separate amount offered for those who choose not to use the district healthcare plan in Section 25.29. The teaching assistant contribution/cost of the plan is paid in deductions from his/her paycheck.
a. Each eligible teaching assistant who regularly works at least five and one-half (5.5) hours, but less than seven (7) hours on a daily basis, may join any of these healthcare plans. The District agrees to pay sixty ...
Health Care Program. Effective July 1 ,2015 the district will offer the following health insurance plans.
1. The District has a group health care program furnished by the Finger Lakes Area School Health Plan (FLASHP) called Blue Point 2 Extended (High Option) with an employee co-pay of $5 for doctor visits and a prescription drug plan that provides a $5 generic/$20 preferred brand name and $35 non preferred brand name drug coverage.
2. The District shall provide a FLASHP Blue Point Plan Select with an employee co-pay of $15 for doctor visits and a prescription drug plan that provides a $5 generic/$20 preferred brand name and/$35 non preferred brand name drug coverage. This plan shall be known as the Base Plan.
3. The District shall provide a FLASHP plan called Healthy Blue plan, $15-$150 IP/$75 OP with drug plan $5 generic/$25 preferred/$50 non preferred drugs. Existing unit members can enroll in the Healthy Blue plan at an open enrollment period as set out by the plan.
4. For all unit members the District agrees to contribute to the health care program as follows:
a. The District agrees to pay eighty-three percent (83%) of the cost of the base plan and the unit employee shall pay seventeen percent (17%) employee contribution which is the remainder of the cost of the base plan by payroll deductions.
5. Where the District employs a husband and wife, the District will only be obligated to provide and pay contributions for one (1) family health care insurance premium. The District will not be obligated to provide and pay for separate individual or separate family coverage for the other spouse. In such case the District agrees to pay the full premium cost for the family plan. In such a case neither husband nor wife is eligible for the opt out payment for declining participation in the District's health care program.
6. Eligible unit employees may change health care program coverage during the open window period as set by the insurance carrier.
Health Care Program. A. All employees currently enrolled in the POS health Plan shall be eligi- ble for enrollment in the Direct Access Health Plan (subject to all employee premium contributions required by law). The prescription plan for employees shall be revised to reflect co-payments of $15/ $35/2x. Dental and vision coverage shall remain unchanged.
B. Local 32 members will contribute premium contributions of their base annual salary toward the cost of their health care premium, as required by law.
C. Should the Board determine that a change in carrier(s) shall be effec- tuated, it shall consult with the Union prior to said change.
D. Regular part-time employees and employees on the probationary peri- od may purchase the health care program directly from the Board. Employees must make a decision to purchase entire health plan within fifteen (15) calendar days after their initial employment and decision cannot be changed.
E. Employees on approved unpaid leaves of absence may continue cov- erage at their own expense by direct payment to the Board for the duration of the leave, not to exceed a period of one year.