Meetings and resolutions. 4.1 The members of the JDE and Xxxx'x segments of the Senior Management Team (as referred to in Clause 2.4) shall in principle each hold one meeting every month. Furthermore, a segment of the Senior Management Team, or the Senior Management Team as a whole, shall meet whenever the CEO has requested a meeting.
4.2 The meetings of the JDE segment of the Senior Management Team, and meetings of the Senior Management Team as a whole, shall generally be held at the HQ offices of JDE Peet's in Amsterdam, but may also take place elsewhere. The meetings of the Peet's segment of the Senior Management Team, shall generally be held at the offices of Peet's in Berkeley, California, United States, but may also take place elsewhere.
4.3 In addition, one or more members may participate by telephone, videoconference or other electronic forms of direct communication. Meetings may at all times also be held entirely by telephone, videoconference or other electronic forms of direct communication.
4.4 Meetings of the Senior Management Team or segment of the Senior Management Team shall be chaired by the CEO. If the CEO is not present, the meetings will be chaired by one of the members of the Senior Management Team so designated by the other members of the Senior Management Team present at the meeting.
4.5 In principle, decisions concerning the daily management of JDE Xxxx'x shall be taken by the CEO, at his or her discretion in consultation with the Senior Management Team or a segment of the Senior Management Team. However, the Board remains at all times authorised to adopt resolutions required or attributed by law, the Articles of Association or the IRA.
Meetings and resolutions. (1) The EEB shall convene twice a year for an ordinary meeting in which in particular the regular information and consultation regarding cross-border matters (Sec. 17
Meetings and resolutions. 3.1. The Supervisory Board shall hold a meeting at least once quarterly. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board shall convene a meeting if requested by a member of the Supervisory Board or by a member of the Management Board.
Meetings and resolutions. The Steering Committee shall meet as required to perform its tasks under this Agreement. Either Party or the Chairperson shall have the right to request a meeting under the condition that such request specifies the topics for an agenda. The request shall be directed to the other Party and to the Chairperson and it shall oblige the Chairperson to invite for such meeting without undue delay, latest however, within two (2) weeks. If the Chairperson fails to comply with such request, the Party requesting the meeting shall have the right to invite for such meeting by registered letter or equivalent means within another two (2) weeks. Meetings of the Steering Committee shall be invited for with a lead time of at least two (2) weeks and only for days other than public holidays in Athens. Meetings shall take place, as a rule from which the Steering Committee may deviate, if the majority of its members so resolves, in Athens. Resolutions by the Steering Committee shall be passed by a five (5) vote majority. Decisions on the Allowance 90 million will be made with simple majority. If SIEMENS raises objections based on the decision being substantially contrary to SIEMENS’ corporate interests or is prohibited under its corporate compliance program, the Steering Committee shall be required to decide the issue unanimously. Either Party shall be free to refer this decision to dispute resolution under VIII for ascertaining whether the objections raised were not justified and therefore are to be disregarded. If in the outcome of the dispute resolution, it turns out that the objections raised by SIEMENS were not justified within the meaning of the second sentence of this sub-paragraph, then the majority decision shall be binding even after expiration of the Allowance Period. Votes may be cast during personal attendance, by way of telephone conference with all members of the Steering Committee attending, or by written resolution signed by all of its members. An absent member may delegate his vote in writing to another member appointed by the same Party. The Chairperson may not delegate its vote. In absence of the Chairperson, the meeting shall be chaired by the oldest member attending. All requests for resolutions, the resolutions, and the votes cast shall be recorded in written minutes of meeting to be issued and signed by the Chairperson (or person chairing the meeting) in due course after the meeting. The minutes of meeting shall, after having been signed, be communicated ...
Meetings and resolutions. The parties as designated partners should meet from time to time as may be necessary for conducting the business. All business of the LLP as detailed in Clause-5(a) are to be conduced by the parties as designated partners with unanimous consents which may be accorded by passing circular resolutions either physically or through electronic and other means. Resolutions for the following shall be passed in the general meeting of the partners which shall be convened by any of the parties at the registered office by giving seven day’s notice : Changes in LLP’s name, registered office and business. Admission or removal of partner and designated partner. Changes in contributions. Acquisition or sell of non-trading properties, undertakings or business. Amalgamation and closure of LLP’s business. Voluntary winding up of the LLP. Amendment of any clause of this agreement Appointment, removal and remuneration of practicing Chartered Accountant as auditor for the LLP. Appointment of Chairman for general meeting of the partners. There shall be no proxy allowed in the general meeting of the partners. In case of absence of any of the parties, meeting shall be adjourned. The Chairman of the general meeting should authenticate the minutes recorded within 30 days in minute book preserved at the registered office. He will not have any casting vote.