Minimum Available Requirement (MAR Sample Clauses

Minimum Available Requirement (MAR. List Applicable to FOTs, CPEOs and Environment, Chemical and Safety Technicians/Technologists. In order that a sufficient number of shift employees are on duty to maintain and ensure a continuous operation at any location utilizing eight or twelve hour shifts, the following will apply. A minimum number of physically capable employees, by job classification and qualifications, will be determined by management. Employees will volunteer their willingness to be called in to work, in this situation, by placing their name on the MAR List under the day(s) they wish to be called. Once an employee's name appears on the MAR List, he/she agrees to be prepared to report for work on short notice. During the Required Availability Period (RAP), he/she shall be required to wear and respond to a pager where such service is available and proven reliable. RAP will be the period of time commencing two hours prior to, and one hour after each shift change. An employee will not be placed on the MAR List if scheduled to work an adjoining shift. It is expected that under normal conditions, there would be sufficient volunteer names on the MAR List to ensure that the supervisor would be able to obtain staff on short notice to keep the plant(s) operating. However, there may be occasions when there are insufficient volunteers on the MAR List. In those cases, the supervisor will assign names from each classification to make up the minimum for that classification. The supervisor will ensure that the employee is verbally notified that his/her name has been assigned to the MAR List before the end of his/her last shift. If an employee assigned by the supervisor to the MAR List cannot be available for the specific RAP period, the employee must arrange to have another employee of the same classification and qualifications substitute for him/her. The substitute employee must accept this change list in place of the original employee. Volunteering or being assigned to the MAR List for RAP periods does not entitle the employee to any compensation, i.e., on-call pay, etc, nor does it guarantee that overtime will result.
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Related to Minimum Available Requirement (MAR

  • Coverage Minimum Requirement Commercial General Liability Insurance, including Bodily Injury, Personal Injury, Property Damage, Advertising Injury, and Medical Payments Each Occurrence General Aggregate $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Automobile Liability Insurance - Any Auto Each Occurrence General Aggregate $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Professional Liability $ 1,000,000 Workers Compensation Statutory Limits Employer’s Liability $ 1,000,000

  • Minimum Balance Requirements To be a member and maintain Accounts with Us You must purchase 1 share in the Credit Union. The par value of a share in this Credit Union is $10.00. If the balance in Your primary savings Account drops below 1 share ($10.00), at any time, We may, at Our option, close Your Account. Nonsufficient Funds Returns. Any check or pre-authorized transfer, or transaction made through the use of a debit card, or other electronic means, as is applicable (including any in-person transaction), that is presented to Us for payment on Your Account when Your Account lacks sufficient collected funds to pay any such item may, at Our option, be returned for nonsufficient funds or We may honor any such item and charge You a fee for doing so. Overdraft Balance Calculation. When processing transactions that debit or credit Your Account, We start each Business Day with Your final Account balance from the preceding Business Day. The final balance takes into Account all of the debit and credit transactions that were settled that Business Day pursuant to Our Funds Availability Policy, as well as any other debits or credits to Your Account that were finally settled that day, as described above in the "Deposit of Items" and "Collection and Processing of Items" sections of the Account Agreement. This starting balance at the beginning of a Business Day (the preceding Business Day's final balance) is sometimes referred to as Your "actual balance." As credits and debits to Your Account are received by Us, We add them to and subtract them from Your actual balance. Examples of credits include, but are not limited to, electronic direct deposits, check deposits that have been fully and finally collected, ACH credits that have settled that day, and cash deposits made to one of Our tellers. Examples of debits include, but are not limited to, checks drawn on Your Account that are presented to Us for payment together with such checks that are returned unpaid and subsequently represented for payment, electronic fund transfer (EFT) debit transactions (such as preauthorized payments and settled EFT debits) and all reinitiated electronic fund transfer (EFT) debit transactions (such as preauthorized payments), memo-posted EFT debits (EFT debits that We have authorized but which have not been settled), and all Credit Union fees and charges. As noted above, these examples are not an exhaustive list and should not be construed as such. The result of this calculation at any given point in time is called Your "available balance." For the purpose of determining whether an overdraft has occurred, We use Your available balance. First, We add all of the settled credit transactions to the beginning actual balance. Then, We subtract all of the debit transactions that settled that day. We also subtract all of the pending debit transactions. This determines the available balance for overdraft purposes. Each debit transaction that We process when Your Account has, or will have, a negative available balance is an overdraft, subject to an overdraft charge. Subject to applicable law, You are responsible for paying any overdraft fees and charges assessed in connection with Our payment of an overdraft, as well as any NSF fees charged to Your Account when We dishonor and return an item for non- sufficient funds. It is Your responsibility to know Your Account balance, and if You have any questions You should contact a Credit Union representative.

  • Minimum Requirements Consultant shall, at its expense, procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the Agreement by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, employees or subconsultants. Consultant shall also require all of its subconsultants to procure and maintain the same insurance for the duration of the Agreement. Such insurance shall meet at least the following minimum levels of coverage:

  • Minimum System Requirements The following summarizes the minimum office system requirements for all Contractors and Architect/Engineer to possess in order to participate. It is the responsibility of all Contractors and Architect/Engineer to possess these minimum requirements at no additional cost to Princeton University.

  • Conformance to Applicable Requirements All work prepared by Consultant shall be subject to the approval of City.

  • MINIMUM ALLOWANCE An employee who is required by his/her Agency/Department Head to use his/her private automobile at least eight days in any month on County business shall not receive less than $10 in that month for the use of his/her automobile.

  • Minimum Insurance Requirements Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries or death to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder and the results of that work by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or sub-contractors. Coverage - Coverage shall be at least as broad as the following:

  • System Availability System Availability percentage is calculated as follows:  Total MinutesintheMonth −Downtime   System Availability%age =  Total MinutesintheMonth *100    System Availability SLA (“SLA”) 99.5% System Availability percentage during each Month for productive versions Credit 2% of Monthly Subscription Fees for each 1% below SLA, not to exceed 100% of Monthly Subscription Fees Excluded Downtime Total Minutes in the Month attributable to: (i) a Scheduled Downtime for which a Regular Maintenance Window is described in Section 4 below, or (ii) any other Scheduled Downtime according to Section 4 for which the customer has been notified at least five (5) business days prior to such Scheduled Downtime or (iii) unavailability caused by factors outside of SAP’s reasonable control, such as unpredictable and unforeseeable events that could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised. Scheduled Downtime Scheduled Downtime for the applicable Cloud Services to which customer has subscribed is set forth in Section 4 below entitled “Maintenance Windows for Cloud Services”.

  • Under-Frequency and Over Frequency Conditions The New York State Transmission System is designed to automatically activate a load- shed program as required by the NPCC in the event of an under-frequency system disturbance. Developer shall implement under-frequency and over-frequency relay set points for the Large Generating Facility as required by the NPCC to ensure “ride through” capability of the New York State Transmission System. Large Generating Facility response to frequency deviations of predetermined magnitudes, both under-frequency and over-frequency deviations, shall be studied and coordinated with the NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner in accordance with Good Utility Practice. The term “ride through” as used herein shall mean the ability of a Generating Facility to stay connected to and synchronized with the New York State Transmission System during system disturbances within a range of under-frequency and over-frequency conditions, in accordance with Good Utility Practice and with NPCC Regional Reliability Reference Directory # 12, or its successor.

  • Staff-to-Youth Ratio Requirement For all group activities the AGENCY shall abide by the staff-to-youth ratio range that is between the ratio established by its written policy and procedures and the ratio stated in Section 402.305(4), Florida Statutes. If the staff-to-youth ratio does not meet the minimum standard of care as stated in Section 402.305 (4), Florida Statutes, the AGENCY shall increase staff- to-youth ratios to meet these minimum standards. Section 402.305(4), Florida Statutes, states the minimum staff-to-youth ratio for on-site group activities for children five (5) years of age or older there must be one (1) childcare personnel staff to every twenty-five (25) children; for field trips and other off-site activities, Chapter 65C-22.001, Florida Administrative Code, requires one (1) extra adult, in addition to the on-site requirement. This standard shall be required for all programming paid for with funds under this Contract. The AGENCY will ensure that the staffing pattern is adequate and is adjusted to meet programmatic needs. The AGENCY shall adjust its staffing ratio to meet any ratio update required by Florida Statutes that occurs during the Contract year.

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