MISSING PAYMENTS. Missing payments could have severe consequences including making credit more difficult to obtain. We may take legal action against you if payments are not made. If that action is successful, we may apply to enforce that judgment in a number of ways including getting a charging order against your home which means that, if your house is sold, the amount you owe us can be paid out of the proceeds of sale.
MISSING PAYMENTS. Missing payments could have severe consequences including increasing the cost of your credit, impairing your credit rating which may make obtaining credit more difficult and/or expensive in the future. IMPORTANT - READ THIS CAREFULLY TO FIND OUT ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS Damart, Bowling Green Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx XX00 0XX or by telephone on 0000 0000000 or to xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx. You have the right to repay early in full or in part, or to terminate this agreement by giving written or oral notice and paying off the amount you owe under the agreement. You have the right to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service (see 3.3 overleaf). This is a credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Xxx 0000. Sign it only if you want to be legally bound by its terms. Signature of Customer: Date of Signature: The terms and conditions set out overleaf are incorporated in this agreement TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT
MISSING PAYMENTS. Missing payments could have severe consequences and may make obtaining credit more difficult.
MISSING PAYMENTS. Missing payments could have severe consequences, including the possibility of legal proceedings being brought against you and may result in credit reference agencies being notified which could make obtaining credit more difficult. If we do take legal proceedings against you, we may apply to enforce any judgement that is made in a number of ways including getting a charging order against your home. In exceptional cases, this could lead to your home being repossessed and sold. The following Conditions 12 to 26, together with Conditions 1 to 11 in the main 1I2I3 Credit Card agreement and the Terms for Cashback constitute your credit agreement with us.
MISSING PAYMENTS. 7.1 Missing payments could have severe consequences and make obtaining credit more difficult in the future. We may report any missed payments to a credit reference agency.
7.2 We may also take legal action against you if you do not make payments when they are due. If that action is successful, we may apply to enforce that judgment in a number of ways including getting a charging order against your home or an inhibition if your home is in Scotland. This means that, if your house is sold, the amount you owe us can be paid out of the proceeds of sale.
MISSING PAYMENTS. Missing payments could have severe consequences and make obtaining credit more difficult. We may take legal action against You if payments are not made.
MISSING PAYMENTS. In the exceptional circumstances set out in clause 5.4 below, where you are in serious breach we may pursue you directly for immediate repayment, including our reasonable costs of enforcement. In those circumstances failure to repay could make it more difficult for you to obtain credit in the future and may result in court proceedings against you, including an application for Registered Office: 0000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, XX0 0XX Company Registration No: 11221126 Quanta Law Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under Registration No: 649147 a charging order against your property to secure any judgment debt.
MISSING PAYMENTS. All Device Plan repayments must be paid by either Direct Debit from a UK bank or building society account or by debit card, which we will use to take your repayments on or around the date we agreed. These monthly payments will be separate to your monthly Airtime Plan payments. However, both your Device Plan and Airtime Plan monthly payments will appear on your Vodafone account and as Vodafone on your bank or building society account statement. If you choose to pay by Direct Debit, you must complete a Direct Debit instruction authorising your bank or building society to accept debits for varying amounts, to enable these repayments to be paid.
MISSING PAYMENTS. Missing payments could have severe consequences and may make obtaining credit more difficult. This agreement is not cancellable. This is a Hire Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Xxx 0000. Sign it only if you want to be legally bound by its terms. Signature(s) of Hirer(s) Date(s) of Signature(s) Under this agreement the goods do not become your property and you must not sell them. Acceptance for Europcar Signed: Dated: which is the date of this agreement The personal information you provide to us will be used to consider and process your application and to administer this agreement before, during and after its termination. We will use a credit scoring or other automated decision- making system when assessing your application. The criteria for such credit scoring will be set by us in our absolute discretion. We do not have to disclose the criteria to you. To assist us with our assessment of your application we will search your record with credit reference agencies (‘CRAs’). The CRAs will add details of our search and of your application to your record and your data will also be linked to the data of your spouse, any joint applicants or other financial associates. This information will be seen by other organisations that make searches (ie., it will leave a footprint on your credit profile). We will continue to exchange information about you with CRAs on an ongoing basis. This exchange will include details of this agreement, the payments you make under it, your settled accounts and any debts not fully repaid on time; any default or failure to keep to its terms and any change of address you fail to tell us about where a payment is overdue. This may have an impact on your credit profile. We may also notify the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association. It is important that you give us accurate information. We will also check your details with fraud prevention agencies and if you give us false or inaccurate information and if we suspect fraud, then we will record this. CRAs will share your information with other organisations and it will be used by us and those other organisations to: 1 help make decisions about credit and credit related services such as insurance for you and other persons with whom you are financially connected; 2 trace debtors, recover debt and prevent money laundering and fraud, to manage your accounts. For these purposes we or those other organisations may make further searches. The CRAs and fraud prevention agencies will also u...
MISSING PAYMENTS. 8.1. If you do not make your repayments in full by the due dates, then you could face serious consequences. We may send you a default notice, requiring you to pay any amounts outstanding by a certain date and if you fail to do so, we may terminate the Device Plan and demand payment of the full outstanding balance under this Device Plan.
8.2. It may also result in legal proceedings being issued against you to recover what you owe under this Device Plan. This could result in county court judgment being made against you if you do not make your repayments in full by the due dates. We may also use a debt collection agency to recover payment from you.
8.3. We may also report your default to credit reference agencies. Your default would be recorded on your credit reference file and could be viewed by other lenders and agency users who search your credit reference file. This may make it difficult for you and other members of your household to obtain credit in the future.