Negotiations Teams. Negotiations for the purpose of negotiating a new agreement at the expiration of this agreement shall be by teams designated by each party. A chief negotiator will be identified by each team.
Negotiations Teams. A. The Board, or the designated representative of the Board, will meet with representatives designated by the Association for the purpose of discussing and reaching agreement. Each party shall designate negotiation teams which shall not exceed four (4) in number. All negotiations shall be conducted exclusively between said teams. Neither party shall have the control of the selection of the other party's team members. While no final agreement shall be executed without ratification by the Association and adoption by the Board, the negotiating teams will have the authority to make proposals, consider proposals, and determine items acceptable to both parties involved in negotiations.
B. Up to three (3) consultants may be used by each of the parties in any of the negotiation meetings in an advisory capacity. Each party will give the other at least three (3) work days advance notice of the name and expertise of any consultant who will attend a negotiating meeting. Consultants will not be permitted to enter into discussions unless both parties agree to permit them to address the teams.
C. The expense of such consultants shall be borne by the party requesting or hiring them.
D. Necessary clerical assistance may be provided if both parties agree and, if such is the case, the cost will be shared equally by the Board and the Association.
E. If mutually agreed by the Board and the Association, members of the negotiating committee shall be released from school duties to attend negotiating meetings. Members of the negotiating committee released from duties by mutual agreement shall not suffer any loss of pay. Such meetings shall be scheduled so as not to interfere with normal school schedules whenever possible.
Negotiations Teams. The Board, or designated representative(s) of the Board, will meet with representatives designated by the Association for the purpose of discussion and reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement. All negotiations shall be conducted exclusively between said teams. If an Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB) method is not used, each negotiating team shall be limited to six (6) members, one of whom will be designated the spokesperson for their respective team. Either side may choose to have an Attorney/Consultant at the table as one of the six (6) team members and designated as spokesperson. While no final agreement shall be executed without ratification by the Association and the Board, the parties mutually pledge that their representative shall be clothed with all the necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals and make concessions in the course of negotiations.
Negotiations Teams. Negotiations for the purpose of negotiating a new agreement at the expiration of this agreement shall be by teams designated by each party, not to exceed four (4) people per team plus one (1) observer. A chief negotiator will be identified by each team. An additional member of the Union team shall be a staff representative of WPEA.
Negotiations Teams. Representation shall be limited to not more than six representatives each of the Board and the Association, and these representatives must be named prior to each negotiating meeting.
Negotiations Teams. Negotiating teams consisting of up to nine (9) members each will conduct the negotiations. It will be the responsibility of each team to notify the other of the identity of its active members and of any change in that designation during the course of negotiations. Each team may have an outside negotiations representative.
Negotiations Teams. 4.1.1 The Board and the MCT shall each designate in writing the names of not more than five (5) persons (and two alternates) who shall serve as their respective representatives for negotiations pursuant to the provisions of this agreement. Each party shall also designate the person who will serve as spokesperson
Negotiations Teams. A. The negotiating teams will have the authority to make proposals, consider proposals and reach tentative agreement.
B. It shall be the sole prerogative of the individual parties to determine the structure, roles and/or representatives of their team; however, each team shall have no more than eight members, one from each department. The Association field representative may be a member of the Association team, and he/she may serve as Chief Spokesperson.
C. All negotiations shall be conducted exclusively between said teams.
Negotiations Teams. Each team shall be made up of six (6) people of the party's choice. Each team shall designate a chairperson. In addition, each team shall be permitted to have three (3) observers who will not speak during the bargaining sessions. Negotiations shall be conducted exclusively between said teams.
Negotiations Teams. Each team shall consist of up to five (5) members. Each team shall select their respective representatives. Each team shall be clothed with the authority and responsibility to negotiate for their respective members.