Noise Pollution. The Company agrees that drivers will not be compelled to operate power equipment which creates a noise level in excess of that which is permitted by applicable Government regulations.
Noise Pollution. Activities likely to produce noise during decommissioning include demolition of structures and excavation of pipeline works and structures at the intake areas as well as any staff offices and quarters built on site. Schedule noisy activities during the day time period; Use silencers on machines where possible; Ensure machinery is well maintained to reduce noise emitted.
Noise Pollution. To ensure that the external alarm xxxx does not cause a nuisance as defined by current Noise Pollution legislation from time to time, arrangements must include an automatic device, limiting xxxx noise to 15 minutes and for two key holders to be available within this time [current legislation includes London Local Authorities Xxx 0000, Environmental Protection Xxx 0000, Control of Pollution Xxx 0000 Scotland, Noise and Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxx 0000]
Noise Pollution. The Company agreesthat maintenance employees will not be compelled to operate power equipment which creates a noise level in excess of that which is permitted by applicable Government regulations. In the event of excessive noise levels, appropriate ear protection will be made available on request.
Noise Pollution. 46.3.1 The operator will ensure that there is no amplified music on the site. The use of radios, players, televisions sets is prohibited.
Noise Pollution. Background Condition Action Trigger Action Implementation • 40.0 – 108.6 dB (range at all monitoring sites from 30 October 2001 to 31 January 2002) • During those three months the weighted 24-hour average noise level was 65.9 – 82.2 dB • The 1998 EIS noted that noise was not measured on the Xxxxxxxx Ranch, but anticipated background noise of less than 50 dB which is consistent with undeveloped, rural sites. • These measurements are meant to provide points of reference, not to preclude or trigger action. • Any noise related complaint • Complaint SMC related • SMC initiates investigation to address source of noise pollution • If immediate solution exists • If no immediate solution exists • Conduct noise investigation to ensure noise complaint is related to SMC activities, monitor if necessary, notify oversight committee of complaint and action. • Terminate cause within 24 hours if practical or apply mitigation to reduce noise • Contact Oversight members immediately, conduct internal investigation with SPA involvement, develop plan with timeframes for addressing cause of noise, report on implementation status at next scheduled meeting • Repeated noise related complaints after implementation of identified solution • Contact Oversight members, terminate or reduce cause of noise – or identify phase-two solution • Implement new solution or begin third-party audit plan within 30 days to make recommendations on the recommendation of the oversight committee members • Future planned noise • If planned noise greater than baseline • Defer to GNA oversight committee to develop mitigation plan including implementation of BMPs • A baseline monitoring plan (see Addendum B – Baseline Data, Noise) to monitor noise levels was developed to collect data on background noise and potential noise pollution from the operation and construction of the tailings impoundment facilities. Data on noise levels was collected on and around the Xxxxxxxx Ranch area and other comparison sites. Results of baseline monitoring for all sites are provided in Addendum B – Baseline Data, Noise. • SMC shall implement BMPs during construction and operational activities to minimize noise pollution. Engineering noise reduction practices which may be implemented include: operating procedures such as proper maintenance of mechanical equipment, relocation of machine control systems, and use of noise barriers; administrative controls such as limiting hours of activity, and procurement of reduced-noise equipmen...
Noise Pollution. LLP shall take the following steps to reduce the impact of noise on theAirport and the surrounding residential and commercial communities:
a. Aircraft noise abatement procedures, as provided in Title X b. Allowed hours of operation, as provided in Title X
Noise Pollution. Playing of radios or any instrument deemed an annoyance by SVCFM market management is prohibited.
Noise Pollution. The Contractor shall normally undertake construction work during daytime only (between 7.30 to 18.00 hrs.) and when authorised to work beyond these hours adopt suitable noise control methods during such works. The Contractor shall maintain machines and trucks to keep them with low noise. The Contractor shall install sound barriers and plant tree as appropriate during construction. The Contractor shall monitor the level of noise near the construction site, factory sites and sensitive areas with the following frequency.