PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. A. This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into by and between the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District, hereinafter referred to as the “District,” and the Sacramento Area Fire Fighters, Local 522, AFL/CIO, hereinafter referred to as the “Union.” It is the purpose of this agreement to achieve and maintain harmonious relations between the District and the Union in accordance with the provisions of the California Government Code Section 3500 et. seq. and the District’s resolution pertaining to employer-employee relations.
B. This Memorandum of Understanding shall not be binding on either party until accepted on behalf of the District by motion or resolution of the Board of Directors and signed by the District’s Representative and on behalf of Local 522 by majority vote of the members of the Bargaining Unit, as evidenced by the signature of the Unit Representative on the agreement, and by majority vote of the Executive Board of Local 522, as evidenced by the signature of the Union’s President on this agreement.
C. The agreements contained herein shall pertain only to those employees whose job classifications are included in the Bargaining Unit for which Local 522 had been formally recognized as exclusive representative.
D. It being the intent of the parties that this Memorandum of Understanding set forth all agreements and understandings between the District and the Union pertaining to matters within the scope of representation, all prior agreements and understandings whether formal or informal, written or unwritten, shall be binding upon the parties only to the extent specifically provided for in this Memorandum of Understanding.
E. The District hereby recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining unit for those employees occupying the classification titles listed in the schedule of wages contained herein. Excluded from representation by the Union shall be members of any other bargaining units exclusively recognized by the District and non-safety, part-time, temporary, resident, volunteer, management, and confidential employees of the District. The District agrees to meet and confer and otherwise deal exclusively with the Union on all matters relating to the scope of representation pertaining to represented employees as authorized by law.
PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. A. This Agreement is entered by and between The Regents of the University of California, a corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "University", and the Graphic Communications Union, Local 388M, District Council 2, hereinafter referred to as the "Union".
PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. 4 1.1.1 This Collective Bargaining Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between the 5 SANTA XXXXX JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (herein the “District” or 6 “Employer”) and the SANTA XXXXX JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 7 FACULTY ASSOCIATION/CTA/NEA (herein the “Association”)recognized as the 8 Exclusive Representative pursuant to Chapter 10.7, §3540 through §3549 of Division 4 of 9 Title One of the Government Code (the “Act”) (See Appendix B).
10 1.1.2 This Agreement shall supersede any District rule, policy, regulation , and/or any practice 11 which is contrary to or inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement except MOUs.
PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. 1.1 This Agreement is between Rocklin Unified School District, hereinafter referred to as the “District,” and California School Employees Association and its Local Chapter # 773 (CSEA), hereinafter referred to as the “Union” or the “Association.” The term “the parties” means the District and CSEA.
PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. 1.1 It is the intent and purpose of this Collective Agreement to promote and improve the working and economic relationship between the City and its Para Transpo employees, and to set forth the basic agreement respecting hours of work, rate of wages and other conditions of employment to be observed by the Parties hereto.
1.2 The City recognizes the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 279, Para Transpo Service Delivery Unit, as the sole bargaining agent for all Para Transpo employees of the City employed within the City of Ottawa, save and except supervisors, lead Operators, persons working above the rank of supervisor, office and clerical staff, bus washers, mechanics and store room clerks.
1.3 The Union having been recognized as the sole bargaining agent for these unionized employees of the City, agrees to support and compel observance of all rules and regulations as laid down by the City that are not in conflict with this Collective Agreement.
1.4 In order to maintain good relations and in the interest of both Parties, the City and the Authorized Representative of the Union agree to meet during the period of the Collective Agreement to discuss and settle questions arising out of the interpretation of this Collective Agreement or circumstances unforeseen at the time of negotiations pertaining to the Collective Agreement.
1.5 The contents of any understandings reached in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement will be signed by the Union Executive Board Member and the City Manager or his/her appointed alternatives. Copies of the signed Memorandum will be sent to each of the Parties, and shall form part of this Collective Agreement when signed. All current Memoranda of Agreement are attached to this Collective Agreement.
1.6 Bargaining unit work as defined in this Collective Agreement will normally be performed by employees in the bargaining unit, except in the case of emergencies, instruction, trying out runs, or other mutually agreed upon reasons.
1.7 No other organization will be authorized or permitted to distribute literature, or to solicit in anyway whatsoever, or be permitted to collect union dues on the City's premises.
PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. The Town of Rye, NH, is represented by its Board of Selectmen and hereinafter referred to as the Town. The Professional Firefighters Association of Rye, IAFF, affiliated with The International Association of Firefighters IAFF Local #4411, is certified by the State of NH Public Employees Labor Relations Board and hereinafter referred to as the Association. The Town and the Association enter into this document hereinafter referred to as “AGREEMENT” in order to set forth terms and conditions of employment. The Board recognizes The Professional Firefighters Association of Rye, IAFF, affiliated with the International Association of Firefighters IAFF Local #4411, as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all regular full-time members of the Rye Fire Department (all fire fighters and lieutenants), excluding the Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, professional and confidential employees, persons in a probationary or temporary status, employed seasonally, irregularly or on call, and all other employees of the Town of Rye, as more particularly set forth by order of the New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board (PELRB). Nothing in this AGREEMENT shall deprive or limit the parties to this Agreement in the exercise of any rights and liberties granted them under the laws of the State of New Hampshire or the United States of America. The members of the Association’s bargaining committee who are scheduled to work a tour of duty during negotiations shall be granted time off without loss of pay and benefits for all meetings between the Town of Rye and the Association for the purposes of negotiating the terms of an AGREEMENT.
PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. Section Union Recognition
PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. It is the intent and purpose of this Agreement to promote and improve the industrial and economic relationships between the Company and its employees, and to set forth the basic Agreement respecting hours of work, rate of wages and other conditions of employment to be observed by the Parties hereto. The Company recognizes the National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation General Workers Local as the sole bargaining agency for all employees of the Company, as determined by the certification and agrees to negotiate with the Authorized Representative selected by the Union with the object of effecting a peaceful and amicable settlement of any differences that may arise between the Company and such employees. The Union, having been recognized as the sole bargaining agent for all employees of the Company as determined by the certification dated December and all subsequent classifications that may be created, agrees to support and compel observance of all rules and regulations as laid down by the Company not in conflict with this Agreement. In order to maintain good relations and in the interest of both Parties the Company and the Authorized Representative of the Union agree to meet during the period of the Agreement to discuss and settle all questions arising out of the interpretation of the Collective Agreement or circumstances unforeseen pertaining to the Collective Agreement. The contents of the understanding shall be drawn up in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement and signed by the Accredited Representative of the Union and the General Manager to the Collective Agreement. Upon the signing of these memoranda, copies will be sent to each of the Parties. The Union recognizes the right of the Company to operate and manage its business in all respects in accordance with its and its responsibilities not in conflict with this Agreement. Except in the case of an emergency, no work will be performed by employees in non-scheduled positions, when such work comes within the jurisdiction of the bargaining unit. No other organization will be authorized or permitted to distribute literature or to solicit in any way whatsoever or be permitted to collect Union dues on the premises. During the term of this Agreement, the Union agrees that it will not call, authorize, encourage or support any strike or slow down, and the Company agrees that there will be no lockout. It shall not be a violation of this Agreement when the employees refuse to cross a picket line established at...
PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. The Company does hereby recognize Teamsters Union Local 938 as the exclusive bargaining agent for all members, as defined in Section 1.2.
PREAMBLE AND RECOGNITION. Allied Systems (Canada) Company, does hereby recognize the National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers’ Union of Canada (CAW-Canada) Local Unions and as the exclusive bargaining agent for all em- ployees. as defined in Article .?, employed by the Company hereunder in the Province of Ontario (present and future). When in Quebec, Management will go by the French version of the collective agreement. If there is a dispute of interpreta- tion, the English version shall prevail. Local -Representing all present and future employees in the Province of Quebec (east of Three Rivers). Local Representing all present and future employees in the Province of Quebec west of, and including Three The Company hereinafter referred to as the “Company” is: Allied Systems (Canada) Company. The term “employee” shall mean all employees save and ex- cept xxxxxxx, those above the rank of xxxxxxx, office staff, sales staff, security guards, janitors, watchmen and stockmen who are presently excluded; which janitors and watchmen are used exclusively in these categories of work. Supervisors and foremen including dispatchers and dock supervisors shall not perform any work regularly done by the bargaining unit except the performance of tasks pertaining to their supervisory func- tions. When supervisors, foremen, dispatchers are appointed, a no- xxxx to that effect will be posted and maintained on the bulletin board with an explanation of their management duties.