Noise Barriers. According to the Noise Study Report (NSR), noise impacts at the Southwestern College Higher Education Facility will exceed the Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC) and noise barriers are the only form of abatement considered feasible. The NSR states a noise control barrier of 10 feet in height approximately 591 feet in length would fulfill the criteria of providing a minimum 5-dBA reduction in noise at this location. Implementation of this noise barrier, while technically feasible, would not be reasonable from a cost perspective, and is not included in the Preferred Alternative. Therefore, this mitigation measure will not be implemented. For additional information, see the Noise Abatement Decision Report (NADR), completed in August of 2010 (Attachment M).
Noise Barriers. To comply with 23 CFR 772.13(f) regarding noise abatement measures reporting, files containing correspondence, publications, presentations, installation reports for wall barriers, and design of different types of wall barriers by private industry shall be maintained by TxDOT for a period of 4 years after the end of the Federal fiscal year in which the particular file is closed.
Noise Barriers. This project is a Type I project as defined in Title 23, Part 772 of the Code of Federal Regulations because it includes the addition of through-lanes. A Noise Study Report (Xxxxxx Xxxxx, December 2019) and Noise Study Report Addendum (Xxxxxx Xxxxx, September 2020) have been prepared to assess potential highway noise impacts from the project. Noise barriers in the form of reconstructed sound walls are anticipated for this project, as discussed further in Section 6.8. Noise berms are not required for the project.
Noise Barriers. ADOT agrees to maintain the necessary information to comply with 23 C.F.R. 772.13(f) regarding noise abatement measures reporting. ADOT shall maintain this information for a period of 4 years after the end of the Federal fiscal year in which the project file is closed.
Noise Barriers. A series of noise barriers are proposed along Route 7, Road D2 and the southern link to Victoria Road as part of this Study. These are outlined in detail within Section 5 Noise Impact Assessment. The recommended barriers are extensive and include sections along the entire length of Route 7, together with sections along the internal access roads adjacent to the schools on site 2 and the link road next to site 5. The size and extent of the barriers in the context of the Telegraph Bay Development and Route 7 will comparatively not cause any additional significant increase in the visual impact already caused by the entire development. The existing VSRs in the surrounding areas will suffer impact due to the development as a whole, rather than due to just the noise barriers, which will be primarily obscured by the new buildings and are comparatively small. However, the barriers will be major features of the local townscape along the roadside when viewed from both Route 7 and from the lower levels of the Telegraph Bay development. The barriers should, therefore, be designed as an integral element of the new townscape of the development. They are described in Section 10.6.2 Master Landscape Plan.
Noise Barriers. ODOT agrees to maintain the necessary information to comply with 23 CFR 772.13(f) regarding noise abatement measures reporting. ODOT shall maintain this information for a period of 4 years after the end of the Federal fiscal year in which the project file is closed.
Noise Barriers. The Noise Study Report (NSR) for this project was prepared and approved by Caltrans in February 2017. An addendum to the NSR was completed in October 2019. The Noise Abatement Decision Report (NADR) was approved by Caltrans in February 2017. No addendum to the NADR was needed because the results of the NSR stayed consistent in 2019. The proposed project includes noise barriers, also referred to as sound walls (SW), as part of the improvements. The barriers will be at two locations, Xxxxx Xxxx Trailer Park along Claus Road and Claus Road near Plainview Road. There was no opposition to the proposed noise barriers during the public comment period in 2019.
Noise Barriers. Noise barriers shall be Type III in accordance with the recurring special provisions with the exception that it shall be designed in accordance with 6th Edition AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and subsequent interim specifications.
a. Noise barriers 01, 10 and 12 as shown in the NEPA Documents shall be designed and constructed at the locations and heights shown in report. Any changes to the noise barrier location shall require the Design-Build Contractor to revise the existing noise analysis. The revised noise analysis shall be submitted to IFA and FHWA for approval.
b. Noise barriers shall not be located in the floodway of Sand Creek.
c. The geotechnical evaluation required to design and construct the sound barrier shall be the responsibility of the Design-Build Contractor.
d. Signing details for the sound barriers shall be the responsibility of the Design- Build Contractor.
e. Noise Barrier Fire Hydrant Access Doors in accordance with Section 9.6 shall be placed in sounds walls wherever fire hydrants are located within 400 feet of the edge of shoulder of I-69. The locations of doors include but not limited to the locations noted in the following table: Approximate Station Street Name 362+00 “A” Standing Tree Way 367+70 “A” Cross Roads Lane 369+80 “A” Landmark Trail 373+50 “A” Xxxxx Drive 379+00 “A” Blue Springs Lane 382+20 “A” Blue Sky Drive 506+00 “A” Loyalty Drive