Non-renewal or Termination Sample Clauses
Non-renewal or Termination. Upon any non-renewal or termination of the Master Servicer pursuant to this Section 4.01, the master servicing of the Home Loans hereunder shall be transferred to a successor master servicer in accordance with the terms hereof.
Non-renewal or Termination. Upon non-renewal or termination of this Agreement, VFIN shall provide Company with a written list of parties with whom it has had discussions in connection with any proposed Transaction or Financing. Notwithstanding any such non-renewal or termination, VFIN shall be entitled to the compensation provided under Paragraph 3 with respect to any Transaction or Financing which shall be consummated with any party named on such list within twelve (12) months following such non-renewal or termination.
Non-renewal or Termination. Upon any non-renewal or termination of the Servicer pursuant to this Section 8.29, the servicing of the Mortgage Loans hereunder shall be transferred to a successor servicer in accordance with Sections 8.21 and 8.30 hereof.
Non-renewal or Termination. This Agreement shall be effective as of April 1, 2013 and shall have the term indicated in Section 4.3, supra.
Non-renewal or Termination. For the first three (3) years of professional employment with the district, Professional Employees are considered probationary and may be non-renewed prior to the statutory deadline for any reason. Starting in year four (4) of teaching with the district, Professional Employees shall have earned non-probationary status. At its discretion, the Board may formally grant non-probationary status to any Professional Employee earlier. Non-probationary Professional Employees may be non-renewed for good cause. Good cause is defined as any reason put forward by the administration or board in good faith and which is not arbitrary, irrational, or irrelevant to the board’s task of building up and maintaining an efficient school system. If the nonrenewal is based on other reasons, including disciplinary factors or reduction in force, those separate procedures as outlined in the Master Agreement shall be followed prior to the non-renewal or termination. A Professional Employee who is non-renewed, shall be notified prior to the statutory continuing contract date. If the Professional Employee is non-probationary, the notification shall include the reasons for the nonrenewal. Upon receipt of notice of nonrenewal, the Professional Employee will have ten (10) work days from the receipt of the notice to file a written request for a hearing with the board’s designee. If the non-probationary Professional Employee requests a hearing, the parties shall, within seven work days, select a mutually agreeable hearing officer. If that is not possible, the hearing officer shall be selected by alternately striking names from either the KSDE list or the American Arbitration Association (AAA) list. The hearing shall afford procedural due process which shall include the following:
Non-renewal or Termination. This Agreement shall be effective as of , and shall have the term indicated in Section 4.3, supra.
Non-renewal or Termination. If either "partner" is non-renewed or terminated, the other "partner" must immediately assume full-time teaching duties.
Non-renewal or Termination. 7.1 This Agreement shall be effective on the effective date and, absent early termination pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, shall continue in force until the termination date.
7.2 This Agreement may be terminated by DMS, in whole or as to any contracted product(s) or NDC(s) without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Manufacturer.
7.3 This Agreement may be immediately terminated by either party upon the occurrence of any one of the following events:
(a) A determination by any court of competent jurisdiction or any authorized governmental authority that the arrangements and transactions under this Agreement constitute a violation of any law or regulation including without limitation 42 U.S.C. §1320a- 7b (b) prohibiting illegal remuneration. (For the purposes of this Section, “authorized governmental authority” shall mean any officer or agency of the federal government (e.g., Office of Inspector General, Department of Justice, Department of Health and Human Services) or the Commonwealth of Kentucky having substantive jurisdiction over the subject matter of this Agreement; any state or federal program with which this Agreement is connected; any actions which must be taken by either party hereto in order to perform its obligations under this Agreement or any laws or regulations affecting the legality of this Agreement); or
(b) A modification to 42 CFR §447.504(c) removing or limiting the exclusion of the state supplemental rebate from AMP and/or to 42 CFR §447.505(c) removing or limiting the exclusion of the state supplemental rebate from best price.
7.4 Termination of this Agreement shall have no effect on the rights and obligations of the parties arising out of any transaction occurring prior to the effective date of such termination including, without limitation, state supplemental rebates accrued but not yet paid and/or invoiced.
Non-renewal or Termination. This Contract shall be subject to non-renewal, or termination as follows:
Non-renewal or Termination. At the end of the Charter's initial term, or any renewal term, the Sponsor may choose not to renew or may terminate the Charter for any of the following grounds: Failure to participate in the state's education accountability system, created in §1008. 31, Florida Statutes, and as required under §1002.33, Florida Statutes, or failure to meet the requirements for student performance stated in this Charter, including the incorporated application attached in Appendix I. Should the School receive a grade of "D" or "F" from the Florida Department of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "FDOEFLDOE") in two consecutive years, or in two of four consecutive years, this maywill constitute grounds for termination of the Charter, unless the School qualifies for a waiver pursuant to §1002.33(9)(n)4, Florida Statutes. In the event that the School is not graded by the Department of Education, the Sponsor will calculate the equivalent grade using the state standards. If the School's students' Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (hereinafter referred to as the "FCAT'’) performance is equivalent to a grade of "D" or "F", this may constitute grounds for termination of the Charter. Failure to meet generally accepted standards of fiscal management. Should the charter school portion of the School’s operations end its fiscal year in a deficit for two consecutive years, this may constitute grounds for termination of the Charter. Violation of law. Violation of provisions in the Charter. Other good cause shown.