Non-Teaching Employees. ● Instructional Coach- Instructional Coach for Literacy and AAC ● Occupational Therapist ● Orientation and Mobility Specialist ● Physical Therapist ● Program Consultant for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders ● Program Consultant for Assistive Technology ● Program Consultant for Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing ● Program Consultant for Students who are Visually Impaired ● Program Consultant for Behavioral Support ● Registered Nurse ● School Psychologist ● School Social Worker ● Speech and Language Pathologist ● Transition Coordinator ● Work Study Coordinator
Non-Teaching Employees. (i) Except where this Agreement sets out a different entitlement (in which case that entitlement will apply), non-teaching employees will be entitled to annual leave loading on leave accrued on the following basis:
Non-Teaching Employees. (i) The requirement for notice of termination is provided by the NES for all non-teaching employees.
(ii) A non-teaching employee must give the school notice of termination in accordance with the below table of at least the period specified in column 2 according to the period of continuous service of the employee specified in column 1.
Column 1: Employee’s period of continuous service with the employer at the end of the day the notice is given Column 2: Period of notice
Non-Teaching Employees. Month Employees (Days School is in Session)
Non-Teaching Employees. Period of Continuous Service at the end of the day the notice is given Period of Term Notice 1 year or less 1 week Over 1 year and up to the completion of 3 years 2 weeks Over 3 years and up to the completion of 5 years 3 weeks Over 5 years of completed service 4 weeks One additional week of notice shall be provided to a Non-Teaching Employee who has served at least two years continuous service and is over 45 years of age.
Non-Teaching Employees. The workday for full-time employees with assignments other than classroom teaching will be eight (8) hours exclusive of a meal period. These employees will be compensated at the same rate as they would be if they were assigned to a regular school.
Non-Teaching Employees a. All non-teaching employees shall work a set schedule.
b. The regular work week for full-time, non-teaching staff shall be forty (40) hours, scheduled Monday through Friday, inclusive of (for hourly employees scheduled to work six (6) or more hours in a day), a daily paid forty-five (45)-minute lunch break and one (1) paid fifteen (15)-minute break.
Non-Teaching Employees