Day Shift The standard work day will consist of eight (8) hours worked between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. with a designated thirty (30) minute lunch period. Starting and stopping times to be determined by mutual agreement between the Company and the shop employees.
Night Shift Employees who are required to work at least five-eighths of their normal daily tour of duty after 4:30 p.m. and before 8:00 a.m. shall be paid at the rate of five percent over and above his/her normal biweekly or hourly rate of pay for the entire shift so worked.
Hour Shift A ten (10) hour tour shall be inclusive of an unpaid thirty-seven and one half (37.5) minute meal period and two fifteen (15) minute paid relief periods.
Broken Shifts (a) An employee may agree to work broken shifts at any time; however an employee may be required to work broken shifts in the following circumstances: (i) in homecare; or (ii) in an emergency – including staff absence; or (iii) up to and including a 4 week continuous period for circumstances other than those covered by subclauses 14.4(a)(i) and (ii). (A) Where an employee has served a period of broken shifts in accordance with subclause (iii) the employee shall not be required to serve a further period on broken shifts until he or she has been off broken shifts for a period equivalent to the previous period on broken shifts. (b) A “broken shift” for the purposes of this sub-clause means a single shift worked by an employee that includes one or more breaks in excess of that provided for meal breaks, where the time between the commencement and termination of the broken shift shall not exceed 12 hours. (c) An employee must receive a minimum break of 10 hours between broken shifts rostered on successive days. (d) Where broken shifts are worked, employees shall receive the per shift allowance set out in Item 1 of Table 2 of Schedule B to this Agreement. (e) Payment for a broken shift shall be at ordinary pay with penalty rates and shift allowances in accordance with Clause 18 - Shift and Weekend Work, with shift allowances being determined by the commencing time of the broken shift. (f) All work performed beyond the maximum span of 12 hours for a broken shift will be paid at double ordinary pay.
Time Off Between Shifts Failure to provide the minimum number of hours between the commencement of an employee's scheduled shift and the commencement of such employee's next scheduled shift shall result in payment of one and one-half (1½) times the employee's regular straight time hourly rate for only those hours which reduce the minimum hour period. Where the minimum period is reduced as a result of an approved change of shift(s) requested by the employee(s), such premium payment shall not apply. The minimum number of hours for purposes of this Article shall be determined locally and will be set out in the Local Provisions Appendix.
Shift A full-time shift shall normally consist of a nine (9) consecutive hour time period, determined by the University, of which one hour shall be used for a lunch period without compensation. A one-half hour lunch period may be substituted for the one hour lunch period with prior approval of the supervisor. With the approval of their supervisor and the Human Resources Office, schedules of less than forty (40) hours per week or a shift change may be elected by staff members.
Hour Shifts When the Employer deems it necessary to implement a twelve (12) hour work day, affected employees shall be notified pursuant to Clause 14.05. The following Clauses shall be replaced or added to the Collective Agreement where appropriate.
Afternoon Shift (i) Afternoon Shift is any shift where the normal ceasing time is later than 6.00 p.m. but not later than midnight. (ii) The additional loading for ordinary hours only shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of the all purpose rate applying to the Employees' classification.
Split Shift Except as provided otherwise in paragraph B., below, any employee required to work a split shift shall be paid at a rate of five percent over and above his/her regular biweekly or hourly rate of pay for the entire shift so worked. For purposes of this paragraph “split shift” is defined as any daily tour of duty divided into two work periods of time and taking more than nine and one-half consecutive hours to complete. Individual employees may waive this premium payment.
Work Shift The hours an employee is scheduled to work each workday in a workweek.