OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. 22.0.1 Employees may be required to work hours in excess of the normal hours of work. Such hours shall be considered overtime and must be authorized by the appropriate OOS Manager, or their designee, in advance of such time being worked. 22.0.2 All time worked in excess of the normal work day, regular work week, or on a regularly scheduled day off, shall be considered overtime. 22.0.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of Article 22, an employee who is granted a Casual appointment (in a different job), in addition to their regular full‐time or part‐ time appointment, shall have their hours in their Casual appointment considered for the purpose of calculating overtime entitlement. Hours worked in the Casual appointment beyond the legislated limits (8 hours per day, 44 hours per week) will result in overtime.
OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. 18.1 Where an employee works beyond the standard seven (7) hour day or thirty-five
OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. Employees whose work schedule calls for an eight (8) hour day shall not be required except in case of emergency which is beyond the control of the Company to work more than 4 1/4 hours without a first meal period of thirty (30) minutes and more than five (5) hours without the second and third meal periods. The second and third meal period shall be one-half (1/2) hour on Company time and these meals shall be supplied free of charge by the Company. In cases where there is no meal provided a cash equivalent of $7.00 plus one-half (1/2) hour straight time will be added to his gross earnings for that fiscal week. Where an employee works an overtime shift which results in a nine and one-quarter (9-1/4) hour scheduled shift, they will be eligible for the above meal allowance provisions.
OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. Employees whose work schedule calls for an eight (8) hour day required to work more than four and one-quarter (4 1/4) hours without a first meal period shall be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) their hourly rate for all time worked in excess of four and one-quarter (4 1/4) hours until a meal period is granted.
OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. 14.01 (a) If a nurse is authorized to work in excess of the hours referred to in Article 13.01, the nurse shall receive overtime premium of one and one-half (1½) times the nurse’s basic straight time hourly rate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no overtime premium shall be paid for a period of less than fifteen
OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. The Company will pay an employee reporting for work as required by the Company, unless the employee is unfit to perform his duties or unless he has failed to comply with the H.A.C.C.P. S.Q.F. or Industrial Health Regulations of WCB, his regular wages for the entire period spent at the place of work with the minimum in a day of: (a) Two (2) hours pay whether or not he commences work. (b) Where the employee commences work, four (4) hours pay unless his work is suspended because of reasons completely beyond the control of the Company in which case paragraph (a) applies, except where the employee commences work on his sixth or seventh day of work, an amount not less than two (2) hours pay at the applicable double time (2x) rate. The Company will pay a part time employee reporting for work as required by the Company, his regular wage for the entire period spent at the place of work, with a minimum in any one (1) day of two (2) hours pay whether or not he commences work.
OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. Distribution of Overtime 6.1 Overtime will be distributed as equitably as circumstances will permit amongst the qualified employees in the various operating and occupational groups. 6.2 Overtime rosters will be posted in the various sections of the plant. When overtime is required, it will be offered to the qualified employees in the various operating or occupational groups in the order in which their names appear on their respective rosters. It is understood that overtime offered, whether worked or declined, must be charged to the employee concerned. It is also understood that employees unavailable for any reason will also be charged. 6.3 Overtime in the Production or Supplies areas will be offered to qualified employees from their respective roster, but if insufficient employees are available, the overtime will be offered to qualified employees from other rosters in the division, then plant-wide, keeping in mind section 6.1. Overtime for Maintenance Mechanic(s) will be offered to the Maintenance Mechanic(s) in the department, then to the Maintenance Mechanic(s) plant wide regardless of roster. 6.4 Not all employees who are working on the job(s) that requires overtime at the end of their day or shift need to be taken off such job(s), but the crew or part of the crew may be retained where there will be loss of production or on complicated job(s). If they work out of turn for these reasons, the appropriate hours worked will be registered on their respective roster. 6.5 The following guide-lines will be used in administering the overtime rosters: (a) overtime rosters will be maintained on the basis of hours paid. (b) an employee who indicates he/she will work overtime if no one else is available will be marked for the appropriate hours. (c) an employee on vacation, sick, on suspension, medical restrictions, leave of absence, continuous refusal, bereavement or absent with or without permission, shall be so marked on the roster when it is his/her turn to work. If an employee’s respective roster is exhausted while they are on vacation, then the employee on vacation will be called before a contractor is called in. Employees off on lieu time will be treated the same as employees on vacation for roster administration. (d) The following markings will be noted beside the hours recorded on the roster: W - Worked WQ - Worked Qualified R - Refusal MR - Medical Restriction S - Sick or Suspension L - Leave of Absence A - Absence CR - Continuous Refusal NA - Not Available...
OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. Truck drivers scheduled to work a ten (10) hour shift are entitled to one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular rate of pay once he has worked in excess of ten (10) hours in a day and double (2x) his regular rate of pay once he has worked in excess of twelve (12) hours in a day for any hours exceeding ten (10) hours and twelve (12) hours respectively. Employees scheduled to work a ten (10) hour shift under the provisions of this section, shall be paid ten
OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. All provisions of Article 7 apply except for Section 7.04 which is modified to read as follows: When an employee has completed her/his regular shift and is called back after her/his regular scheduled shift, she/he shall be compensated at time and one-half with a minimum guarantee of three (3) hours at straight time pay.
OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS. 18.1 Where an employee works beyond ten (10) hours per day eighty-two (82) hours in a pay period, the employee shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half the regular rate of pay. Overtime shall be accumulated for all overtime periods in excess of fifteen (15) minutes. 18.2 Overtime may be taken as time off or paid as earned. Time off shall be taken at a time mutually agreeable to the Nurse and the Manager. The parties agree that any remaining banked overtime will be paid out in December. 18.3 Any nursing staff required to work on a weekend (2030 hours Friday - 0800 hours Monday), holiday, vacation day, or on an approved leave of absence, or with less than sixteen (16) hours’ notice, will be credited with a minimum guarantee of four (4) hours or time and one-half actual hours, whichever is greater. 18.4 When a nurse has been offered and accepted a shift, the Health Unit will give at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice of the cancellation of the shift. If less notice is given, the nurse shall be paid four (4) hours’ pay at their normal straight-time rate. Notice will be deemed to have been given in a timely fashion if the nurse is spoken to in person or by telephone or if a message is left on the Nurse’s personal voicemail. Nurses will be responsible for ensuring the employer has their most current personal contact information.