Out-of-Classification Grievances and Position Allocation Hearing Process. A. Definitions
1. An employee is working “out of class” when he/she spends a majority (i.e., more than fifty percent [50%]) of his/her time over the course of at least two (2) consecutive work weeks performing duties and responsibilities associated with a higher level existing classification that do not overlap with the classification in which said employee holds an appointment. Duties that are appropriately assigned to incumbents in the employee’s current classification are not out of class. Duties appropriately assigned are based on the definition and typical tasks enumerated in the California SPB specification. Training and Development assignments are not out-of-class work.
2. For purposes of this section, a classification is at a “higher level” if the maximum salary of the highest salary range (excluding alternate range criteria other than deep class criteria) is any amount more than the maximum salary of the highest range of the class in which the employee holds an appointment.
3. When an employee is performing the duties of a vacant position properly assigned to a higher class or the duties of an absent employee whose position is properly assigned to a higher classification, the employee shall be considered to be working out of class.
B. Authorization and Rate of Pay
1. Notwithstanding Government Code sections 905.2, 19818.8, and 19818.16, an employee may be temporarily required to perform out-of-class work by his/her department for up to one hundred twenty (120) calendar days in any twelve (12) consecutive calendar months when it determines that such an assignment:
a. Is of unusual urgency, nature, volume, location, duration, or other special characteristics; and,
b. Cannot feasibly be met through use of other civil service or administrative alternatives.
2. Departments may not use out-of-class assignments to avoid giving civil service examinations or to avoid using existing eligibility lists created as the result of a civil service examination.
3. When an employee is assigned out-of-class work, he/she shall receive the rate of pay he/she would have received pursuant to Title 2 California Code of Regulations sections 599.673, 599.674, or 599.676 if appointed to the higher classification.
4. Out-of-class work may be discontinued by departments at any time; however, departments may not rotate employees in and out of out-of-class assignments to avoid payment of out-of- class compensation.
5. Out-of-class pay shall not be considered as part of the emplo...
Out-of-Classification Grievances and Position Allocation Hearing Process