Approved Leave of Absence With Pay During Vacation When an employee is qualified for bereavement leave, sick leave or any other approved leave with pay during her vacation period, there shall be no deduction from the vacation credits for such leave. In the case of sick leave, this section shall only apply when the period of illness or injury is in excess of two (2) days and a note from a physician may be required. The period of vacation so displaced shall be taken at a mutually agreed time. An employee intending to claim displaced vacation leave must advise the Employer and provide necessary documentation within seven (7) days of returning to work.
Excused Absences Absences will be excused only under the following circumstances.
Notice of Absence If Tenant plans to leave the Property for 7 (seven) or more consecutive days or expects long, frequent or customary absences, Tenant must notify the Landlord in writing. Tenant hereby agrees that any such absence, whether a singular occurrence or customary, shall not obviate Tenant's obligation to pay timely Rent.
Extended Absences In the event Tenant will be away from the Premises for more than 7 consecutive days, Tenant agrees to notify Landlord in writing of such absence. During such absence, Landlord may enter the premises at times reasonable necessary to maintain the property and inspect for damages and needed repairs.
Approved Leave of Absence During Vacation Where it can be established by the employee through a doctor's certificate that an illness or accident occurred, or where an employee qualifies for bereavement or any other approved leave during his/her period of vacation, there shall be no deduction from vacation credits for such absence. The period of vacation so displaced shall either be added to the vacation or reinstated for use at a later date, at the employee's option, as mutually agreed.
Notification of Absence A unit member shall contact the office of the division xxxx whenever there is a need to be absent and at least thirty (30) minutes prior to missing any work assignment. Should circumstances prohibit this notification, the unit member shall notify the division office in writing within one week of returning to work, providing the reasons why the advance notification was not given.
STAFF ABSENCE a) When CONTRACTOR is an NPS and CONTRACTOR’s classroom teacher is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher in the absent teacher’s classroom in accordance with California Education Code section 56061. CONTRACTOR shall provide to LEA documentation of substitute coverage on LEA substitute teacher log. Substitute teachers shall remain with their assigned class during all instructional time. XXX shall not be responsible for payment for instruction and/or services when an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher is not provided. If a teacher is absent and a non-qualified substitute has been provided, CONTRACTOR will notify the LEA immediately. The LEA will determine how to address the denial of FAPE. b) When CONTRACTOR is a NPA and/or related services provider, and CONTRACTOR’s service provider is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide a qualified (as defined in section eight (8) of this Master Contract and as determined by LEA) substitute, unless XXX provides appropriate coverage in lieu of CONTRACTOR’s service providers. XXX will not pay for services unless a qualified substitute is provided and/or CONTRACTOR provides a mutually agreed upon plan evidencing the provision of “make-up” services by a qualified service provider within thirty (30) calendar days from the date on which the services should have been provided. Provider shall notify XXX immediately of the development of the plan for any missed services that include: 5 or more consecutive days of specialized academic instruction (SAI) or more than 2 weeks of missed related services. CONTRACTOR shall not “bank” or “carry over” make-up service hours under any circumstances, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by CONTRACTOR and XXX.
Reporting Absences Employees are responsible for reporting to work on time on each scheduled work day. When an Employee is absent from work, they will notify their Supervisor or designate by telephone before the beginning of the work period or as soon as practicable. The Employee shall inform their Supervisor or designate of the reason for the absence, the expected time of their return to work and a telephone number where they may be reached in their absence.
Other Leaves of Absence In the event that you are on a bona fide leave of absence, not otherwise described in this definition, from which you have not returned to employment with the Company or an Affiliate, your Separation from Service has occurred on the first day on which your leave of absence period exceeds six months or, if earlier, upon your termination of employment (provided that such termination of employment constitutes a Separation from Service in accordance with the last sentence of the first paragraph of this definition).
Return from Leave of Absence (a) Before a Nurse may return to work from a leave granted under Article 9.00, she or he must provide a minimum of four (4) weeks written notice of the specific date of his or her return to work, or such shorter time as mutually agreed. (b) Upon return from an approved Unpaid Leave of Absence, a Nurse shall be reinstated to her or his former position unless the position has been discontinued, in which case the Nurse shall be appointed to an equivalent position. (c) This clause requiring four (4) weeks written notice, does not apply to other leaves granted by an express provision of this Collective Agreement with different requirements for written notice.