Excused Absences definition

Excused Absences. Parents/guardians are to contact their child’s teachers if their child is going to be absent from school or has been absent from school. Parents/guardians are also to follow the process for reporting absences as outline in the Mater Academy Narcoossee Secondary Parent & Student Handbook The absence notification form located on our website must be completed with supporting documents uploaded to be considered for an excused absence.
Excused Absences means an absence of an entire assigned instructional school day with a reason acceptable to the school administration that is provided by the parent. If circumstances permit, the parent should provide the school administration with the reason for the nonattendance prior to the absence. Examples of an excused absence may include, but are not limited to, the following reasons: funeral, illness (including mental health and substance abuse illnesses), injury, legal obligations, medical procedures, suspensions, religious observances and military obligation. In this regard, the principal or designee will consider the nature of the specific request of the parent, number of prior excused and unexcused absences, past and current grades as well as the student’s discipline record when making decisions about whether to excuse any prearranged absence. Suspended students continue to remain under the provisions of compulsory school attendance as described in § 22.1-254 of the Code of Virginia. An absence from school attendance resulting from a suspension shall be recorded in compliance with 8VAC20-730-30 for the period of the suspension.
Excused Absences are absences approved by department heads. “Inappropriate Patterns of Absence” include set patterns of sick leave use, such as absences which routinely fall the day before or following a day off work (weekends, holidays, scheduled vacation, etc.); or which routinely occur in association with a personal event (example: the day after weekly bowling league participation) or a work event (example: the monthly deadline for a work project).

Examples of Excused Absences in a sentence

  • Excused Absences Excused absences are those where the student was on official school business or when the absence was due to one of the following reasons and the student brings a written statement to the principal or designee upon his/her return to school from the parent or legal guardian stating such reason.

  • Consent agenda items: Excused Absences, Minutes, Treasurer’s Report.

  • Excused Absences Excused absences are those where the student was on official school business or when the absence was due to one of the following reasons:1.

  • Excused Absences A student shall be excused from school for the following reasons: Physical or Mental ConditionThe student is temporarily not in proper physical or mental condition to attend a school program.

  • Excused Absences: An oral or written communication documenting a valid excuse must be received from the student's parents/guardian within one (1) business day of the absence in order for the absence to be excused.

  • The 7217 CW CalWORKs Excused Absences Log is used to track these excused absences and to determine work participation for each individual.

  • The 7024CW CalWORKs Monthly Attendance and Progress Report including information on Excused Absences and Holidays, the SAR7 form completed and signed by the participant with ALL the needed verifications, and Employer’s Statements with the appropriate information are some of the verifications/documentation the County may use to verify actual hours of participation.

  • Leave requests shall be submitted to the Director of Transportation on a “Request for Excused Absences for Hourly Employees” form.

  • Leave requests shall be submitted to the appropriate supervisor on a “Request for Excused Absences for Hourly Employees” form.

  • Excused Absences- Personal Illness- Quarantine of the individual or home- Death in the immediate family- Cancellation of school due to weather or similar emergency- Farm or domestic service emergency permits- Educational trips or tours, as approved by the administration- Religious holidays- Required court appearances- Emergencies that affect the child and are approved by the principalb.

More Definitions of Excused Absences

Excused Absences. School function, Tutor, Family commitment, Medical appointment, or other situations with prior notification to Head Coach.
Excused Absences means an absence of an entire assigned instructional school day with a reason acceptable to the school administration that is provided by the parent. If circumstances permit, the parent should provide the school administration with the reason for the nonattendance prior to the absence. Examples of an excused absence may include, but are not limited to, the following reasons: funeral, illness (including mental health and substance abuse illnesses), injury, legal obligations, medical procedures,
Excused Absences. The ONLY excused absences are those due to illness, injury, medical appointments, death in the family or academic conflicts. In the event of a medical appointment we ask that every effort is made to schedule these appointments around team events and not in conflict with them. Injured players are strongly encouraged to attend practice to observe and participate in whatever way possible. Please contact the coach 48 hours in advance of any excused absence. • Unexcused Absences: Parents/Players must call their coaches promptly if they will miss a game or practice. If a reason is not provided for the players absence in advance (whether or not it is an excused absence as defined above), the absence will be considered unexcused. Following the second unexcused absence, a player may not participate in the upcoming game. Each additional unexcused absence will result in an additional game suspension and may result in the athlete’s dismissal from the team. Players serving a game suspension are strongly encouraged to attend the game in support of their teammates. Under no circumstance is attending the practice or game of a non-St. Xxxxxxx team, which is directly or indirectly in conflict with the school team game or practice, considered an excused absence.
Excused Absences. A student is absent from class due to a UIL school function or illness verified by a doctor's note.

Related to Excused Absences

  • Excused absence means an absence from school that is authorized by the local school administrator or local school corporation rule.

  • Unexcused absence means an absence charged to a student when:

  • Approved Leave of Absence means a leave of absence that has been approved by the applicable Participating Company in such a manner as the Board may determine from time to time.

  • Leave of Absence means absent from work with permission.

  • maternity or paternity leave of absence means, for Plan Years beginning after December 31, 1984, an absence from work for any period by reason of the Employee's pregnancy, birth of the Employee's child, placement of a child with the Employee in connection with the adoption of such child, or any absence for the purpose of caring for such child for a period immediately following such birth or placement. For this purpose, Hours of Service shall be credited for the computation period in which the absence from work begins, only if credit therefore is necessary to prevent the Employee from incurring a 1-Year Break in Service, or, in any other case, in the immediately following computation period. The Hours of Service credited for a "maternity or paternity leave of absence" shall be those which would normally have been credited but for such absence, or, in any case in which the Administrator is unable to determine such hours normally credited, eight (8) Hours of Service per day. The total Hours of Service required to be credited for a "maternity or paternity leave of absence" shall not exceed 501.

  • Medically Necessary Leave of Absence means any change in enrollment at the post-secondary school that begins while the child is suffering from a serious illness or injury, is medically necessary, and causes the child to lose student status for purposes of coverage under the Plan.

  • Authorized leave of absence means an unpaid, temporary cessation from active employment with the Employer pursuant to an established nondiscriminatory policy, whether occasioned by illness, military service, or any other reason.

  • Excused Downtime means the number of minutes in the Charging Period that the LSP is unavailable due to:

  • Period of Severance means a continuous period of time during which an Employee is not employed by the Employer. Such period begins on the date the Employee retires, quits or is discharged, or if earlier, the twelve (12) month anniversary of the date on which the Employee was otherwise first absent from service.

  • Excused Outage means any disruption to or unavailability of Services caused by or due to (i) Scheduled Maintenance,

  • Illness means a sickness or a disease or pathological condition leading to the impairment of normal physiological function which manifests itself during the Policy Period and requires medical treatment.

  • Leave of Absence Without Pay means to be absent from duty with permission but without pay.

  • Authorised absence means that the school has either given approval in advance for a pupil of compulsory school age to be away from the school, or has accepted an explanation offered afterwards as justification for absence.

  • Period of Service means the aggregate of all periods of service commencing with an Employee's first day of employment or reemployment with the Employer or an Affiliated Employer and ending on the first day of a Period of Severance, or for benefit accrual purposes, ending on the severance from service date. The first day of employment or reemployment is the first day the Employee performs an Hour of Service. An Employee who incurs a Period of Severance of twelve (12) months or less will also receive service-spanning credit by treating any such period as a Period of Service for purposes of eligibility and vesting (but not benefit accrual). For purposes of benefit accrual, a Participant's whole year Periods of Service is equal to the sum of all full and partial periods of service, whether or not such service is continuous or contiguous, expressed in the number of whole years represented by such sum. For this purpose, fractional periods of a year will be expressed in terms of days.

  • Leave of absence with pay means to be absent from duty with permission and with pay.

  • Eviction Relief Period means the term of this Agreement.

  • Unplanned Service Interruption means any Service Interruption where events or circumstances prevent the timely communication of prior warning or notice to the Trader or any affected Customer;

  • STIPULATED HOURS OF SERVICE PER DAY means hours of duty per day, normal hours/timings of duty whereof shall be determined by the Company's Engineer for which fixed charge shall be payable.

  • paternity leave means a period of absence from work on leave by virtue of section 80A or 80B of the Employment Rights Act 1996;

  • Recognized Absence means a period for which --

  • Co-curricular activity means an activity, course, or program that:

  • Sickness means an illness or disease diagnosed or treated by a Physician.

  • Hours of Service means hours to be credited to an Employee under the following rules:

  • Interruption Period shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5 hereof.

  • Catastrophic illness or “injury” means an illness or injury that is expected to incapacitate the employee for an extended period of time, or that incapacitates a member of the employee’s family which incapacity requires the employee to take time off from work for an extended period of time to care for that family member, and taking extended time off work creates a financial hardship for the employee because he or she has exhausted all of his or her sick leave and other paid time off.

  • Paid leave means time away from work by an employee for which the employee receives compensation. Paid leave is limited to sick time, vacation time, compensatory time, and leave that is provided as an aggregate amount for use at the discretion of the employee for any of these purposes. Paid leave does not include paid short-term or long-term disability, catastrophic leave, or similar types of benefits.