STAFF ABSENCE Sample Clauses
STAFF ABSENCE a) When CONTRACTOR is an NPS and CONTRACTOR’s classroom teacher is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher in the absent teacher’s classroom in accordance with California Education Code section 56061. CONTRACTOR shall provide to LEA documentation of substitute coverage on LEA substitute teacher log. Substitute teachers shall remain with their assigned class during all instructional time. XXX shall not be responsible for payment for instruction and/or services when an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher is not provided. If a teacher is absent and a non-qualified substitute has been provided, CONTRACTOR will notify the LEA immediately. The LEA will determine how to address the denial of FAPE.
b) When CONTRACTOR is a NPA and/or related services provider, and CONTRACTOR’s service provider is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide a qualified (as defined in section eight (8) of this Master Contract and as determined by LEA) substitute, unless XXX provides appropriate coverage in lieu of CONTRACTOR’s service providers. XXX will not pay for services unless a qualified substitute is provided and/or CONTRACTOR provides a mutually agreed upon plan evidencing the provision of “make-up” services by a qualified service provider within thirty (30) calendar days from the date on which the services should have been provided. Provider shall notify XXX immediately of the development of the plan for any missed services that include: 5 or more consecutive days of specialized academic instruction (SAI) or more than 2 weeks of missed related services. CONTRACTOR shall not “bank” or “carry over” make-up service hours under any circumstances, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by CONTRACTOR and XXX.
STAFF ABSENCE. When CONTRACTOR is a nonpublic school and CONTRACTOR’s classroom teacher is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher in the absent teacher’s classroom in accordance with California Education Code section 56061. CONTRACTOR shall provide to LEA documentation of substitute coverage on substitute teacher log. Substitute teachers shall remain with their assigned class during all instructional time. XXX shall not be responsible for payment for instruction and/or services when an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher is not provided. When CONTRACTOR is a nonpublic agency and/or related services provider, and CONTRACTOR’s service provider is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide a qualified (as defined in section seven (7) of this agreement and as determined by LEA) substitute, unless XXX provides appropriate coverage in lieu of CONTRACTOR’s service providers. It is understood that the parent of a student shall not be deemed to be qualified substitute for their student. XXX will not pay for services unless a qualified substitute is provided and/or CONTRACTOR provides documentation evidencing the provision of “make-up” services by a qualified service provider within thirty (30) calendar days from the date on which the services should have been provided. CONTRACTOR shall not “bank” or “carry over” make up service hours under any circumstances, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by CONTRACTOR and authorized LEA representative.
STAFF ABSENCE. When CONTRACTOR is a NPA and/or related services provider, and CONTRACTOR’s service provider is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide a qualified (as defined in Section 7 of this agreement and as determined by LEA) substitute, unless XXX provides appropriate coverage in lieu of CONTRACTOR’s service providers. It is understood that the parent of a student shall not be deemed to be a qualified substitute for their student. XXX will not pay for services unless a qualified substitute is provided and/or CONTRACTOR provides documentation evidencing the provision of “make-up” services by a qualified service provider within thirty (30) calendar days from the date on which the services should have been provided. CONTRACTOR shall not “bank” or “carry over” make up service hours under any circumstances, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by CONTRACTOR and authorized LEA representative.
STAFF ABSENCE. When CONTRACTOR is a NPA and/or related services provider, and CONTRACTOR’s service provider is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide a qualified (as defined in Section 7 of this agreement and as determined by LEA) substitute, unless XXX provides appropriate coverage in lieu of CONTRACTOR’s service providers. It is understood that the parent of a student shall not be deemed to be a qualified substitute for their student. XXX will not pay for services unless a qualified substitute is provided and/or CONTRACTOR provides documentation evidencing the provision of “make-up” services by a qualified service provider within thirty (30) calendar days from the date on which the services should have been provided. CONTRACTOR shall not “bank” or “carry over” make up service hours under any circumstances, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by CONTRACTOR and authorized LEA representative. It is understood that all employees, subcontractors, and volunteers of any certified NPS/A shall adhere to the customary professional and ethical standards when providing services. All practices shall only be within the scope of professional responsibility as defined in the professional code of conduct for each profession as well as any LEA professional standards as specified in Board policies and/or regulations when made available to the CONTRACTOR. For services provided on a public school campus, sign in/out procedures shall be followed by NPS/A providers working in a public school classroom along with all other procedures for being on campus consistent with school and district policy. Such policies and procedures shall be made available to the CONTRACTOR upon request. It is understood that the public school credentialed classroom teacher is responsible for the instructional program. CONTRACTOR providing services outside of the student’s school as specified in the IEP shall ensure that at least one parent of the child or an adult caregiver with written and signed authority to make decisions in an emergency is present during provision of services. The names of any adult caregiver other than the parent shall be provided to the LEA prior to the start of any home-based services, including written and signed authorization in emergency situations. The adult caregiver cannot also be an employee or volunteer associated with the NPS/NPA service provider. All problems and/or concerns reported by CONTRACTOR to parents or guardians, in either verbal or written form, shall be reported to the LEA.
STAFF ABSENCE. When CONTRACTOR is a nonpublic school and CONTRACTOR’s classroom teacher is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher in the absent teacher’s classroom in accordance with California Education Code section 56061. CONTRACTOR shall provide to LEA documentation of substitute coverage on LEA substitute teacher log. Substitute teachers shall remain with their assigned class during all instructional time. XXX shall not be responsible for payment for instruction and/or services when an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher is not provided. If a teacher is absent and a non-qualified substitute has been provided, CONTRACTOR will notify the LEA immediately. The LEA will determine how to address the denial of FAPE. When CONTRACTOR is a nonpublic agency, and CONTRACTOR’s service provider is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide a qualified (as defined in section eight (8) of this Master Contract and as determined by LEA) substitute, unless LEA provides appropriate coverage in lieu of CONTRACTOR’s service providers. XXX will not pay for services unless a qualified substitute is provided and/or CONTRACTOR provides a mutually agreed upon plan evidencing the provision of “make-up” services by a qualified service provider. This plan must be submitted within ten (10) school days of the initial provider’s absence. CONTRACTOR shall not “bank” or “carry over” make up service hours under any circumstances, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by CONTRACTOR and XXX.
STAFF ABSENCE. When CONTRACTOR is a nonpublic agency and/or related services provider, and CONTRACTOR’s service provider is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide a qualified (as defined in Section 7 of this agreement and as determined by LEA) substitute, unless XXX provides appropriate coverage in lieu of CONTRACTOR’s service providers. It is understood that the parent of a student shall not be deemed to be a qualified substitute for their student. XXX will not pay for services unless a qualified substitute is provided and/or CONTRACTOR provides documentation evidencing the provision of “make-up” services by a qualified service provider within forty-five (45) calendar days from the date on which the services should have been provided. CONTRACTOR shall not “bank” or “carry over” make up service hours under any circumstances, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by CONTRACTOR and authorized LEA representative.
STAFF ABSENCE. When CONTRACTOR is a nonpublic school and CONTRACTOR’s classroom teacher is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher in the absent teacher’s classroom in accordance with California Education Code section 56061. CONTRACTOR shall provide to LEA documentation of substitute coverage on LEA substitute teacher log. Substitute teachers shall remain with their assigned class during all instructional time. XXX shall not be responsible for payment for instruction and/or services when an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher is not provided. If a teacher is absent and a non-qualified substitute has been provided, CONTRACTOR will notify the LEA immediately. The LEA will determine how to address the denial of FAPE.
STAFF ABSENCE. OPERATION OF INTERNAL INSURANCE SCHEME The scheme only applies to staff funded via the schools delegated budget and excludes extended services provision or staff engaged as a result of terminating a contract for services with another Council department e.g. caretaking/cleaning, grounds maintenance. Schools which choose to buy this service will incur a charge relating specifically to this service. HR RESPONSIBILITIES To process claims for reimbursement of costs relating to staff absences in accordance with the agreed internal insurance scheme HR to forward completed claims to Finance Section for appropriate accounting entries SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES To complete and submit the prescribed claim form in accordance with the scheme conditions NB: The reimbursement of costs will be made providing the school ensure they implement appropriate management actions as required by the Council’s Attendance Management policy. 11. SUPPLY STAFF ADMINISTRATION (NON-AGENCY) SCHOOLS MUST NOT ALLOW SUPPLY STAFF TO COMMENCE EMPLOYMENT BEFORE ALL RELEVANT CHECKS ARE COMPLETED AND NOTIFICATION OF THIS IS CONFIRMED. The process of clearing supply staff will only commence once the schools provide the Supply Clearance Form (Appendix E) to HR together with an application form and 2 satisfactory references. HR RESPONSIBILITIES Receive requests for clearances for supply work via the school Provide advice regarding relevance of engagement via contract Relevant documentation provided to applicant Instigate relevant checks as outlined in section 5. To undertake salary assessments for supply teachers Confirm clearances have been received both to the individual and the school Calculate and pay holiday entitlement SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES Provide completed Supply Clearance Form application form and two satisfactory references at least 4 weeks in advance of the proposed start date
STAFF ABSENCE. In the event of an absence by any member of the Staff, the Provider shall make arrangements for an appropriate substitute at its own expense. Substitutes must meet District and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction requirements.
STAFF ABSENCE. Whenever a classroom teacher employed by CONTRACTOR is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher in the absent teacher’s classroom in accordance with California Education Code section 56061. CONTRACTOR shall provide to LEA documentation of substitute coverage pursuant to the LEA Procedures. Substitute teachers shall remain with their assigned class during all instructional time. XXX will not pay for instruction and/or services unless said instruction or service is provided by an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher. CONTRACTOR may not provide coverage for an absent teacher by combining two classes when doing so would violate the maximum student to staff ratios defined in Section 24.