Compensation Schedule Except as otherwise provided herein, employees shall be compensated within the pay range assigned to the classification of the position in which they are employed and in accordance with the pertinent conditions of employment enumerated in this Agreement. Sec. 503 REGULAR PAY DAY: Employees shall be paid on or about the Friday following the end of the biweekly payroll period.
Salary Schedule The salaries of employees covered by this agreement are set forth in the salary schedule in Appendix A which is attached to and incorporated into this agreement.
Salary Schedules (a) The salary schedules shall be incorporated into this Agreement as Appendix V. (b) Salary schedules will contain Career Enhancement/Growth steps as described in Section 45.6.
Vacation Schedule 1. Vacation periods shall be fixed by the Employer to suit the requirements of his business, but as far as possible and practicable, vacations will be given during the summer months, and for employees with school-age children, during the school vacations. Vacation periods shall be unbroken unless by mutual consent between Employer and employee, or where it is impractical. Grievances relating to this Section shall be subject to the Adjustment and Arbitration Procedure in this Agreement. 2. Time off, based upon service in the Industry Vacation Plan, may be granted to an employee by mutual agreement between the Employer and the employee. The Employer shall not be required to give time off based upon service under the Industry Vacation Plan. However, if such additional industry vacation time off is granted to an employee, such time off shall be counted as time worked for the purpose of computing the employee's earned vacation benefits on his next anniversary date of employment.
Part-time Vacation Pay If the Employer currently has the computer systems’ capability to implement bi- weekly vacation pay, they shall do so by the start of the next vacation year or earlier. Those Employers with no computer capability will endeavour to implement bi- weekly vacation pay if there is no significant administrative burden, by the start of the next vacation year or earlier. If the Employer does not so implement, it will provide reasons in writing to the Union. Where possible without extensive programming changes, the amount of vacation pay will be separately identified on the pay stub.
Vacation Schedules Employees shall submit their vacation requests to the supervisor on or before: (a) December 11th for the period January 1st through April 30th; and (b) April 1st for the period May 1st through December 31st. An employee who does not exercise his/her seniority rights by the cut-off dates stipulated above, shall not be entitled to exercise those rights in respect to any vacation time previously selected by an employee with less seniority. Vacation schedules, once approved by the Employer, shall not be changed, other than in cases of emergency, except by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer.
Part-Time Nurse is a Nurse hired to a position to work on a regular or temporary basis that is less than the work period of a Full-Time Nurse.
Schedule of Benefits The Schedule of Benefits lists your expected Out-of-Pocket costs for Benefits and Prescription Drugs covered under the Plan.
Form of Compensation Compensation for overtime shall be paid except where, upon request of the Employee, and with the approval of the Employer, or its representative, overtime may be granted in the form of time off in lieu of overtime hours worked.
Part-Time Benefits time employee shall receive in lieu of all fringe benefits (being those benefits to an employee, paid in whole or in part by the hospitals, as part of direct compensation or otherwise, including holiday pay, save and except salary, vacation pay, standby pay, call-in pay, responsibility pay, jury and witness duty, bereavement leave, and pregnancy and parental supplemental unemployment benefits) an amount equal to 14% of his regular straight time hourly rate for all straight time hours paid. For part-time employees who are members of the Hospital's pension plan the percentage in lieu of fringe benefits is twelve percent (12%).