Partial Month Service Sample Clauses

Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Service Unit is added to or deleted from the CONTRACTOR’s Service Area, the CONTRACTOR’s billing shall be pro-rated by dividing the monthly rate for the service provided to the Service Unit by four (4) and multiplying the result by the number of actual weeks in the month that service was provided to the Service Unit.
Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Service Unit is added to or deleted from Contractor’s service area, the Contractor’s billing shall be pro-rated based on the daily rate (monthly rate multiplied by 12 months and then divided by 365 days). The daily rate is assessed for the actual number of days the account was serviced.
Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Service Unit is added to 1071 or deleted from CONTRACTOR’S Service Area, the CONTRACTOR’S billing shall be pro- 1072 rated based on the weekly service rate (the weekly service rate shall be the service rate 1073 established in Exhibit 1 divided by the number of actual weeks in the month that collection 1074 service was provided to the Service Unit). 1075 Delinquent Service Accounts. The CONTRACTOR 1076 shall report to the Town Representative, on a monthly basis, all SFD Service Recipients who 1077 have received Collection Service and whose account is over ninety (90) days past due, and 1078 all MFD and Commercial Service Recipients whose account is over forty-five (45) days past 1079 due. The CONTRACTOR may take such action as is legally available to collect or cause 1080 collection of such past due amounts, including ceasing the provision of Collection Services 1081 to any Service Unit due to non-payment. 1082 4.01.3 Invoice Method. CONTRACTOR will make available to the Service 1083 Recipient an option and means to receive CONTRACTOR invoices by mail (hardcopy 1084 invoices) or email (electronic invoices). The CONTRACTOR will bi-annually advertise 1085 invoice method to all Service Recipients. 1086 4.01.4 Payment Methods. CONTRACTOR shall provide the means for 1087 Service Recipients to pay bills in person, over the phone or online with the following 1088 payment methods: cash, checks, e-check, credit cards, CONTRACTOR website, online 1089 payment systems or automatic withdrawal from Service Recipient bank account. Online 1090 payment methods shall be password protected, PCI Compliant, and comply with state and 1091 federal law protecting the privacy of Service Recipient credit information. At TOWN’s 1092 request, CONTRACTOR shall provide evidence of such security certifications and advise 1093 TOWN of CONTRACTOR’S security measures implemented for on-line payment. 1094 4.01.5 Billing Inserts. TOWN may provide educational and other material 1095 provided by the Town or a third party to CONTRACTOR for inclusion in the paper or 1096 electronic invoices provided by CONTRACTOR to Service Recipients for Collection 1097 Services, Town partnerships, Town programs or Town-sponsored Events up to one (1) time 1098 per Agreement Year. CONTRACTOR shall not charge TOWN for the inclusion of additional 1099 educational or other materials in the invoices. 1100 4.02 Service Recipient Rate Elements. Service Recipient Rates shall consist of 11...
Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Service Unit is added 11 to or deleted from CONTRACTOR’s Service Unit list, the billing for such Service Unit shall 12 be pro-rated as follows: (1) if the Service Unit was eligible to receive SFD Recycling 13 Service for at least sixteen (16) calendar days during the month, CONTRACTOR shall be 14 compensated for that Service Unit at the full monthly rate set out in Exhibit 1; and (2) if the 15 Service Unit was eligible to receive SFD Recycling Service for less than sixteen (16) 16 calendar days during the month, CONTRACTOR shall not be compensated for that 17 Service Unit for that month.
Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Service Unit is added to or deleted from
Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Service Unit is 25 added to or deleted from CONTRACTOR’s Service Unit list, the billing for such Service
Partial Month Service. If a customer is added to or deleted from Contractor’s City area during a month, the Contractor’s billing shall be pro-rated based on the weekly service rate (weekly service rate shall be the service rate established in Exhibit B divided by the number of actual weeks in the month that service was provided to the customer).
Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Residential Service Unit is added to or deleted from CONTRACTOR’S Service Area, the CONTRACTOR’S billing to the DISTRICT shall be pro-rated by dividing the appropriate monthly Collection Service Rate established in Exhibit 1 by four (4) and multiplying the result by the number of actual weeks in the month that service was provided to the Residential Service Unit.
Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Customer is added to or deleted from 1781 CONTRACTOR’S service area, the CONTRACTOR’S billing shall be pro-rated based on the 1782 weekly service rate (the weekly service rate shall be the service rate established in Exhibit 1 1783 divided by four (4)) times the number of actual weeks in the month that service was provided to 1784 the Customer. 1785 12.05 Low Income Discount. CONTRACTOR shall provide to those SFD Customers 1786 who can demonstrate to CONTRACTOR that they receive assistance under PG&E’s California 1787 Alternative Rates for Energy Program (CARE) as it currently exists and is administered, a 1788 discount of twelve and one-half (12.5) percent discount on their monthly Collection Service rate.
Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Service Unit is added to or deleted from 1093 Contractor’s Service Area, Contractor shall pro-rate billing to the Service Recipient on a weekly basis, 1094 meaning one-fourth of the applicable rate found in Exhibit 1 multiplied by the number of weeks of service 1095 provided by Contractor.