Pavement Sample Clauses
Pavement. The combined surface course, base course, and subbase course, if any, considered as a single unit.
Pavement. Carriageways should be paved with cement concrete or asphalt concrete. However, Class III may be paved with double bituminous treatment. The pavement of many road sections in the Asian Highway member countries is damaged owing to insufficient load capacity. The design load for pavements should therefore be determined carefully to prevent damage to the road surface and consequently to reduce maintenance costs. However, road pavements should be designed taking into account:
(a) Axle load;
(b) Traffic volume;
(c) Quality of materials to be used for basecourse and subgrade (as the quality of road construction materials varies from country to country, the pavement load specification was not included in the Asian Highway standards).
Pavement. One or more layers of specified material of designed thickness at the top of the pavement structure.
Pavement. The existing asphalt pavement shall be excavated to full depth off the existing road and bridge. The RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement) shall be transported and stockpiled by the Contractor at the Department’s Charlottetown Storage Yard. The unit bid price for the above listed shall be full compensation for the work. No additional compensation shall be provided. Note that the Contractor shall confirm with the Department, prior to starting any asphalt excavation activities, the extent of excavation required.
Pavement. Delete paragraph 7 and insert the following paragraphs 7A to 7F:
Pavement. Identify length and location of pavement to be demolished. 3.
Pavement. The City warrants that the City’s pavement, curbing or other driving surface or any right of way reasonably necessary for the Service Provider to provide the Services described herein are sufficient to bear the weight of all of the Service Provider’s equipment and vehicles reasonably required to perform such Services. The Service Provider will not be responsible for damage to any such pavement, curbing, driving surface or right of way, except to the extent resulting from the Service Provider’s negligence or willful misconduct.
Pavement. The existing asphalt pavement shall be excavated to full depth off the existing road. The RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement) shall be transported and stockpiled by the Contractor at the Department’s Charlottetown Storage Yard. The unit bid price for the above listed shall be full compensation for the work. No additional compensation shall be provided. Note that the Contractor shall confirm with the Department, prior to starting any asphalt excavation activities, the extent of excavation required.
Pavement. Structures, including bridges, retaining walls, major culverts, and building alterations (limited to establishing basic concepts, accommodating clearances and stream flow, and estimating costs). Bridge investigative work (inspection, deck coring, etc.) is covered under Section 2. • Drainage. • Maintenance responsibility. • Maintenance and protection of traffic during construction. • Soil and foundation considerations. • Utilities. • Railroads. • Right-of-way acquisition requirements. • Accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists and the disabled. • Lighting.
Pavement. Maintain and repair pavement and subgrade from face of curb to face of curb (excluding parking lanes, drainage structures, intakes, manholes, public or private utilities, sanitary sewers and storm sewers).