PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY. All employees while serving as jurors, either in Grand Jury or Petit Jury, shall receive regular compensation from the City on an hour-for-hour basis. In order to receive such compensation under the provision of this section, the employees shall surrender to the City Auditor all compensation received while serving as jurors.
PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY. 64.1 All patrolmen while serving as jurors, either in Grand Jury or Petit Jury, or as are subpoenaed to testify before a court of competent jurisdiction or before an administrative agency of the Federal, State or City government, shall receive regular compensation from the City. In order to receive such compensation under the provision of this section, the employees shall surrender to the City Auditor all compensation received while serving as jurors or acting as subpoenaed witnesses. The Auditor is hereby authorized to deposit such compensation to the proper departmental fund.
PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY. Supervisors who are required to serve on jury duty will receive full salary during the period of such service, subject to their prompt remittance to the Board of an amount equal to the compensation paid to them for such jury duty.
PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY. Payment of benefits in this Article shall be made no later than the second payday after the employee has met the requirements of 23.1 (b) of this Article.
PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY. The Employee may receive the Employee’s regular hourly rate of pay for jury service and only when the Employee’s jury service occurs on the Employee’s scheduled workday. An Employee who receives a notice to appear for jury service shall notify the appointing authority without delay. If, after reporting for jury duty, the Employee is dismissed for the day, the Employee shall return to work if time permits. This payment will be prorated based on the Employee’s percentage of employment. An individual employed less than 50 percent of the workweek will not receive payment for jury service.
PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY. School medical inspectors who are required to serve on jury duty will receive full salary during the period of such service, subject to their prompt remittance to the Board of an amount equal to the compensation, if any, paid to them for such jury duty.
PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY. Full-time seniority employees who are required by proper court order or summoned to be absent from work in connection with jury duty will be paid the difference between the gross fee he received from the court and the earnings he would have received for a regular scheduled eight (8) hour shift, had the employee not been required to be absent from work. Employees called for jury duty and released by the court with less than four
PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY shall be the difference between the daily base rate of pay of the employee and the daily Jury Duty fee paid by the Court.
PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY. An employee impaneled on a jury and/or performing active jury duty shall receive his/her regular pay less jury pay. An employee called for jury duty shall be permitted the necessary time off to answer the jury panel requirements, but shall return to work immediately after dismissal by the court. It is the responsibility of the employee to notify his/her supervisor of the call for jury duty prior to reporting for such duty.
PAYMENT FOR JURY DUTY. 23.3.1 This clause applies if:
(a) in accordance with clause 3, an Employee is absent from his or her employment for a period because of jury service; and
(b) the Employee is not a casual Employee.
23.3.2 Subject to sub-clauses 23.3.3, 23.3.4 and 23.3.5, the Company must pay the Employee at the Employee’s normal rate of pay for the Employee’s ordinary hours of work in the period.
23.3.3 The Company may require the Employee to give the Company evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person:
(a) that the Employee has taken all necessary steps to obtain any amount of jury service pay to which the Employee is entitled; and
(b) of the total amount (even if it is a nil amount) of jury service pay that has been paid, or is payable, to the Employee for the period.
23.3.4 If, in accordance with sub-clause 23.3.3, the Company requires the Employee to give the Company the evidence referred to in that sub-clause:
(a) the Employee is not entitled to payment under sub-clause 23.3.2 unless the Employee provides the evidence; and
(b) if the Employee provides the evidence – the amount payable to the Employee under sub-clause 23.3.2 is reduced by the total amount of jury service pay that has been paid, or is payable, to the Employee, as disclosed in the evidence.
23.3.5 If an Employee is absent because of jury service in relation to a particular jury service summons for a period, or a number of periods, of more than 10 days in total:
(a) the Company is only required to pay the Employee for the first ten days of absence; and
(b) the evidence provided in response to a requirement under sub-clause 23.3.3 need only relate to the first ten days of absence; and
(c) the reference in sub-clause 23.3.4(b)to the total amount of jury service pay as disclosed in evidence is a reference to the total amount so disclosed for the first ten days of absence.
23.3.6 Jury service pay means an amount paid in relation to jury service under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory, other than an amount that is, or that is in the nature of, an expense-related allowance.
23.3.7 Jury service summons means a summons or other instruction (however described) that requires a person to attend for, or perform, jury service.