Payment of Long Service Leave Sample Clauses
Payment of Long Service Leave a. Employees will be paid long service leave at the base rate of pay received by the employee immediately before taking long service leave.
b. Where a public holiday falls within a period of long service leave, the day will be paid as a public holiday and not as long service leave.
Payment of Long Service Leave. (a) Permanent Employees will receive 35 AAH (or pro rata for GREs) for each week of long service leave.
(b) PGEs will be paid 35 hours at average grade composite rate for each week of long service leave.
(c) GWEs will receive their average weekly hours for each week of long service leave paid at their average grade composite rate, calculated in accordance with Clause 37.9.7.
Payment of Long Service Leave. 13.1. Payment of long service leave is based on the calculation of leave available (see clause 12.1 above) and the full pay to which the employee is entitled in his or her appointed position.
Payment of Long Service Leave. 28.5.1 Long service leave granted with pay shall be paid at the employee’s ordinary rate of pay.
28.5.2 Provided that, where the length of service prescribed in this clause includes periods of less than full-time service including prior service recognised under Clause 28.3 calculation and payment of such periods of service shall be on a pro rata basis.
28.5.3 At the request of the employee, the whole or part of long service leave may be taken at half pay for a period equal to twice the whole or part of the period.
28.5.4 The above amount shall be payable fortnightly except that, on the request of the employee, the amount may be paid in a lump sum at the commencement of the leave.
28.5.5 Payment to an employee during long service leave shall be adjusted to include any variation in salary which occurs during the leave period.
Payment of Long Service Leave. 30.4.1. While on long service leave the employer will continue to pay the employee using the same method and frequency as if the employee was not on long service leave.
30.4.2. Payment to an employee for, or in lieu, of long service leave includes:
a) salary;
b) salary maintenance if the employee is receiving salary maintenance;
c) any additional payment payable for a temporary assignment where the assignment has continued for a period of at least 12 months before the commencement of the leave; and
d) any annual allowance payable to the employee, which the employer determines should be included other than:
(i) any payment of overtime, commuted overtime or shift work allowances;
(ii) any travelling or transport allowance; and
(iii) any allowance which is a reimbursement of an expenditure.
Payment of Long Service Leave. 36.4.1. Long service leave granted with pay shall be paid at the Employees Ordinary rate of pay, as defined. Provided that where the length of service prescribed in this sub-clause includes periods of less than full time service, (including prior recognised service), calculation and payment of such periods of service shall be on a pro rata basis.
36.4.2. At the request of the Employee and with the approval of Westernport Water, the whole or part of the Long Service Leave may be taken at half pay for a period equal to twice the whole or part of the period.
Payment of Long Service Leave. Upon application by an Employee and on recommendation from their supervisor / Operations Manager, the General Manager may approve the taking by the Employee of:
Payment of Long Service Leave. (a) Long service leave granted with pay shall be paid at the employee’s ordinary rate of pay, as defined under the Long Service Leave Act 1992 (Vic).
(b) Payment for the leave shall be on the same basis as when the employee works, except where by agreement of both the employee and the VIS, the amount is paid in a lump sum at the commencement of the leave, or in any other agreed manner.
(c) Payment to an employee during long service leave shall be adjusted to include any variation in salary which occurs during the leave period.
Payment of Long Service Leave. Long service leave shall be paid at the employee’s ordinary rate of pay.