Leave Period Sample Clauses
Leave Period. Sabbatical leave may be granted for a period of not less than one (1) full semester nor for more than one (1) year. Sabbatical leave may be taken in separate six (6) month periods rather than for a continuous one (1) year period, provided the leave for both of the separate six (6) month periods shall begin and end within a three (3) year period. The six (6) month periods shall fall within the semester dates as indicated in the District calendar. The intervening periods of service between split sabbatical leave semesters shall count toward the service required for a subsequent sabbatical leave. In these circumstances, the fall semester of the year of application for a subsequent sabbatical leave shall count toward the service required for that subsequent sabbatical leave. Applications for sabbatical leaves for the following academic year must be filed with the college president by the end of the first full week of classes in the spring term.
Leave Period. The terms of a leave under the Plan will be as agreed between the Member and the Company, subject to other terms and conditions of the Plan. As defined, the Leave Period shall be either six (6) consecutive months or one year. The Leave Period shall commence immediately after the Contribution Period, but nevertheless, no later than six (6) years from the start of the Contribution Period. Through the Leave Period, the Member will not receive any current salary or wages from the Company, or from any other person or partnership with whom the Company does not deal with at arm's length, other than the amount of salary or wages that were deferred during the Contribution Period, and any retroactive adjustments for applicable periods prior to the leave. There are six Leave Period options for Members. The options are as follows: The Leave Period is for 12 months. The Contribution Period is for 24 months with deferral at 33 1/3%. The salary deferral begins with July 2002 block month and terminates with June 2004 block month. The Leave Period commences with January 2005 block month and terminates with December 2005 block month. The Leave Period is for 6 months (January to June block months). The Contribution Period is for 12 months with deferral at 33 1/3%. The salary deferral begins with July 2002 block month and terminates with June 2003 block month. The Leave Period begins with January 2004 block month and terminates with June 2004 block month. The Leave Period is for 6 months (July to December block months). The Contribution Period is for 12 months with deferral at 33 1/3%. The salary deferral begins with July 2002 block month and terminates with June 2003 block month. The Leave Period begins with July 2003 block month and terminates with December 2003 block month. The Leave Period is for 12 months. The Contribution Period is for 36 months with deferral at 25%. The salary deferral begins with July 2002 block month and terminates with June 2005 block month. The Leave Period begins with January 2006 block month and terminates with December 2006 block month. The Leave Period is for 6 consecutive months (January to June block months). The Contribution Period is for 18 months with deferral at 25%. The salary deferral begins with July 2002 block month and terminates with December 2003 block month. The Leave Period begins with January 2004 block month and terminates with June 2004 block month.
Leave Period. (Benefits Structuring) During the leave period, any benefits related to the rate of wages shall be structured according to the rate of wages the participant would have received immediately prior to the leave had they not been in the Plan.
Leave Period. Maternity leave shall be granted for a period of time, which shall allow a maximum of 1 year following birth or adoption. However, the employee may resume her job as soon as she and her doctor agree she is physically qualified. On request, renewal of leave may be granted for up to 2 additional years.
Leave Period. The parental leave shall consist of a period not exceeding 37 weeks. This leave period commences, as the employee elects: • on the expiration of the maternity leave taken by the employee or the employee’s spouse. • on the day the child is born, or on the day the child comes into the actual care and custody of the employee. • on the expiration of leave without pay taken by the employee’s spouse (who has less than six months of continuous service) on account of her pregnancy. • in the case of an adoption, on the day the child comes into the actual care of the employee. Maternity and parental leave are normally to be taken in one continuous period. However, if the child is kept in the hospital for an extended period following the mother’s discharge, the parental leave may commence when the child comes into actual care and custody of the parents. The total amount of parental leave taken by both parents (if both are under the jurisdiction of the Canada Labour Code) in respect of the same birth shall not exceed 37 weeks.
Leave Period. Sabbatical leave may be granted for a period of not less than one (1) semester nor more than two (2) semesters. A sabbatical leave shall fall within the semester dates as indicated on the District calendar.
Leave Period. The leave period shall be one (1) school year, from the commencement of school in August or September to June of the following calendar year.
Leave Period. The leave will start on the date on which the employee must report to the court, as identified in the summons, and will run until the date on which the court discharges the employee from service. It does not include:
1. time during which the employee is excused or discharged by the court for an indefinite period subject to recall by the court; or
2. time during which the employee is excused or discharged for one (1) or more days or for a substantial part of a day (more than five [5] hours).
Leave Period. Xxxxx Xxxx will use her best efforts to ensure that Your involvement in the Course is not interrupted by external events. However, unexpected life events do happen, such as sickness or other personal matters, that are outside the control of any Party. Therefore, this clause has been designed to facilitate flexibility should an unexpected issue arise that is outside the control of Xxxxx Xxxx.
(a) Xxxxx Xxxx may, at its sole discretion, alter the Term to include a leave period (Leave Period) where Xxxxx Xxxx will be unable to provide the Services.
(b) If Xxxxx Xxxx is required to include a Leave Period, You will be advised and the Term will be adjusted accordingly. You will be notified by Xxxxx Xxxx of the new completion date and other relevant changes to details.
(c) Xxxxx Xxxx will not be responsible for any loss, or Your inability to continue the Services once they are recommenced, based on Xxxxx Xxxx’x need to take a Leave Period.
Leave Period. Compassionate Care Leave shall be without salary for a maximum period of eight (8) weeks.