PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS. All payments and settlements we make are payable from our Home Office. We may require that this contract be returned before payments and settlements are made.
PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS. The Headset Solution does not directly facilitate payments for Merchandise sold through Retailer’s Store to Retailer and/or Supplier, and does not otherwise disburse funds on behalf of, or to, Supplier (“Payments”). Supplier must establish a merchant processing account and agree to applicable terms (“Merchant Processing Terms”) with Headset’s financial institution partner (“Bank”) in order to receive payments from Retailers, as the case may be, and therefore to participate in the Headset Solution and the Services. Bank will process payments due to Supplier, from Retailers, in accordance with the Merchant Processing Terms. Headset is not a party to the Merchant Processing Terms or any other agreement between Supplier and Bank. Pursuant to instructions provided to the Bank by Headset, the Bank will, as applicable, either (a) Process purchase transactions on behalf of Suppliers and settle funds directly to the Supplier, less any applicable commission percentages and fees; (b) allocate amounts due and payable to Suppliers in connection with purchase transactions of Supplier Merchandise processed on behalf of the applicable Retailer; or (c) facilitate disbursements on behalf of Retailers to Suppliers for purchase transaction amounts for Supplier Merchandise, less any applicable commission percentages and fees.
3 .1. The rent rate for the Object is defined in rubles and at the moment of the Agreement conclusion it amounts to constitutes as follows: -within a period of time from 01.02.2010 till 28.02.2010 [CONFIDENTIAL PORTION OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO A REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT]
PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS. First National shall credit an Account with income, maturity, and redemption payments on payment date for domestic securities held in book-entry form. First National shall charge for purchased securities on contractual settlement date, and credit proceeds from securities sales on contractual settlement date, regardless of delivery date, for domestic securities held in book-entry form.
3.1. The rent rate for the Object is defined in rubles and at the moment of the Agreement conclusion it amounts to constitutes as follows: -within a period of time from 01.02.2010 till 28.02.2010 [CONFIDENTIAL PORTION OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO A REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT] - within a period of time from 01.03.2010 till 31.03.2010 [CONFIDENTIAL PORTION OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO A REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT] - within a period of time from 01.02.2010 till 31.03.2010 [CONFIDENTIAL PORTION OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO A REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT] The monthly rent rate for the Object of 55.1 square meters is: - within a period of time from 01.02.2010 till 28.02.2010 [CONFIDENTIAL PORTION OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO A REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT] - within a period of time from 01.03.2010 till 31.03.2010 [CONFIDENTIAL PORTION OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO A REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT]
3.2. The Lessor has the right to change the amount of the rent rate defined in paragraph 3 .1. of the present Agreement in a unilateral order at his own discretion and this decision should be indisputable. In such a case the Lessor notifies the Lessee about change of the rent rate in written and the Lessee effects payment in accordance with terms stipulated in p.3.
PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS. 4.1. The calculation of the lease fee and other payments hereunder shall commence as of 1 September 2013.
4.2. The Lessee shall undertake to pay to the Lessor for the Property specified in Paragraph 1.1 hereof each month the Lease Fee in the sum of LTL 31,50 for 1 sq.m. plus VAT which amounts in total LTL 15 000,00 (fifteen thousand Litas, 00 ct) per month. In case the law and/or regulations of legislation establishes other amount of VAT and/or other fees and/or other equivalent payments related to the subject matter of this Agreement, the Lessee shall have to pay newly established VAT and/or other fees and payments. The lease fee specified herein is established based on the provision that official Litas and Euro exchange rate amounts to LTL 3,4528 for EUR 1 on a day of signing of this Agreement. If mandatory Litas and Euro exchange rate established by the Bank of Lithuania for the commercial banks on a day of payment differs from the one as of the day of signing of this Agreement, on a day of payment the said lease fee shall be paid of such amount that having it converted to Euros on that day the amount in Euros would be the same as the lease fee converted in Euros according to the exchange rate of the day of signing of this Agreement. The Parties agree that the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor LTL 30 000,00 (thirty thousand Litas) plus VAT of the lease fee advance payment within 14 days as of the day of signing of this Agreement. The paid advance payment shall be considered as the lease fee for the last months of the lease.
4.3. The Parties agree that if the consumer price index established and published by the Department of Statistics of the Republic of Lithuania, hereinafter CPI, increases by more than 3 (three) percentage points from the day of execution of this Agreement or the last recalculation of such index, the lease fee shall be recalculated in proportion to CPI change percentage. Recalculated fee amount shall be applicable as from the beginning of the calendar year following the year on which such recalculation was performed.
4.4. The lease fee shall be paid for the past month until the 10th day of the following month against an invoice furnished by the Lessor.
4.5. The Parties agree that the Lessee shall not enter into the direct services agreements with the companies providing utility services (heating, electricity, water, gas, etc.) and undertake to pay directly to the Lessor all the fees for actually used heating, electricity, water, gas in t...
PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS. 6.1. The User may deposit to and withdraw funds from the User Account using the features of the System. However, the User may be subject to verification procedures both by the Company or by a banking institution before processing such a deposit or withdrawal in accordance with the Company’s or the banking institution’s KYC Policy, and the transfer may be suspended or delayed until completion of the procedures.
6.2. The User is not entitled to deposit funds to or withdraw funds from his or her User Account using third party bank accounts.
6.3. Unless the Parties agree otherwise or in order to comply with Applicable Law, the Company shall only accept a request for a withdrawal of funds from an Account that is given directly by the User or the User’s duly appointed representative. The Company shall not accept any request for a withdrawal of funds from a User Account from any other person.
PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS. The User may deposit to and withdraw funds from the User Account using the features of the System. However, the User may be subject to verification procedures both by the Company or by a banking institution before processing such a deposit or withdrawal in accordance with the Company’s or the banking institution’s KYC Policy, and the transfer may be suspended or delayed until completion of the procedures. Card payments are processed by Company’s partner – UT Exchange OÜ, company, registered with the laws of Estonia at Peterburi tee , Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx. The User is not entitled to deposit funds to or withdraw funds from his or her User Account using third party bank accounts. Unless the Parties agree otherwise or in order to comply with Applicable Law, the Company shall only accept a request for a withdrawal of funds from an Account that is given directly by the User or the User’s duly appointed representative. The Company shall not accept any request for a withdrawal of funds from a User Account from any other person. WiWtheduraswe caolsokoief sfutondmsafkreoUmTtEhXewUosrkear’nsdAtoccaonualnytzewtirlal ffionc.lyBybebropwroscinegssed by the Company User’s funds deposited to the User Account, unless (subject to the Company’s prior approval) the User has notified the Company in writing that his or her payment details have changed The User is at all times responsible for charges applicable to depositing funds to the User Account and withdrawing funds from the User Account that may be imposed by third parties, including bank transfer fees, and fees to internet and telephone service providers. Any profit received by the User in relation to using the System shall be credited to the User Account. The Company is entitled any time and without a prior notice, to set-off any positive balances on the User Account or any funds due to the User from the Company against any funds due to the Company from the User. Subject to the Applicable Law, the Company is entitled to perform such set-off prior to any other Transactions ordered by the User.
PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS. 4.1. Payment shall be made in advance in accordance with the invoice issued, within 1 (one) day from the date of its issuance. Transaction expenses on the sender’s side are to be paid by the Carrier, transaction expenses on the recipient’s side are to be paid by the Customer. - aircraft de-icing if it’s necessary; - additional crew proceedings and any additional landings; - re-routes; - demurrage or flight hours - any additional catering order; - use of in-flight telephone, internet, Wi-Fi or ground transportation (if applicable).
4.2. Transportation shall be considered fully paid upon the transfer of the necessary sum on the Carrier’s account.
4.3. According to this contract the total cost of include the services delivered in the airports and in a way, including: aircraft insurance and third party liability costs fuel cost ground handling airport fees aircraft parking costs operational costs of aircraft provision catering aircraft technical support costs pilots’ and stewards’ salaries aircraft maintenance costs air navigation services crew any other costs relating to organization of the flight aircraft charter.
4.4. The total cost excludes Ground transportation, royalties, non-objection fees, visas, government fees and taxes, customs duties which if levied will be charged to the Carrier.
PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS. Settlements between Parties will be made annually. The term of provision of services shall be divided into annual periods during which the Licensee may make use of the components.