– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. The Licensee shall provide annual funding to the Issuing Authority for PEG Access Channel operating support or other PEG Access Channel costs and expenses (“PEG Access Support”) in the amount of four percent (4.0%) of Licensee's annual Gross Revenue, subject to the limitation in Section 6.2; provided however, that the percentage shall increase to five percent (5.0%) of annual Gross Revenue on and after October 1, 2020 if the Town notifies Verizon in writing no less than sixty (60) days before such date that Charter Communications will also be obligated to pay the Town as of that date five percent (5.0%) for PEG Access Support under its cable television renewal license with the Town; and provided further, that if the Town issues or renews any cable licenses after the Effective Date that provide for a lower percentage of PEG Access Support, then the percentage of the Licensee’s PEG Access Support payments shall be reduced to match such lower percentage over that same time period. The Issuing Authority shall place Licensee’s PEG Access Support payments in a restricted account for cable related purposes in the nature of a grant account and not into the general fund, which account will be under the Issuing Authority’s control. The Licensee shall provide annual funding to the Issuing Authority for PEG Access Channel operating support or other PEG Access Channel costs and expenses (“PEG Access Support”) in the amount of four percent (4.0%) of Licensee's annual Gross Revenue, subject to the limitation in Section 6.2; provided however, that the percentage shall increase to five percent (5.0%) of annual Gross Revenue on and after October 1, 2020, if as of that date Charter Communications is also obligated to pay the Town five percent (5.0%) for PEG Access Support under its cable television license with the Town; and provided further, that if the Town issues or renews any cable licenses after the Effective Date that provide for a lower percentage of PEG Access Formatted: Legal3_L3, Left, Outline numbered + Level: 3 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.5" + Indent at: 0" Support, then the percentage of the Licensee’s PEG Access Support payments shall be reduced to match such lower percentage over that same time period. The Issuing Authority shall place Licensee’s PEG Access Support payments in a restricted account for cable related purposes in the nature of a grant account and not into the general fund, which account will be un...
– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. (a) Licensee shall provide a Franchise Fee to the Issuing Authority, or its designee, for PEG Access purposes, equal to five percent (5%) of its Gross Annual Revenues, less applicable License Fees and assessments from any state or other governmental agencies. Said Franchise Fee shall be used for salaries, operating and other expenses related to PEG Access programming operations, equipment and/or facilities. Said five percent (5%) Franchise Fee shall be made to the Issuing Authority, or its designee, on a quarterly basis. The first payment shall be made on November 15, 2021 for the period of the Effective Date through September 30, 2021. Quarterly thereafter, Licensee shall provide payments each February 15th, May 15th, August 15th and November 15th based on revenues from the previous calendar quarter.
– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. The Franchising Authority, or its designee, shall use the funding provided by Franchisee in Section 9.3 for salaries, operating and other related expenses related to PEG Access programming operations, equipment and/or facilities.
– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. Upon written request of the Town to activate a PEG channel under Section 13.1.1 of the Franchise Agreement, Xxxxxxxxxx agrees to meet with the Town to discuss the implementation of a fee to be paid to the Town as capital support for PEG access (the “PEG Fee”), provided, however, Franchisee shall not be required to pay a higher PEG Fee than any other wireline video provider in the Town. Payments of any PEG Fee agreed upon shall be made quarterly and shall be due forty-five (45) days after the close of each first, second and third calendar quarter (i.e., May 15, August 15, November 15) and sixty (60) days after the close of the calendar year (last day of February). Any PEG Fee shall be used by the Town exclusively for capital support of the Town’s PEG Channel. The Town acknowledges that Franchisee has the right under federal law to treat the PEG Fee as an external cost, and to pass that costs through to Subscribers. Within forty-five (45) days of the end of the fiscal year, the Town shall provide Franchisee with an annual report documenting any use of PEG Access Support during the previous year. In the event that such funds were used in contravention of the limitations herein, Franchisee’s PEG Access Support obligation going forward shall be reduced by an equivalent amount.
– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. (a) As of the Effective Date of this Renewal License, the Issuing Authority or its designee shall assume all functions relative to PEG Access programming. The Issuing Authority will notify the Licensee in writing if the Town designates another entity to be responsible for PEG Access programming. (b) Licensee shall provide an annual payment to the Town, or its designee, for PEG Access purposes, equal to five percent (5%) of its Gross Annual Revenues, less applicable License Fees. Said annual payments shall be used for, among other things, salary, operating and other related expenses connected to PEG Access programming and operations. Said annual five percent (5%) PEG Access payment shall be made to the Town, or its designee, on a quarterly basis. The first payment shall be made on May 15, 2004 for the period of January 17, 2004 through March 31, 2004. Quarterly thereafter, Licensee shall provide payments each February 15th, May 15th, August 15th, and November 15th based on revenues from the previous calendar quarter. Said payments may be passed through to Town subscribers pursuant to applicable law. If requested to do so in writing by the Issuing Authority, the Licensee will provide payments to the designee as identified by the Issuing Authority in subsection (a).
– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. (a) No later than December 31, 2004, the Issuing Authority shall establish an Access Corporation to operate PEG programming. Commencing January 1,2005, the Licensee shall no longer be responsible for PEG Access programming within the Town and the Town shall no longer have use of the Licensee Peabody Studio. (b) Effective January 1, 2005, Licensee shall commence PEG Access support by providing an annual payment to the Town, or its designee, for PEG Access purposes, of three percent (3%) of its Gross Annual Revenues, less applicable state and local License Fees. Said annual payments shall be used for, among other things, salary, operating and other related expenses connected to PEG Access programming and operations. Said annual three percent (3%) PEG Access payment shall be made to the Town, or its designee, on a semi-annual basis. The first payment shall be made on August 15, 2005 for the period of January 1, 2005 through June 30, 2005. Semi-annually thereafter, Licensee shall provide payments each August 15, 2005 and February 15th based on revenues from the previous six-month calendar year. Said payments may be passed through to Town subscribers pursuant to applicable law. In addition to these percentage payments the Licensee will provide annually a flat payment of Twenty Three Thousand ($23,000). The first payment will be made on January 15, 2005 for the calendar year 2005. These annual payments will continue through the term of the license with the final payment of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred ($11,500) being made on January 15, 2014 to reflect the prorated period of January 1. 2014 through June 30, 2014. (c) Licensee shall provide a total capital grant of One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($160,000) to the Town, or its designee, to be used for the purchase of PEG Access equipment and or facilities. . Licensee reserves the right to pass through the capital grant to Town subscribers in accordance with applicable law. All equipment purchased with these funds will be owned, operated and maintained by the Town. Said grant, shall be paid by Licensee as follows: (i) Within Seventy Five (75) days of the Effective Date of this Renewal License, One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000); and (ii) On or before July 1, 2007, Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000); and (iii) On or before July 1, 2008, Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000);
– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. (a) Licensee shall provide a Franchise Fee to the Issuing Authority, or its designee, for PEG Access purposes, in years one (1) and two (2), equal to two percent (2%) of its Gross Annual Revenues less applicable License Fees and assessments from any state or other governmental agencies and in years three (3) through ten (10), equal to two and one half percent (2.5%) of its Gross Annual Revenue less applicable License Fees and assessments from any state or other governmental agencies. Said Franchise Fee shall be used for salaries, operating and other expenses related to PEG Access programming operations. Said Franchise Fee percentage shall be made to the Issuing Authority, or its designee, on a quarterly basis. The first payment shall be made on May 15, 2020 for the period of January 1, 2020 through March 31, 2020. Quarterly thereafter, Licensee shall provide payments each February 15th, May 15th, August 15th and November 15th based on revenues from the previous calendar quarter. The final payment shall be made on February 15, 2030 for the period of October 1, 2029 through December 31, 2029.
– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. Licensee shall provide a Franchise Fee to the Issuing Authority, or its designee, for PEG Access purposes, equal to five percent (5%) of its Gross Annual Revenues, less applicable License Fees and assessments from any state or other governmental agencies. Said Franchise Fee shall be used for salaries, operating and other expenses related to PEG Access programming operations, equipment and/or facilities. Said five percent (5%) Franchise Fee shall be made to the Issuing Authority, or its designee, on a quarterly basis. The first payment shall be made on November 15, 2020 for the period of August 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020. Quarterly thereafter, Licensee shall provide payments each February 15th, May 15th, August 15th and November 15th based on revenues from the previous calendar quarter. The final payment shall be made on November 15, 2030 for the period of July 1, 2030 through July 31, 2030. The five percent (5%) franchise fee shall be paid as follows: (i) Three and three-quarters percent (3.75%) to the Access Provider and (ii) One and one-quarter percent (1.25%) to the Issuing Authority for cable-related municipal technology purposes.
– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. Upon written request of the Town to activate a PEG channel under Section 13.1.1 of the Franchise Agreement, Xxxxxxxxxx agrees to meet with the Town to discuss the implementation of a fee to be paid to the Town as capital support for PEG access (the “PEG Fee”), provided, however, Franchisee shall not be required to pay a higher PEG Fee than any other wireline video provider in the Town. Payments of any PEG Fee agreed upon shall be made quarterly and shall be due forty-five
– PEG ACCESS SUPPORT. (a) Licensee shall provide a Franchise Fee to the Issuing Authority, or its designee, for PEG Access purposes, equal to five percent (5%) of its Gross Annual Revenues, less applicable License Fees and assessments from any state or other governmental agencies. Said Franchise Fee shall be used for salaries, operating and other expenses related to PEG Access programming operations, equipment and/or facilities. Said five percent (5%) Franchise Fee shall be made to the Issuing Authority, or its designee, on a quarterly basis. The first payment shall be made on May 15, 2021 for the period of the effective date through March 31, 2021. Quarterly thereafter, Licensee shall provide payments each February 15th, May 15th, August 15th and November 15th based on revenues from the previous calendar quarter. The final payment shall be made on May 15, 2031 for the period of January 1, 2031 through February 28, 2031. April 1, 2021 $13,300 April 1, 2022 $13,300 April 1, 2023 $13,300 April 1, 2024 $13,300 April 1, 2025 $13,300 April 1, 2026 $13,300 April 1, 2027 $13,300 April 1, 2028 $13,300 April 1, 2029 $13,300 December 1, 2030 $13,300 (b) The Licensee shall provide capital funding to the Issuing Authority or its Access Designee for capital costs for public, educational or governmental (PEG) access facilities (the “PEG Access Capital Funding”) in the amount of One Hundred Thirty Three Thousand Dollars ($133,000) on or before the below referenced dates, as follows: