Permit Coverage Sample Clauses
Permit Coverage. The permit will identify all covered species. The permit will take effect for listed covered species at the time the permit is issued. The permit will take effect for an unlisted covered species upon the listing of the species.
Permit Coverage. The Permits will identify all Covered Species. The Permits will take effect for listed Covered Species at the time the Permits are issued.
Permit Coverage. The ITP will identify all Covered Species. The ITP will become effective for Covered Species that are Listed Species at the time the ITP is issued.
Permit Coverage. The Permit will identify all Covered Species. The Permit will take effect for listed Covered Species at the time the Permit is issued. Subject to compliance with all other terms of this Agreement, the Permit will take effect for an unlisted Covered Species upon the listing of such species. Any reference in this Agreement or in the HCP to incidental Take or Take of Covered Species shall, for the purpose of Covered plant Species include loss or impacts to Covered plant Species identified in the Permit.
Permit Coverage. 1. Who is eligible to be covered under this general permit?
2. What does the NPDES general permit for EPOs cover?
3. What constitutes a discharge from an EPO?
(a) Any addition of any pollutantor combination of pollutants to waters of the United States from any point source, or
(b) Any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants to the waters of the contiguous zone or the ocean from any point source other than a vessel or other floating craft which is being used as a means of transportation. This definition includes additions of pollutants into waters of the United States from: surface runoff which is collected or channeled by man; discharges through pipes, sewers, or other conveyances owned by a State, municipality, or other person which do not lead to a treatment works; and discharges through pipes, sewers, or other conveyances, leading into privately owned treatment works. This term does not include an addition of pollutants by any indirect discharger. For example at EPOs discharges of pollutants (manure and/or process wastewater) include, but are not limited to, the following discharges that reach waters of the U.S.: " Contaminated runoff from stock piled manure and feed; " Overflow from manure storage facilities, including secondary containment; " Discharges via ground water that has a direct hydrologic connection to surface waters, " Discharges associated with land application of manure and/or wastewater activities under the control of the EPO operator not in compliance with Minimum Requirement 9 in Table III.A, in Part III.A, including discharges to ground water that has a direct hydrologic connection to surface waters; " Manure and/or wastewater discharges from retention ponds, manure storage facilities, or lagoons, including secondary containment; " Discharges of manure and/or wastewater due to pipe breakage or equipment failure; " Leaks or seepage from retention ponds, manure storage facilities, lagoons to ground water that has a direct hydrologic connection to surface waters; " Discharge of pollutants from dead bird or nonedible egg handling and storage; and " Spills or leakage from the poultry houses or the pit under the poultry houses.
Permit Coverage. The Section 10(a) Permit will identify all Covered Species. The Permit will take effect for FESA listed Covered Species at the time that the Section 10(a) Permit is issued. For currently Unlisted Species, the Permit will take effect when such species are Listed.
Permit Coverage. “No Surprises” Assurances
Permit Coverage. The Permits will identify the Covered Species. The Permits will take effect to authorize incidental take by each Permittee for listed Covered Species upon the Effective Date of that Permit. Each Federal Permit will take effect for a nonlisted animal Covered Species upon the listing of such species. The State Permit will take effect for a nonlisted animal Covered Species upon the Effective Date of the State Permit. Because take of listed plant species is not prohibited under the ESA and therefore is not authorized under the Federal Permits issued by USFWS, plant Covered Species are listed on the Federal Permits issued by USFWS in recognition of the conservation measures and benefits provided for such plant species under the BRCP.
Permit Coverage. The Permit will identify the Covered Species. The Permit will take effect to authorize incidental take by Permittee for listed Covered Species upon the Effective Date. The Permit will take effect for an unlisted animal Covered Species upon the listing of such species. Because take of listed plant species is not prohibited under the ESA and therefore is not authorized under the Permit, plant Covered Species are listed on the Permit in recognition of the conservation measures and benefits provided for such plant species under the TU MSHCP. Any reference in this Agreement or in the TU MSHCP to incidental take of Covered Species shall, for the purpose of incidental take authorized under the Permit, refer solely to species other than plants on the Covered Species list. The incidental take authorized under the Permit may be extended by Permittee to holders of Certificates of Inclusion issued by Permittee.
Permit Coverage. The Permits issued by the Services will identify all of the Covered Species within their respective jurisdictions. The Permits will take effect for Listed Covered Species at the time the Permits are issued. Subject to compliance with all other terms of this Agreement, the Permits will take effect for an Unlisted Covered Species upon the Listing of such species, without the need for further action by the Services. Coverage of the Permits extend to the identified Covered Activities conducted on the Covered Lands, including activities with impacts occurring outside of the Covered Lands. The mitigation measures in the NFHCP address, and the NFHCP analyzes, such effects within the context of the overall NFHCP mitigation program.