Personal Freedom 20.1 The personal life of an Employee is not an appropriate concern for the attention of the Board except as it may directly inhibit the Employee from performing properly his/her assigned functions during the workday.
Personal Business Leave Unit members shall receive a total of three (3) work days per year with no loss in salary that may be used for personal business. Unit members employed on or after February 1 shall receive one (1) work day of personal business leave. Effective July 1, 2006, unused personal business leave days may be accumulated up to no greater than five (5) days. On July 1 of each year any personal business days in excess of five (5) will be converted to sick leave days. Personal business leave may be requested, with at least three (3) work days advance notice, through the appropriate principal or department head who shall not require a reason for the leave. If, however, an unforeseen circumstance requires the member’s absence which could not be approved three days in advance, the reason for the absence shall be stated and the principal or department head may, at his/her discretion, approve the absence as a day of personal business leave. Personal business leave may be denied when, in the judgment of the principal or supervisor, the member’s absence would impair the educational process. Personal business leave shall not be taken immediately before or immediately after a holiday or weekday when school is closed on the master calendar, or on an in-service day for teachers, or at the beginning (first five scheduled work days) or the end of the school year (last five scheduled work days). If, however, a circumstance requires the member’s absence on one or more of the foregoing days, the member may request use of personal business leave through the principal. The principal or supervisor may, at his/her discretion, approve the absence as a day of personal business leave. In normal circumstances a member shall not use more than three (3) consecutive personal business days at one time. Exceptions to the foregoing restrictions on days to be used for personal business leave may be made by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources for circumstances which require the member’s absence on these days.
Personal Belongings Tenant agrees not to leave any personal belongings (including lawn furniture) in the parking areas, common halls, sidewalks, lawn areas or other common areas of the apartment community.
Personal File Any employee or owner operator shall be allowed to inspect his or her own personal file in the presence of the Company, during normal business hours. Any Officer of the Union, acting on behalf of the Employee, may inspect an employee or owner operator’s disciplinary file, with the written authorization from the employee or owner operator.
Personal/Xxxxx’s Leave 7.3.1 All full time employees shall be entitled to accrue paid personal / xxxxx's leave on the basis of 10 days per year (or pro-rata thereof for any period less than one year). Part-time employees are entitled to a pro-rata benefit. Paid personal / carer's leave is cumulative. 7.3.2 All accrued personal leave shall be available for use as carer's leave in accordance with the provisions outlined below. 7.3.3 As part of its commitment to provide a family-friendly workplace, the employer will allow employees to use any amount of accrued personal /xxxxx's leave to enable employees to: (a) provide primary care to partners, children and/or other household or family members. (b) attend the funerals of family or household members or close family relatives (if compassionate leave is not available in the circumstances). 7.3.4 The leave provided for in this clause will be granted subject to the following: (a) The employee must notify the employer of the reason and likely duration of the absence before 7.00 am on the first day of the absence, unless this is not possible due to an unexpected emergency in which case the employee must notify the employer as soon as practicable. (b) Where circumstances permit, an employee must endeavour to arrange leave to minimise the impact on operational needs. (c) The provision of appropriate documentary evidence. 1. For sick leave, a medical certificate or if not reasonably practicable to provide a medical certificate- a statutory declaration made by the employee. 2. For xxxxx's leave, a medical certificate in respect to the family or household member, or a statutory declaration by the employee. 3. For compassionate leave, any evidence that the employer reasonably requires. 7.3.5 The employee is not entitled to take more than 10 days of paid xxxxx’s leave (1/26th of the nominal hours worked by the employee) per year, regardless of the amount of personal leave the employee has accumulated over time. 7.3.6 An employee may request to cash out any amount of paid personal/xxxxx’s leave that they have accrued that is excess of 3/52 of the number of nominal hours worked over the past 12 months. For example, an employee working 38 hours per week over 12 months must retain 15 days of paid personal/carer’s leave and may cash out any further personal/carer’s leave that has been accumulated. 7.3.7 In addition to the above, a request to cash out personal/xxxxx’s leave will only be granted where: (a) the employee elects to cash out their leave in writing; and (b) the employer agrees. 7.3.8 Casual Employees engaged in continuous service shall be entitled to personal leave limited to the provision of sub clause 7.3.
Personal Services No employee shall be required to perform services of a personal nature.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM A. The personal life of a teacher shall be the concern of and warrant the review and appropriate action of the Board only: 1. As it may prevent the teacher from performing his/her assigned functions during school duty hours; 2. As it may be in violation of local, state, national, or common law. B. Each teacher will be entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities of any such teacher or the lack thereof will be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such person provided they do not affect his/her classroom performance. C. The Board and the Association agree that academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of the purposes of the Xxxxxx County School System, and they acknowledge the fundamental need to protect teachers from any censorship or restraint which might interfere with their obligation to pursue the truth in the performance of their teaching functions. They agree that subject to curriculum guidelines and appropriate supervision by the teacher’s evaluator, the responsibility for teaching all appropriate material rests with the teacher. D. No student’s grade shall be changed without a conference between the student’s teacher and the administrator. After the conference, the teacher will be notified, in writing, of the administrator’s decision. In the event the student’s teacher is not available for a conference, the administrator will notify the teacher in writing of any changes in a grade.
Personal Files 2.5.1 The employer shall ensure that personal files are held in a secure place and access is confined to authorised personnel and the employee concerned. 2.5.2 Attention is drawn to the Privacy Act 1993 which outlines responsibilities for the collection, storage and availability of personal information.
Personal Vehicles A. Employees who are directed by the Employer to use a personal vehicle for official state business shall do so in accordance with state fleet policies established by the Department of Budget and Management. When circumstances make it impractical for an employee to obtain a state vehicle on the day the vehicle will be used, such employee may request the vehicle at the end of the prior day’s shift, and the appointing authority shall make reasonable accommodation, consistent with the efficient operation of the unit, to accommodate such request. If such request cannot be granted, the employee may use his/her own vehicle and be reimbursed at the full rate in accordance with state fleet policies.
Personal Life The personal life of a teacher will not be a concern of the Board unless it is determined to have a detrimental effect upon the employee’s performance.