Phase 5 Sample Clauses

Phase 5. Completed a maximum of thirty-six months of continuous service, passed written and oral examinations, qualified in water treatment, qualified as an Assistant Operator in the Utilities Department, has demonstrated job knowledge of Satellite Steam Plant, and has obtained 3rd Class Operating Engineer’s certificate.
Phase 5. Secure FEMA and State of California Approval and Adoption of the HMP. The following items are included in this phase, but not limited to: a. Submission to Shasta County, City of Anderson, the State of California, and FEMA; b. Plan Revisions as Required; c. Shasta County and City of Xxxxxxxx Plan Adoption; and d. Maintenance Program Design.
Phase 5. Concurrent with the development of Phase 5 Developer shall construct the frontage improvements along the portion of Canyon Creek Parkway that is adjacent to Phase 5. The frontage improvements shall include curb, gutter, paved asphalt trail, landscaped park strip, and asphalt widening along the west side of the roadway.
Phase 5. 1.2 PHASE 5.1.3 PHASE 5.1.4 PHASE 5.1.5
Phase 5The Phase Effective Date for Phase 4 shall be August 1, 2028. Unless modified pursuant to Section, the total revenue requirement shall be no more than $1,620,839, and the Scheduled Revenue Increase shall be no more than $180,240, which is a 12.51 percent increase over Phase 4 rates.
Phase 5. REGISTERING RESPONSE BY THE HN Upon receiving the request from the smart contract, the HN takes the following actions: x Checks its identifier with the IDHN located in SUCI; x Decrypts UIC with its private key to obtain SUPI, R1, R2, and IDSN; x Verifies the equality of req_id with the hash result of IDSN, R1, IDHN, and SUCI. The authentication process is stopped if any of the above conditions are not satisfied. Otherwise, the SN continues the with following actions: x Generates a random number R3; x Produces O by feeding R1, R2 and R3 into f1; x Calculates the xMac of the message by feeding O and IDSN into keyed f1; x Calculates the xRes using the keyed challenge function with O and IDSN as inputs; x hxRes is generated as the hash result of R1 and xRes; x Computes KSEAF by feeding O and IDSN into the keyseed function; This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.30417 X. Xxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxxxxxxx, X. Yanikomeroglu: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (2020) x Produces EK with double encryption. First, through symmetric encryption of the session key and SUPI with xRes; second, through asymmetric encryption of the result with a public key of the SN; x Generates HN_R by symmetric encryption of R3 with key R2; x Creates a unique identifier for the response message, known as a res_id, by getting the hash result of hxRes, xMac and EK values. Note that f1, challenge, and keyseed are the primitive cryptographic functions defined on the HN and they are embedded in the USIM card. It is worth noting that since EK is obtained through the encryption of user information with key xRes, user-related information is accessible to the SN only after successful authentication. Note that R3 is encrypted by using R2 as an encryption key because it is the only way that a subscriber can easily obtain R3. Finally, the HN registers a transaction on the blockchain containing EK, xMac, hxRes, req_id, res_id, and HN_R using the corresponding smart contract function.
Phase 5. The scope of Phase 5 will include a minimum of 450,000 square feet of non-retail development; a maximum of 325,000 square feet of retail development; and a minimum of 230,000 square feet of vertically integrated development. The commencement date for Phase 5 is five (5) years after the completion date of Phase 4. The completion date for Phase 5 is five (5) years after the commencement date for Phase 5. The completion date for the Development of The Xxxxxx District is twenty-five (25) years after Columbia purchases the Property from the State and becomes the fee simple owner of the Property. However, nothing herein prohibits CDG Xxxxxx and/or Master Developer from (i) commencing Development of any phase or portion of a phase; or (ii) completing development of any phase or portion of a phase at a pace faster than the Development Schedule, but the order of the phasing (1-5) shall be maintained unless this Agreement is subsequently amended. To that end, an essential element of the Required Periodic Review set forth in Article 5 of this Agreement, is Master Developer submitting an updated projection of commencement and completion dates for each phase to the Town Manager on or before December 1 of each year of the Term of this Agreement. Note: N.C.G.S. § 160A-400.25(b) states and the Principal Parties agree that the failure to meet a commencement or completion date shall not, in and of itself, constitute a material breach of a development agreement. Background: One of the core reasons for forming development agreements is to require careful integration between public capital facilities planning, financing, and construction schedules and phasing of private development. A development agreement should structure and manage development approvals to ensure proper integration of private development approvals into the local capital facilities program. To these ends, a development agreement provides flexibility in negotiating these matters. Two (2) of the eight (8) mandatory minimum provisions of a development agreement are: (A) a description of public facilities that will serve the development, including who provides the facilities, the date of construction of new facilities, and a schedule to assure public facilities are available concurrent with the impacts of private development; and (B) a description of any conditions, terms, restrictions, or other requirements determined to be necessary by the Town for the public health, safety, or welfare of its citizens.
Phase 5. Full-scale production
Phase 5. 1. The Design Agreement shall be amended to include new Phase 5.1 attached hereto as Annex I. All other contractual terms and conditions of the Design Agreement, which are not contrary to this Amendment, remain in full force and effect and shall apply to the subject matter of this Amendment, mutatis mutandis. Should there exist any contradictions between this Amendment and the Design Agreement, the provisions of this Amendment shall prevail. This Amendment may be signed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when signed, shall be an original and all of which together evidence the same agreement.