Points of Agreement Sample Clauses

Points of Agreement. The Sub-Contractor agrees: 2.1 to do business with Us in a spirit of goodwill, cooperation, professionalism, courtesy and utmost good faith at all times and in all matters; 2.2 that where the Sub-Contractor does not operate under written conditions of carriage the Sub-Contractor hereby agrees that they will fully indemnify Us for all loss of or damage to any Consignment and/or transportation equipment in the Sub-Contractor’s care custody or control and/or in the care custody or control of any other carrier permitted under 2.13 below; 2.3 to provide Us in advance with written details of any conditions of carriage under which they carry goods and which may limit the Sub-Contractor’s liability in any way and to notify Us in advance of any changes to their usual conditions of carriage; 2.4 that: a) where the Sub-Contractor has not provided Us with specific advance notice of any usual conditions of carriage under which the Sub-Contractor carries goods then any conditions of carriage under which they operate shall be completely set aside and the Sub-Contractor will fully indemnify Us for all loss of or damage to any Consignment and/or transportation equipment in the Sub-Contractor’s care custody or control and/or in the care custody or control of any other carrier permitted under 2.13 below; b) where the Sub-Contractor has provided Us with specific advance notice of any usual conditions of carriage under which the Sub-Contractor carries goods the Sub-Contractor hereby agrees to indemnify Us in accordance with their usual conditions of carriage for loss of or damage to any Consignment and/or transportation equipment in the Sub-Contractor’s care custody or control and/or in the care custody or control of any other carrier permitted under 2.13 below; 2.5 We shall endeavour to provide the Sub-Contractor with all information reasonably available for the Sub- Contractor to accurately quote for and safely and legally collect and/or transport and/or store and/or deliver the Consignment; 2.6 that where urgency or insufficient information being available to Us prior to collection of a Consignment means that no carriage charge price is quoted to and accepted by Us in advance or where a material change to circumstances or instructions takes place while the Sub-Contractor is en route to collect the Consignment or once the Consignment has been loaded and/or transported the carriage charge and any necessary waiting time charge shall be mutually agreed using similar rates to th...
Points of Agreement. OWNERSHIP: I. The College shall have total ownership of the RN Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Program (hereinafter "AAS Program"). Administration, management, and operation of the AAS Program shall be the responsibility of the College.
Points of Agreement. In the presbyteries of Xxx and Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald we celebrate a 'Partnership Sunday' in May.
Points of Agreement. Both the DRLPS and the State of Michigan agreed that the bottomlands are owned by and held in trust by the State. As specified by the NHLPA, the DRLPS was obligated to use DeTour Reef Light for public use only and not for any private use. DRLPS’ use of the Light was specified in the NHLPA and quitclaim deed from the Federal Government.
Points of Agreement. 1. The Halton Municipalities support the appointment of a member of the Canadian Transportation Agency (“CTA”) to the panel. 2. The Halton Municipalities also support invoking s.19(1)(j) of CEAA to require that the panel take into account (a) requirements for railway operations, and (b) the interests of the localities that will be affected by the line.
Points of Agreement. Twice a year, a partnership letter will provide information about church life and the real conditions under which people live. This letter will be passed on to all congregations of Xxx and Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald presbyteries.
Points of Agreement. The District and Department hereby agree to the following: • The Department will notify the District when releases from the HDS are being considered and provide a projection as to when such releases are anticipated to commence, for what duration, and the anticipated amount of the release. • The District may open the HDS, at its discretion, when the reservoir is at or above its full service (top of flashboards) and waters are actively spilling over the principal spillway. The District will consult with the Department prior to releases to obtain information related to water stratification within the reservoir. • The Department may operate the HDS during periods when they feel it is beneficial to reservoir water quality, however at no time shall water levels be lowered below the top of the gate well or elevation 1725 (NGVD 1929 Datum), which is also the elevation as the concrete xxxx level at the bottom of the flashboards. Spring releases may occur below this level only after consultation with the District and there is justification for spring inflows to refill the reservoir. • The Department will coordinate releases with the North Dakota Department of Health and provide any applicable notices and complete any water quality testing that may be required. • The Department will monitor downstream conditions on both the unnamed tributary downstream of the embankment as well as on Apple Creek. • The Department will keep records of all gate manipulations and the corresponding periods of release and provide such records to the District, upon completion of each release, to document the actions taken and waters released. • The Department will cease all releases upon order of the District or the North Dakota Department of Health. Such order can be in the form of a phone call, email or letter. • The District will provide access to the locked gate. Assistance may be provided through the Bismarck Parks and Recreation District, who is under contract to manage the recreation area. • The District or their technical representative shall assist the Department in determining the quantity of water released based on the records. • This agreement will commence on October 1, 2011 or the date at which this agreement is signed, whichever comes later, and shall remain in effect until September 30, 2016.
Points of Agreement. The Sub-Contractor agrees: 2.1 to do business with Us in a spirit of goodwill, cooperation, professionalism, courtesy and utmost good faith at all times and in all matters; 2.2 to provide Us in advance with written details of any conditions of carriage under which they carry goods and which may limit the Sub-Contractor’s liability in any way and to notify Us in advance of any changes to their usual conditions of carriage; 2.3 that in the absence of the Sub-Contractor providing Us with advance notice of any usual conditions of carriage under which the Sub-Contractor carries goods, the Sub-Contractor hereby agrees that any conditions of carriage under which they operate shall be set aside and the Sub-Contractor agrees to fully indemnify Us for all loss of or damage to a Consignment and/or transportation equipment in the Sub- Contractor’s care custody or control; 2.4 that where advance written notice has been given to Us detailing the Sub-Contractor’s usual conditions for the carriage of goods then subject to those usual conditions for the carriage of goods, the Sub-Contractor agrees to indemnify Us for all loss of or damage to a Consignment and/or transportation equipment in the Sub-Contractor’s care custody or control and/or in the care custody or control of any carrier permitted under
Points of Agreement. 2.1 This agreement implies the possibility of exchange of professors to teach and to do research, both ways between XXX and GUC. 2.2 Faculty from both partner universities will be able to supervise students' theses, jointly participate in theses juries, and form any other kind of joint co-operation they deem worthwhile. 2.3 Students will be chosen on the basis of their merit and motivation to second year of studies at GUC. WUT will make a preliminary choice of students and GUC will analyze the student candidacies to make the final selection. The students should 2.4 This agreement is for a maximum amount of 20 students in total each year to be admitted to GUC, and then eligible for the double degree. 2.5 The decision to accept a higher number of students (above 20) will be subject to discretionary approval by the two partner institutions. 2.6 Students participating in any of the programs offered will be subject to the academic regulations of the student body of the host institution (i.e: exams, terms of study, grading and all national regulations concerning the student body of the host institution.
Points of Agreement. OWNERSHIP: The University shall have total ownership of the RN to BSN Completer Program (hereinafter "Program"). Administration, management, and operation of the Program shall be the responsibility of the University.