PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. Anti-Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism In order to comply with its legal obligations, the Insurer implements supervisory procedures intended for the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the application of financial penalties.
PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. 6.1 The Additional Selling Agent represents and warrants that it is aware of the requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act, the regulations administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control and other applicable federal anti-money laundering laws and regulations (collectively, the “AML Laws”), it has adopted and has in place anti-money laundering policies and procedures reasonably designed to verify the identity and source of funds of each subscriber to be introduced to the Partnership by the Additional Selling Agent such policies and procedures are properly enforced and are consistent with the AML Laws, and it will take all reasonable steps to assure itself that subscribers for Units introduced to the Partnership by the Additional Selling Agent are not individuals, entities or countries that may subject the Partnership, SUSA or SCM to criminal or civil violations of any AML Laws. In the event that SUSA, SCM or the Partnership requires information or is required by any competent authority to provide information as to the identity of investors or in the event that any form of money laundering is suspected, the Additional Selling Agent agrees to make a full disclosure of such information to SUSA and all appropriate authorities. The Additional Selling Agent will retain the evidence of verification of identity and records of all transactions for at least five years following the ending of the relationship with any person for whom orders for the subscription of Units have been effected.
6.2 SUSA reserves the right to seek and the Additional Selling Agent agrees to supply to the Partnership, SCM and SUSA and/or any designated representative of them, without undue delay, such documentation as it may request in order to satisfy itself as to the essential facts relative to the Additional Selling Agent and any suspected or potential money laundering. If the Additional Selling Agent fails to supply such documentation as requested by the Partnership, SCM, SUSA and/or any representative of either of them within a reasonable period of time, this Agreement may be terminated for cause at the sole discretion of SUSA in accordance with Subsection 7.1 hereof. In the event that the Partnership, SCM, SUSA, and/or any representative of either of them is required by any competent authority to provide information as to the identity of the Additional Selling Agent or in the event that money laundering is suspected, the Additional Selling Agent agrees to m...
PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. 6.1 The Additional Selling Agent shall use due diligence to learn the essential facts relative to every person or entity for whom orders for the purchase of Units are effected and shall follow procedures that are at least equivalent to those required by the USA Patriot Act and regulations adopted thereunder on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering as amended from time to time. In the event that QAM or the Partnership requires information or is required by any competent authority to provide information as to the identity of investors or in the event that any form of money laundering is suspected, the Additional Selling Agent agrees to make a full disclosure of such information to QAM and/or all appropriate authorities. Where the Additional Selling Agent is a resident in a country, which is a member of the Financial Action Task Force, such disclosure shall be made to the extent provided by local law. The Additional Selling Agent will retain the evidence of verification of identity and records of all transactions for at least five years following the ending of the relationship with any person for whom orders for the subscription of Units have been effected.
6.2 QAM reserves the right to seek and the Additional Selling Agent agrees to supply to the Partnership and QAM and/or any designated representative of them, without undue delay, such documentation as it may request in order to satisfy itself as to the essential facts relative to the Additional Selling Agent and any suspected or potential money laundering. If the Additional Selling Agent fails to supply such documentation as requested by the Partnership, QAM and/or any representative of either of them within a reasonable period of time, this Agreement may be terminated for cause at the sole discretion of QAM in accordance with Subsection 7.1 hereof. In the event that the Partnership, QAM, and/or any representative of either of them is required by any competent authority to provide information as to the identity of the Additional Selling Agent or in the event that money laundering is suspected, the Additional Selling Agent agrees to make a full disclosure of all relevant information to the Partnership, QAM, and/or all appropriate authorities.
6.3 The Additional Selling Agent warrants and agrees to indemnify the Partnership and QAM and hold the Partnership and QAM harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, claims and expenses, including at...
PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. 30.1 BLUE SUISSE has a legal obl�gat�on to comply w�th the prov�s�ons of the Prevent�on of Money Launder�ng Act (Chapter 373 of the Laws of Malta) and regulat�ons made thereunder. In furtherance of such obl�gat�ons, �n the event that BLUE SUISSE has a susp�c�on of money launder�ng or fund�ng of terror�sm �n relat�on to the money or assets depos�xxx by the Customer or �ts Agent �t w�ll be obl�ged to commun�cate �ts susp�c�ons to the competent author�t�es. BLUE SUISSE could also be requ�red to, �nter al�a, block the money and assets of the Customer concerned. The Customer acknowledges that BLUE SUISSE �s bound to comply w�th the prov�s�ons of the Prevent�on of Money Launder�ng Act and regulat�ons made thereunder and agrees to prov�de BLUE SUISSE promptly upon the latter’s request, w�th such documents and �nformat�on wh�ch BLUE SUISSE may requ�re from t�me to t�me to ensure compl�ance w�th appl�cable prevent�on of money launder�ng leg�slat�on, �nclud�ng the Prevent�on of Money Launder�ng and Fund�ng of Terror�sm Regulat�ons, 2008 (Legal Not�ce 180 of 2008), and w�ll not�fy BLUE SUISSE of any updates or changes to such documents or �nformat�on prov�ded by the Customer or �ts Agent, �nclud�ng w�thout l�m�tat�on, the �dent�f�cat�on of the Customer, the �dent�f�cat�on of the benef�c�al owners, and deta�ls on the econom�c and bus�ness background and rat�onale of the bus�ness relat�onsh�p w�th BLUE SUISSE, as soon as �t becomes aware thereof.
30.2 The Customer conf�rms that none of the funds used by the Customer to access any of the Serv�ces or to engage �n Contracts or Transact�ons was d�rectly or �nd�rectly der�ved from, or otherw�se related to, act�v�t�es that (�) may contravene Un�xxx States federal, state or �nternat�onal laws and regulat�ons, �nclud�ng ant�-money launder�ng laws and sanct�ons regulat�ons of the Off�ce of Fore�gn Assets Control or (��) fall w�th�n Sect�on 340(11) of the Proceeds of Cr�me Xxx 0000, as promulgated under the laws of England, or that would be an offence under Sect�on 18 of the Terror�sm Xxx 0000, as promulgated under the laws of England; and the Customer �s not a country, terr�tory, �nd�v�dual or ent�ty named on the L�st of Spec�ally Des�gnated Nat�onals and Blocked Persons ma�nta�xxx by the Off�ce of Fore�gn Assets Control or �s otherw�se subject to any restr�ct�ons, proh�b�t�ons or l�cens�ng requ�rements set forth under any sanct�ons regulat�ons promulgated by the Off�ce of Fore�gn Assets Control. Blue Su�sse Jo�nt Account Agree...
PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. 1. If required by the Regulations (as defined below), JNAM, as applicable, shall verify the identity of the investors in the Trust in accordance with such Regulations and shall maintain such identification verification records to the extent required by such Regulations. For purposes of Sub-section C, the term of "Regulations" shall mean the provisions of the USA Patriot Act, the regulations administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") and all other U.S. and non-U.S. anti-money laundering laws, statutes, and regulations, which are, in each case, applicable to JNAM, or the Trust.
2. If required by the Regulations, JNAM shall:
(a) maintain transactional records in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations; and
(i) verify that investors in the Trust are not designated nationals and/or blocked persons as identified on the OFAC list maintained by the US Department of Treasury (found currently at xxxx://;
(ii) pursuant to the Regulations, report any information or other matter which comes to its attention relating to any person that JNAM knows or suspects is engaged in money laundering, to FinCEN; and
(iii) perform any other functions required by the Regulations.
3. The Trust and JNAM understand and agree that JNAM (or one or more of its affiliates) shall perform such anti-money laundering compliance procedures with respect to the Trust as it reasonably determines are required to be performed by JNAM pursuant to the Regulations, (ii) take reasonable steps to cooperate with the Trust to enable the Trust to engage in the activities described in paragraph2() above, and (iii) ultimately be responsible for ensuring that the Trust is compliant with the Regulations. JNAM agrees to certify to the Trust annually that it has implemented an anti-money laundering program to the extent required by the Regulations and that it will perform the applicable anti-money laundering functions described in paragraph 2 above if applicable. The Trust agrees to certify annually that it has implemented an anti-money laundering program to the extent required by the Regulations and that it will perform the applicable anti-money laundering functions described in paragraph 1 above if applicable.
PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. 1. The parties agree on the necessity of making every effort and cooperating in order to prevent the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular.
2. Cooperation in this area shall include administrative and technical assistance with the purpose to develop the implementation of regulations and efficient functioning of the suitable standards and mechanisms to combat money laundering equivalent to those adopted by the Community and international fora in this field, in particular the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. 5.1 Pursuant to its services and duties under this Agreement, the Intermediary Selling Agent shall not be directly responsible for the due diligence to learn the essential facts relative to persons or entities for whom orders for the purchase of Units are effected. Such duties shall be the obligation of the Additional Selling Agent pursuant to separate agreement between such party and SUSA. However, in the event that SUSA or the Partnership requests information or is required by any competent authority to provide information as to the identity of investors or in the event that any form of money laundering is suspected, the Intermediary Selling Agent agrees to assist SUSA, at their reasonable request to provide any such information that the Intermediary Selling Agent may possess.
5.2 The Intermediary Selling Agent has adopted anti-money laundering policies and procedures that are consistent with the requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act and shall comply therewith to the full extent applicable in connection with the performance of its duties hereunder. The Intermediary Selling Agent agrees that it will provide SUSA any information in its possession reasonably requested by SUSA as SUSA may require to comply with its obligations under its anti-money laundering policies and procedures and the USA PATRIOT Act.
PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. Broker hereby represents and warrants the following:
(a) it has adopted policies and procedures (the "Policies and Procedures") and maintains a system of regulatory compliance and internal controls, which is appropriate for and reasonably designed to detect any violation of and meet the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of all applicable statutes, laws, regulations and orders relating to the prevention of money laundering, including without limitation (i) the USA Patriot Act of 2001, as it may be amended from time to time, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, (ii) related suspicious activity reporting requirements, and (iii) the orders and directives or the Office of Foreign Assets Control (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Laws and Regulations");
(b) The Policies and Procedures and the system of internal controls adopted by it are being implemented as of the date hereof; and
(c) it will allow representatives of the federal regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the Distributor and the SSgA Funds to inspect it and obtain information and records at its offices related to the matters contemplated by this Agreement and/or to it's anti-money laundering activities that relate to its Customers which have invested in Shares of the SSgA Funds.
PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. FXDD has a legal obligation to comply with the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (Chapter 373 of the Laws of Malta) and the regulations and implementing procedures made thereunder. In furtherance of such obligations, in the event that FXDD has a suspicion of money laundering or funding of terrorism in relation to the assets deposited by the Customer, it will be obliged to communicate its suspicions to the competent Maltese Authorities. FXDD could also be required to, inter-alia, block the assets of the Customer concerned. The Customer acknowledges that FXDD is bound to comply with the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act and the regulations and implementing procedures made thereunder and agrees to provide FXDD on request, with true, correct and complete information including without limitation, the identification of the contracting parties, the identification of the beneficial owner of the assets, and details on the economic and business background and rationale of the business, the source of wealth and source of funds, as well as any other information FXDD may reasonably require to comply with its legal obligations. In terms of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, FXDD is required to requested updated know-your- customer information from its Customers on a regular basis, including obtaining updated copies of expired identification documents. FXDD retains the right to mark an account as Inactive if the information requested is not provided by the Customer within a reasonable time as requested.
PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING. Each Limited Partner hereby acknowledges that measures aimed at the prevention of money laundering may require the detailed verification of that /LPLWHG 3DUWQHU¶V LGH and agrees that the General Partner, the Manager or their agents or delegates may request from time to time such documents or information as they may reasonably require for such purpose and may share and disclose such documents and information with other parties for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of any applicable laws, rules or regulations. In the event of any delay or failure by a Limited Partner to provide such information to the reasonable satisfaction of the General Partner, the Manager or any of their agents or delegates (as applicable), or if any such person has grounds for suspecting in relation to the Limited Partner or any person having any direct or indirect interest in the Limited Partner any act or omission by such person which would constitute an offence under any anti-money laundering legislation, the General Partner may require the Limited Partner to withdraw from the Partnership.