Principal’s Report. In the event that a principal determines on the basis of the evaluation criteria that the performance of an employee under his/her supervision is unsatisfactory, the principal shall report the same in writing to the Superintendent at any time after October 15th but no later than February 1st. The report shall include the following:
1. The evaluation report prepared pursuant to the provisions of paragraph above.
2. A recommended specific and reasonable program designed to assist the employee in improving his/her performance.
Principal’s Report. A. School Update
a. Current Enrollment- 66 (45%), 2020-2021- 45 (30%)
b. Based on current Free and Reduced Lunch forms, Title I funding is anticipated.
c. Religious affiliation signage was relocated per the rental agreement.
d. There are no staffing shortages; however, there has currently been an uptick in teacher and student absences for medical issues or precautionary quarantines.
e. Two students have been tested positive for COVID, but they remained off campus and were unable to return in person until the quarantine requirement had been met, as well negative test results.
f. CANVAS has been extended to parent(s) and guardian(s) as a means to remain involved in students’ educational progress.
g. September 28, 2021- Xx. Xxxxxxxx held a principal presentation, and all school members (staff and students) committed to 4 community agreements.
h. Recent assessment results and Spring 2022 assessment information was provided to all guardians and students.
i. Saturday study days have been, and continue to be held, for student tutoring and academic improvement.
j. There has been some minor bathroom vandalism, which has been addressed, repaired, and redirected. There have been no student altercations nor violence.
k. NM Elevate has been updated for 2021-2022 evaluation requirements.
l. ACES has received $150,000 from Capital Outlay, and Xx. Xxxxxxxx has submitted all quotes to NMPed for preapproval. All quotes are currently in process.
Principal’s Report. First Semester, 1965-1966, Howalton Day School, Box 1, Principal’s Report- The Howalton School (1965-1966), HSA. throughout the 1960s. For instance, after becoming principal Irma Johnson instituted science learning corners and a student bank for younger students to learn arithmetic. Johnson’s interest in progressive education was also shown when she invited a British educator to the school who was familiar with the new pedagogical trend often referred to as “open education.”81 Although founded in Britain, open education grew in popularity among United States educators who became increasingly interested in student-centered methods in the late 1960s to mid 1970s. Open education included many of the progressive features that Howalton employed in its early years such as small group instruction, relative student autonomy, and learning centers.82 The third most popular answer in the principal’s report was “association with children of same cultural background.”83 It is likely that “cultural background” refers to the shared racial identity of the students. This may seem ironic given the advocacy of school integration by many African-Americans nationally and locally during this period.84 However, African-Americans did not speak with one voice. Fiery black leader Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik Shabazz) and his many followers were highly critical of mainstream civil rights objectives such as school integration at this time. Other activists who adopted more radical positions such as SNCC (especially by the mid to late 1960s) also questioned the virtues of integration. Moreover, throughout the 1960s several southern black communities opposed racially discriminatory integration plans that did 81 Gladly Learn and Gladly Teach, Howalton School Archives, Box 1, Historical Sketches, HSA. The student bank is an example that Howalton teachers did not solely rely on textbooks for instruction. 82 For work on open education and other progressive educational movements in the 1960s and 1970s see Diane Ravitch, The Troubled Crusade, 228-266; Larry Cuban, How Teachers Taught, 149-204. 83 Principal’s Report: First Semester, 1965-1966, Howalton Day School, Box 1, Principal’s Report- The Howalton School (1965-1966), HSA.
Principal’s Report. In the event that a Principal determines, on the basis of the evaluation criteria, that the performance of an employee under his or her supervision is unsatisfactory, the Principal shall report the same in writing to the Superintendent on or before January 20. The report shall include the following: The evaluation report prepared pursuant to the provisions of paragraph B.3. (e) above. A recommended specific and reasonable program designed to assist the employee in improving his or her performance. If the Superintendent concurs with the supervisor’s judgment that the performance of the employee is unsatisfactory, the Superintendent shall place the employee in a probationary status beginning on or before February 1 and ending May 1. On or before February 1, the employee shall be given written notice of the action of the Superintendent which notice shall contain the following: Specific areas of performance deficiencies A suggested specific and reasonable program for improvement A statement indicating the duration of the probationary period and that the purpose of the probationary period is to give the employee the opportunity to demonstrate improvement in his or her area or areas of deficiency. At or about the time of delivery of a probationary letter, the Principal or other supervisor shall hold a personal conference with the probationary employee to discuss performance deficiencies and the remedial measures to be taken. When appropriate in the judgment of the Principal, in consultation with the Superintendent, the Principal may authorize one additional certificated employee to evaluate the probationer and to aid the employee in improving his or her area of deficiency. During the probationary period, the Principal, supervisor, or other evaluator shall meet with the probationary employee at least twice monthly to supervise and make a written evaluation of the progress, if any, made by the employee. The provisions of paragraph B.6. (a) and (b) above shall apply to the documentation of evaluation reports during the probationary period. The probationary employee may be removed from probation at any time if he or she had demonstrated improvement to the satisfaction of the Principal in those areas specifically detailed in his or her notice of probation. At the time the employee is removed from probation, a post-probation report shall be submitted to the Superintendent as outlined below. Unless the probationary employee has previously been removed from probation, t...
Principal’s Report. Mr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx: ● WHCS has currently 45 students enrolled ● Assessments: SAT, Accuplacer, Reading Plus and Iready were completed in April and May ● 2 senior students took the Hiset test to graduate from WHCS ● New floors have been installed in all classrooms ● Improvements for the porch and restrooms will be completed during the summer ● There will be some students who will be required to attend summer school ● Extended Learning Time Program will be from May 16-27, 2022 ● WHCS Graduation was a good turnout on May 14th, 2022 ● WHCS amendment, performance framework and condition documentation