PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. Cal South pledges to govern all of our endeavors to ensure: • All of our registered players train and play in a safe environment; • Member organizations as well as the Cal South staff and committees are associated with the highest level of sportsmanship; • All of our affairs will be conducted with transparency, integrity and honesty; • We always show respect for the worth and dignity of all; • We always follow the rules of our organization; • Responsible stewardship of resources; and, • Commitment to excellence in all that we do.
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. The following principles and values describe the way in which the CACD operate to achieve the strategic objectives: The North Dorset service will aim to help more than 300 local residents in the 2023/24 financial year using 24 volunteers and 7 paid staff in North Dorset. 17%1 of the population in Shaftesbury have a disability or illness which limits their day to day activities The project will provide advice and support from Shaftesbury Library helping local people to deal with their individual issues, improving finances, managing debt, housing problems and employment disputes.
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. STC works to improve the lives of those who live in Shaftsbury and also those who work and visit Shaftesbury. Shaftesbury is a town which looks for and tries out new ideas and ways of doing things. It is a place that is proudly independent and puts local solutions first, but is also outward looking, building and maintaining connections both locally and across Dorset. From these solid foundations, we want to build: • A positive and inclusive town where no-one gets left behind • A clean, healthy and happy town • A thriving and resilient community and local economy Shaftesbury Town Council • A town that actively encourages local people to participate in and feel ownership over ideas, spaces and assets • A town which embraces innovation, takes risks, celebrates its successes and learns from its experiences
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. Commissioned services must demonstrate:- • value for money • resilience • customer satisfaction. A decision to outsource community health and care services will be based on the following criteria. • Better: outsourcing would achieve a better outcome for service users • Cheaper: outsourcing would achieve cash releasing efficiency savings (CRES), or attract external funding for no loss of service functionality or quality • Something the statutory agencies cannot do: for example, independent advocacy services.
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. A common set of overarching principles and values, agreed upon and used the SA Health system, provide a way to achieve the vision for healthy South Australians to enjoy a great quality life, through an effective, well-managed health system that is highly regarded by the public: • The SA Health Purchasing and Funding Guidelines combined with the SA Health Performance Framework (Schedule 5) offer a holistic approach to addressing issues of governance, accountability and performance management in a constructive manner. These shared principles assist SA Health with decision-making and provide the common ground needed for each party to work successfully together to address mutual objectives. • The South Australian health system is best served by consistent strategic intent, clear goals, and evidence based decision making and commitments to our patients and community that are shared by all those responsible for making decisions that affect quality outcomes. • The health system’s ability to achieve its strategic direction requires effective and engaged general and clinical leadership, highly skilled, flexible and engaged people right across the system and collaboration with a diverse range of partners. • The risks associated with providing or not providing a particular health service are understood, explained and managed. • Health services are delivered and maintained within the designated budget in accordance with this SLA and the SA Health Strategic Plan. • Health services are managed within a framework of articulated ethics and the South Australian Public Sector values that are communicated and understood within the LHN and across the health system. • There is a commitment to public transparency and accountability on health care plans, system performance, and implications for change demonstrated through effective communication and consultation to the public and staff (particularly clinicians). • LHNs will continue to meet the requirements of South Australian legislation, regulations, DHW policies, and agreements remaining in force during the term of this SLA.
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana bases its axiological position on four principles and four values:
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. The values placed on access and equity are such that the community college sees these issues as fitting into the overall mission of the institution and are willing to apply these values to the strategic planning and organizational development process of the college. Access and equity concerns are not viewed as peripheral issues, but rather as essential to becoming a stronger and more effective institution.
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. 2.1 The Parties share mutual interests in relation to creating positive lasting change for children. The Parties will develop a holistic strategy that draws on their respective strengths to achieve mutual and individual organisational objectives.
2.2 Within this partnership Save the Children Philippines and {Partner/Agency} will govern the relationship on the basis of shared values.
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. The following principles and values describe the way in which ORGANISATION X operates to achieve the strategic objectives: • List the principles and values
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES. At Highfield School we take bullying very seriously. Pupils and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported. Bullying will not be tolerated. The school will seek ways to counter the effects of bullying that may occur within school or in the local community. The ethos of our school fosters high expectations and outstanding behaviour and we will challenge any behaviour that falls below this. We promote the values of respecting, caring and helping each other whilst having the responsibility to look after each other. However, we acknowledge that whilst working towards this ideal, staff should reinforce a general message that children do not have to be friends with everyone, but they must be respectful of everyone else’s feelings and show care, courtesy and consideration to all.