Communication and Consultation Sample Clauses

Communication and Consultation. 4.1. Actively participates in and contributes to relevant Hospital activities, including relevant Hospital, EMHS and State committees. 4.2. Provides specialist advice to forums and discussions related to the strategic and operational planning for the hospital pharmacy services.
Communication and Consultation. How we will treat you 8.1 Our staff and anyone contracted to work for us will be polite and considerate to all our customers. 8.2 You have rights under the Data Protection Act. The Council will respect these rights in all circumstances where they do not have a duty to pass information to other public organisations. 8.3 The Council has a duty to share with other public organisations (for example the police, other departments of the Council, the Inland Revenue or the Department of Works and Pensions) certain information you give us or someone else gives us about you. This is done where the information given could help prevent or detect fraud or help prevent risks to the health or safety of anyone living in one of our properties. (See definition of fraud in Section 1). 8.4 You have the right to see any information we have about you and your tenancy. You can get copies of the information from us but we have the right to charge you an administration fee. You will not be allowed to see any information that does not concern you directly or is confidential and has been provided by a third party, or concerns someone else. 8.5 We will work in partnership with our tenants when planning changes to our housing services. 8.6 We will carry out regular surveys to find out from you and any tenant representatives whether we are providing you with a good standard of service. 8.7 We must ask your views about any plans we have that will significantly affect the property you live in, the services we provide, or your housing situation. Such plans may be to: Carry out modernisation or improvement work to the property or your estate, Change a policy that affects the way we provide services to you, or Change the facilities or level of services we provide to you. 8.8 The way we consult you will depend on the kind of work we plan to do. If it affects the property you live in we will write to or talk to you personally. If it involves an area or group of tenants, we may use a more general way of discussing with tenants and leaseholders, for example holding meetings or discussing with representatives of your local tenant and residents’ associations. 8.9 We must ask your views about any major changes we plan to make to this Tenancy Agreement. We will write to you personally asking for your views and giving you a set time in which to respond. Once we have finished consulting everyone involved, we will write to you to tell you if the changes are to go ahead. 8.10 We can introduce new minor...
Communication and Consultation. Landlord and ------------------------------ Developer agree to communicate and consult informally as frequently as is necessary to insure that the formal submittal of any item pursuant to this section can receive prompt and speedy consideration. In addition, during the period that Developer is preparing drawings and specifications for buildings and other improvements to the Premises, Landlord agrees, upon request of Developer, to schedule and hold regular progress meetings in order to coordinate the compliance of such drawings and specifications with the construction requirements of this Lease.
Communication and Consultation. The parties agree that adequate consultation and communication provides a major contribution to efficient, flexible and productive employee and management practices. It is agreed that the need for proper consultation and communication extends to ensuring continued effective communication between all levels catering for an information flow between management and employees and/or the local Union representative.
Communication and Consultation. 2.1 Promotes a clear focus on caring for patients and including them in decision making regarding their care, throughout the Service. 2.2 Promotes an interdisciplinary team environment with a focus on leadership development across the service. Ensures multidisciplinary team meetings are a cornerstone of patient management. 2.3 Promotes clinical education including multidisciplinary forums within the Service. 2.4 Ensures junior staff are appropriately supported and supervised at all times. 2.5 Actively participates in Hospital Executive activities, including peak committees 2.6 Establishes and maintains strong strategic and operational alliances and working relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Leads and participates in forums and discussions related to the strategic and operational planning for the Hospital. 2.7 Meets regularly with Business Managers, Heads of Department and nursing leaders to lead, mentor and deliver service line management supported by service line reporting.
Communication and Consultation. 8.1. Iplex and the Employees and where requested, their representatives which may include the union, agree to work together to develop and maintain open channels of communication 8.2. The purpose of sharing information is to introduce through consultation, work practices that are designed to promote the efficiency and competitiveness of the business. 8.3. When the need arises a consultative committee will be established at the facility, with an appropriate and balanced representation. 8.3.1. The role of such teams may include Process improvement as well as: • Developing improved customer focus • Monitoring organisational performance against established targets. • Identifying general learning needs and making recommendations for the use or Development of programs to meet those needs. • Reviewing productivity and correcting any problems through cooperation and consultation. • Planning and initiating action to address issues identified in Employee opinion surveys or other forums. • Monitoring unplanned absences and identifying solutions and opportunities for improvement.
Communication and Consultation. In order to aid consultation a series of meetings are available for the use of the Council or the Trade Unions to inform, communicate and consult. These are as follows: 9.1 Human Resources and Trade Union Meetings Human Resources will arrange monthly meetings unless agreed otherwise with the recognised Unions. These meeting will be an opportunity for Trade Union Representatives to:  Raise any issues in an informal environment  Request updates  Share any relevant information Human Resources will:  Supply any information reasonably requested if possible, and if the information is not available seek to bring it to a future meeting or give a written explanation as to why it is not available  Share relevant information  Provide updates on internal and external issues that may impact on employee relations  Support the Trade Union Representatives where requested to put together reports for consideration by JCC or by the Towards Financial Sustainability Board The HR and Union joint meeting, either at the monthly meeting or at another time set up by mutual agreement, will meet to jointly consider issues which may move forward to negotiation via the Joint Consultative Committee, or are of interest to both parties. The aim of the HR and Union meeting is to ensure all parties are:  Aware of all the information pertaining to the subject  Have the opportunity to request information they feel mat be relevant, and ask questions  Have the opportunity to voice their views  Have the opportunity to canvass the views of their members  Have the opportunity of coming to a joint agreement before moving forward to the Joint Consultative Committee. Any policies that have staffing issues must be referred to this group prior to any report being forwarded to JCC for approval. Where practicable, Managers are asked to submit their draft report to HR for distribution to the Union representatives at least 5 working days prior to the joint meeting taking place. If that is not feasible, Managers should forward to HR a summary of the issues to be discussed for distribution at least 5 working days prior to the joint meeting taking place.
Communication and Consultation. In order to aid consultation a series of meetings are available for the use of the Council or the Trade Unions to inform, communicate and consult. These are as follows: 5.1 Short life working group 5.2 Human Resources and Trade union Meetings
Communication and Consultation. 9.1 The parties agree that effective communication and consultation is essential in promoting a successful operation. Consultation provides employees with an opportunity to provide input into the decision making process on actions affecting them. 9.2 Information sharing will be achieved through formal and informal means, such as presentations, newsletters and other appropriate avenues. 9.3 The elected Workplace Council representative will be the elected AMOU delegate of Newcastle Ferries. 9.4 A Workplace Council will be maintained to create a direct link between AMOU, employees covered by the Agreement and Management. The purpose of the Workplace Council will be to facilitate: (i) Open discussions and maintain an exchange of views between the AMOU Workplace Council representative and management. (ii) Monitor the implementation of this Agreement. (iii) Implement measures to further the Objectives of this Agreement. (iv) Introduction of new systems and technology. (v) The development of productivity and safety improvements. (vi) Any other agreed matter that the parties wish to discuss. 9.5 The Workplace Council representative shall meet with management on a regular basis or as determined between the parties. 9.6 The Workplace Council representative may also take an active part in other consultative committees, at Newcastle Ferries.
Communication and Consultation. This is a new Part 3 which brings together some existing clauses from the current Agreement’s Part 2Procedural Matters’ and from other parts with amendments. This is clause 15 in the current agreement. A new sub-clause 17.3 has been included in the new Agreement with regard to the CEO’s ability to determine the scope and terms of reference for a consultative committee.