Procedures for Adjunct Faculty Sample Clauses

Procedures for Adjunct Faculty. See Article 24.
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Procedures for Adjunct Faculty. Assignments of adjunct faculty shall be made from a list of adjunct faculty previously approved for appointment by the Xxxxxxx based upon the process described in Article 5.4 above. Such list shall be referred to herein as "the appointment list." Within thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the semester, if no previously approved adjuncts are available and a good faith effort to convene the DPC has been unsuccessful, the Chairperson of the department can proceed with his or her recommendation for appointment to the Xxxx. Where an initial adjunct appointment has been made without the recommendation of the DPC, the recommendation of the DPC shall be required before the adjunct faculty member may receive a second appointment. The Chairperson of the department, in consultation with the DPC, shall determine the assignment of courses for adjunct faculty, giving consideration to qualifications, suitability and length of prior service. Where two or more adjuncts are equally qualified to teach a course, the course shall be assigned to the most senior adjunct. Seniority between adjuncts is based on the first date the faculty member taught at Hofstra as an adjunct. For emeriti who have joined the adjunct pool, seniority is based on the first date the faculty member taught at Hofstra as an adjunct, and one half of the service time the adjunct taught as a full-time faculty member. This formula shall apply if the faculty member commences teaching as an adjunct within two years of retirement. If the faculty member does not commence teaching within two years of retirement or has a break of more than one semester in service, for purposes of any future assignments, no credit shall be given for full-time service. By the end of the third week of each semester, the Department Chairperson shall provide the DPC with a list of all adjunct faculty assignments. The Department Chairperson shall inform adjunct faculty of assignment and non-assignment of courses in a timely manner, but in no event later than the first day of the student registration period for the semester in which the class is to be offered, absent extenuating circumstances. It is understood that assignment of the course does not guarantee that the course shall be offered or that the course will not be reassigned due to the cancellation of another course. An adjunct faculty member with up to eight (8) semesters of service (excluding January and Summer Sessions), or the equivalent in credits taught as specified i...

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