NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURE A. Upon the request of Local 149 or the Board, not earlier than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the expiration of this Agreement, the parties may open negotiations for a successor contract. The first meeting will be held within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the request unless the parties mutually agree to a later date. B. The Board and the Union shall be represented at negotiation meetings by a team of not more than six (6) members each. C. The Board and the Union negotiating teams shall exchange items for negotiations at the first negotiating session. All contract proposals shall be presented in writing by both parties. No issue shall be introduced by either party following the first session unless mutually agreed by both negotiating teams. D. Neither team shall release information to the public media without mutual agreement of the other team until such time as impasse is declared by either side. E. When tentative agreement is reached covering the matters of negotiation, it shall be reduced to writing, reproduced at Board expense for the Local 149 membership to ratify or reject. When approved by Local 149 membership, it shall be presented to the Board for its approval or rejection. F. In the event agreement is not reached within thirty (30) calendar days after the first actual negotiating session, either party may request that Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service be notified and requested to furnish the services of a mediator for the purpose of assisting the parties in reaching agreement. The request for a mediator shall be jointly filed. This procedure is intended to serve as an alternate dispute resolution procedure to those set forth in Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code. G. The procedures set forth above may be modified prior to the start of negotiations by joint agreement of the parties. Should that occur, the bargaining shall be governed by the ground rules agreed to modifying these procedures.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES A. The parties agreed to implement a Collaborative Bargaining Process beginning with the 1998- 99 fiscal year within the authority of Chapter 447 of the Florida Statutes and any appropriate rules and procedures. Salary and fringe benefits shall be automatically reopened each year, as well as any provisions imposed by the Board. In compliance with requirements that tentative agreement items must be formally ratified, the parties agree to establish the following protocol: 1. Formal ratification votes on tentative agreement(s) by the parties shall be held as needed. 2. Interim decisions to implement agreements before formal ratification shall be confirmed in writing in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding. 3. Issues may be raised for consideration through an appropriate process at any time during the length of this ratified agreement. B. If negotiations reach impasse, the procedures as set forth in the Florida Statutes and/or the rules of the Public Employees Relations Commission shall be followed. At the request of either party, a mediator shall be appointed. C. Neither party shall have any control over the selection of the bargaining representatives of the other party, and the parties mutually pledge that their representatives will be empowered to reach tentative agreement on items being negotiated. Should either party utilize the services of outside consultants to assist in negotiations, the party using the consultants shall pay for any cost incurred for such services. D. This Contract may not be modified in whole or in part except by mutual written agreement. E. If any provision or application of this Contract is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect. The parties shall either immediately meet to reopen negotiations on that provision or application or mutually agree to deal with the matter in subsequent negotiations. F. The agreements in this Contract shall supersede any rules, regulations, or practices of the Board which are contrary to or inconsistent with the terms recorded herein. G. There shall be two official signed copies of the final ratified Contract, one to be retained by each of the parties. The Board agrees to print one thousand five hundred (1,500) copies of the current Contract for distribution to new hires. A link will be provided to all employees during pre-planning each school year. The Association will be provided 500 copies of the full contract each year. H. If bargaining is mutually scheduled during the teacher duty day, up to eleven members of the Association’s bargaining team shall be granted release time for travel, caucusing, and attendance at bargaining sessions. The parties shall mutually agree on parameters to release from duty Association team members following bargaining sessions which extend late. I. Tentative agreements shall be reduced to writing and submitted for ratification, within an agreed upon time, to the employees and to the Board. Failure to ratify tentative agreements shall make such tentative agreements null and void. 1. The parties may agree to submit packages of tentative agreements for ratification to the employees and the Board at any time. 2. If impasse is declared, the parties shall meet to review any pending tentative agreements unrelated to the impasse and to consider their submission for ratification as outlined in Section 1. above, prior to a special master hearing and prior to a public hearing. J. During the term of this Contract the Association and the Board recognize that events may arise which require a mutual interpretation or modification of this Contract that does not constitute a substantive change in employees’ salaries or benefits. Under these circumstances, the parties are authorized to enter into a settlement agreement or memorandum of understanding expressing these interpretations or modifications. If such are entered into during the term of this Contract, they will remain in effect until expiration of the Contract, until superseded by the Contract, or until mutually withdrawn by the parties. K. Operating Procedures and Guidelines: 1. The Collaborative Bargaining Leadership Team (CBLT) shall be composed of equal numbers of CTA members and District personnel. 2. The CBLT mutually agrees to coordinate and participate in appropriate training opportunities designed to support the process and/or build skills essential to the success of the process. The CBLT may utilize the services of consultants to assist in the negotiations. Any cost incurred shall be shared equally by the parties. 3. Define consensus as a status in which all members can support the decision and use consensus as the preferred decision making strategy in all decisions. 4. Operate as an open forum to identify, explore and resolve issues of importance to CTA and the District using District personnel as resources. The CBLT will solicit and value input from personnel affected by the outcome of the process. 5. All monies, except for School Recognition Dollars allocated by the Legislature as “bonus” and/or “incentive money” for teachers, shall be subject to discussion by the Collaborative Bargaining Leadership Team before distribution. 6. The CBLT will establish committees and will receive, review and make final decisions on recommendations from appropriate committees. All decisions are to be supported by data from those committees. All committee meetings will be accurately recorded. 7. Communicate with employees through a variety of mediums. 8. There will be a notice to the CBLT participants before either party communicates any specific issues generated or discussed during the CBLT process unless it is mutually agreed to amend this timeline. L. Provisions to submit issues to the CBLT 1. Employees shall submit issues to the CBLT using the Issues for Submission form found on the CBLT websites: xxxxx:// and 2. Forms may be found at individual work locations or the Association office. 3. The CBLT shall determine the appropriate action to be taken and notify the submitting party of such action. M. Committees of the CBLT 1. Committees shall be composed of equal numbers of CTA members and District personnel. 2. Committees will receive and undertake activities to execute the specific charge from the CBLT. Each party shall select a member that will act as a co-chair for each committee. 3. Committees shall welcome employees who might be affected by the issue to attend and provide information as a resource. Committees may invite outside resources as necessary. 4. Committees shall identify options supported by data to be recommended to the CBLT. 5. Committees shall keep accurate records of all committee meetings. 6. Committees and Task Forces a. Standing Committees The Collaborative Bargaining Leadership Team has established standing committees to field issues and concerns from their stakeholders. The committees meet on a regular basis to discuss issues and to collect data to support their recommendations. Each committee presents periodic reports and recommendations to the Collaborative Bargaining Leadership Team. The committees are as follows: 1.) Finance and Compensation 2.) Assessment
GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURE 8.01 The parties to this agreement believe it is important to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible as provided for herein. The employee or Union shall first discuss any individual complaint informally with the Director of Care or designate at the first opportunity. 8.02 In all steps of this grievance procedure an aggrieved employee, if she so desires may be accompanied by or represented by her Union Representative. At Step 1 of the grievance procedure a representative of the Ontario Nurses' Association may be present at the request of either party. 8.03 Should any dispute arise between the Employer and an employee, or between the Employer and the Union, as to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, the employee or Union Representative will bring it to the attention of the immediate supervisor to settle such differences within ten (10) days of the occurrence. If further action is to be taken, then within ten (10) days of the discussion, the employee, who may request the assistance of her Union Representative and/or Labour Relations Officer, shall submit the written grievance to the Administrator or designate. A meeting will be held between the parties within ten (10) days. The Administrator shall give a written decision within ten (10) days of the meeting to the Bargaining Unit President or her designate with a copy to the Labour Relations Officer. Should the Administrator fail to render his decision or failing settlement of any grievance under the foregoing procedure, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, the grievance may be referred to arbitration by either party. If no written notice of intent to submit the matter for arbitration is received within ten (10) days after the decision under Step No. 1 is received, the grievance shall be deemed to have been settled or abandoned. 8.04 A written grievance will indicate the nature of the grievance and the remedy sought by the grievor. Union grievances shall be set out on the union grievance form. Alternately, the parties may agree to an electronic version of this form and a process for signing. 8.05 Time limits fixed in the grievance and arbitration procedures may be extended only by written, mutual consent of the parties. Should the Employer not respond within the time limit(s) fixed, such failure to respond shall be deemed to be a denial of the grievance. Should a grievance not be submitted within the various time limits specified in this Agreement, unless mutually extended, it shall be considered to have been settled or abandoned.
ARTICLE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE The parties to this Agreement are agreed that it is of the utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. Unless agreed to by both the Company and the Union, no grievance shall be presented, the alleged circumstances of which originated or occurred, or should have come to the attention of the employee concerned, more than five (5) working days prior to its original presentation in writing at Step A grievance shall consist of a dispute concerning interpretation and/or application of any Article, Schedule or Clause in this Agreement. Should a grievance arise it shall be handled as follows. Prior to filing a formal grievance, an employee will, with the assistance of his xxxxxxx, refer the on an informal basis to his immediate Supervisor. If the grievance cannot be settled as a result of this discussion, then it may be dealt with as follows: STEP The employee shall a written grievance with his immediate Supervisor within five (5) working days of the incident giving rise to the complaint. The immediate Supervisor shall answer the grievance within five (5) working days. The grievance shall specify the Article or Articles and subsections of the Agreement of which a violation is alleged, indicate the relief sought and be signed by the employee. STEP Should the employee be dissatisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step the grievance may be referred to the Plant Manager within five (5) working days after receipt of the immediate Supervisor's reply at Step The Plant Manager shall convene a meeting with the and Chief Xxxxxxx and shall answer the grievance in writing within five (5) working days of such meeting. STEP If no settlement is reached at Step the the Union Grievance Committee and representatives of Management shall meet to discuss the grievance within five (5) working days of receipt of the reply of the Plant Manager. The Union's National Representative will be in attendance at this meeting. If the grievance is not settled within five (5) working days it may be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. The Union or the Company may initiate a grievance beginning at Step of the Grievance Procedure. Such grievance shall be filed within five (5) working days of the incident giving rise to the complaint and be in the form prescribed in Step Any such grievance may be referred to arbitration under Article by either the Union in the case of a Union grievance or the Company in the case of a Company grievance. The Union may not institute a grievance directly affecting an employee or employees which such employee or employees could themselves institute and the regular Grievance Procedure shall not thereby be by-passed except where the grievance would affect the Bargaining Unit as a whole. This Clause shall not preclude a group grievance signed by a group of employees commencing at Step Any complaint or grievance which is not commenced or processed through the next stage of the Grievance or Arbitration Procedure within the time specified shall be deemed to have been dropped. However, time limits specified in the Grievance Procedure may be extended by mutual agreement in writing between the Company and the Union. An employee who has been discharged or suspended may file a written grievance at Step within five (5) working days of the discharge or suspension. In taking disciplinary action within twenty-four (24) months from the date of a suspension or dismissal (reinstatement) for a similar infraction, the Company may consider the employee's entire record preceding suspension or dismissal (reinstatement), as the case may be. In taking disciplinary action within twelve 2) months from the date of an oral or written warning for a similar infraction, the Company may consider the employee's entire record preceding the employee's oral or written warning, as the case may be.
GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURES A. A grievance is a dispute, claim, or complaint arising under this Agreement, filed by either an authorized representative of or an employee in the Bargaining Unit, or the County, involving the interpretation or application of this Agreement. All discipline shall be for just cause. B. Grievances will be processed in the following manner and strictly in accordance with the following stated time limits: Step 1. The aggrieved employee shall be accorded fifteen (15) working days from the occurrence of the action or event or when the employee has knowledge or should have had knowledge of the action or the event giving rise to the complaint to seek resolution on an informal basis. The Employee must discuss his alleged grievance with the Airport Fire Chief and the Fire Rescue Division Director. If informal resolution is not accomplished, the employee, if a Union member, must present the proposed grievance in writing to a Union officer on or before the fifteenth (15th) working day for consideration by the Union Grievance committee. If, in the Committee's opinion, no reasonable grievance exists, no further action may be taken. Step 2. If the Committee wishes to pursue the member's complaint, a written grievance shall be presented to the Director of the Fire Rescue Division or his designee within twenty (20) working days from the occurrence of the action or event giving rise to the grievance or from the date on which the employee reasonably should have had knowledge of that occurrence. A written grievance must be presented on a grievance form provided by the County in Appendix A. Upon receipt of a formal grievance or a class action submitted by the Union, the Fire Rescue Division Director or his designee shall investigate the facts and conduct a meeting within five (5) working days with the aggrieved employee and any other persons possessing knowledge considered critical by the Director. The aggrieved employee may be accompanied at this meeting by a local Union representative. The Fire Rescue Division Director or his designee shall notify the grievant of his decision no later than five (5) working days following the date of the meeting. Step 3. If the grievance is not resolved at the second step, the aggrieved employee shall present the written grievance within five (5) working days of the Step 2 decision to the Department Head. The Department Head or his designee shall investigate the facts and may conduct a hearing within five
Formal Grievance Procedure 1. In the event that a complaint cannot be resolved informally, the parties shall pursue the first step in the formal grievance procedure before making any application for arbitration, unless the College and the AAUP agree in writing to alter the procedure or waive one or more of the steps by proceeding directly to arbitration. 2. Upon written request of the AAUP Contract Compliance Officer, the College shall submit any requested documents in its possession which may be necessary for investigation of the grievance. The College shall deliver such documents as soon as is reasonably possible, but no later than seven (7) days after receipt of a written request. 3. Internal Steps in the Procedure a. Step One: The Director of Human Resources (1) Within thirty (30) days of when the AAUP learns of, or in the exercise of reasonable diligence should have learned of, an alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement, the AAUP shall submit to the Director of Human Resources a completed Faculty Grievance Form or a dated, signed, written description of the grievance, clearly labeled "grievance" containing substantially the same information as provided for on the Faculty Grievance Form. (2) Within eight (8) days of receipt of the written grievance, the Director of Human Resources shall convene a meeting to discuss the grievance. Such meeting shall include the grievant(s) and/or the designated representative(s) of the AAUP and shall be scheduled at a time which is mutually convenient to the parties. (3) The Director of Human Resources shall attempt to determine the facts pertaining to the grievance and shall notify the grievant and the AAUP in writing of his/her decision within eight (8) days in a Grievance Disposition Form or in a document containing substantially the same information as contained in a Grievance Disposition Form, which shall include written details of the reasons which support the decision. (4) Within eight (8) days after receipt of the disposition of the Director of Human Resources, the AAUP may appeal the decision in writing to the College Grievance Officer, by submitting a Grievance Disposition Reaction Form or a document containing substantially the same information as contained in a Grievance Disposition Reaction Form. (5) By agreement, the parties may decide to advance the grievance to step two of the procedure, or to appeal directly to arbitration at step D(4) of this article.
Disputes Procedure 12.1 If a dispute relating to a Script covered by this Agreement arises between a Writer and the BBC which cannot be settled by direct discussion then either party will have the right to refer the issue to a panel which shall consist of the Head of Talent & Rights Negotiation Group the relevant head of the production department and two of the Writer, the Writer’s representative or representative of the Society, the WGGB or the PMA, at the Writer’s election. This clause shall not however be invoked in a manner which might override any other clause in this Agreement or call into question the BBC’s reasonable and proper discretion to accept or reject a Script. 12.2 Any dispute regarding the interpretation of this Agreement or the interpretation of an individual contract between the BBC and a writer of a Script covered by this Agreement which cannot be resolved by discussion between the parties shall be referred to an Arbitration Committee consisting of two representatives of the BBC and any two of the Writer or Writer’s representative or representative of the Society, the Guild or the PMA as the case may be. Failing settlement it shall then be referred to a single Arbitrator mutually acceptable to both sides who shall determine the issue and whose decision shall be binding on both parties. 12.3 Clause 12.2 shall not apply to disputes arising under clause 12.1, 16.1 and 20-25.
COMPLAINT AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 9.01 Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated or whenever an employee who has completed the required probationary period and has been accepted by the Employer for employment in the permanent service, claims that he/she has been disciplined or discharged without reasonable cause, such difference, allegation or claim being hereinafter referred to as the grievance, the grievance procedure set forth below shall apply. 9.02 The Association shall name, appoint or otherwise select a Grievance Committee of no more than three (3) who shall be members of the Association and shall have reached at least the rank of First Class Fire Fighter and other advisors as deemed necessary at the expense of the Association. The Employer shall recognize and deal with the Grievance committee with respect to any matter or dispute which properly arises from a breach of the Collective Agreement from time to time during its term. This committee shall suffer no loss as a result of their attendance at such grievance meetings, hearings, etc. 9.03 No grievance will be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working days before the submission of the grievance. Step 1 - An employee having a grievance will take the matter up through their Association representative. The President or designate shall contact Fire Management to seek a resolution. Step 2 - If the grievance is not settled within five (5) working days, the Association shall submit the matter in writing to the Fire Chief or designate within five (5) working days of receiving the reply from Step 1. The Fire Chief or designate shall render the written decision to the Association within five (5) working days after receiving the written grievance. In the context of this Article a working day shall be deemed to be Monday to Friday excluding designated holidays. Step 3 - If the reply of the Fire Chief is not acceptable to the Association the grievance may be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) or the Director of Human Resources within five (5) working days of the written decision of the Fire Chief. The CAO or the Director of Human Resources, who together with the Fire Chief and any other advisors deemed necessary, shall meet with the Association Representatives within 5 working days to consider the grievance. Within five (5) working days of the aforesaid, the CAO or the Director of Human Resources will render a written reply to the employee and the Association. Step 4 - If no resolve is reached at Step 3, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration. Notice shall be given within 5 business days. The parties agree that, for the purposes of this collective agreement the words of the expedited arbitration provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 as amended (Section 49), will be deemed to have been incorporated into this collective agreement. Accordingly and notwithstanding any other provisions of this article (the grievance/arbitration provisions); either party may refer a grievance to expedited arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Section 49. The parties further agree that neither party will raise any jurisdictional or other objection to the application of Section 49 to a grievance under this collective agreement as it pertains to the right to an expedited arbitration. Either party is entitled however, to raise any objection, with the arbitrator with respect to whether the provisions of Section 49 have been properly utilized in respect of any specific grievance (e.g. objections with respect to time limits etc.). Such an appointment by the Minister of Labour or his or her designate will be determined to be a joint appointment in accordance with Section 53(3) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act. 9.04 Extensions to the time limits in 9.03 may not be unreasonably withheld. 9.05 The employee in all steps of the grievance procedure shall be confined to the grievance and redress sought as set forth in the written grievance initially filed as provided.
Complaints Procedure (a) A formal complaint must be submitted in writing within six months of the last alleged occurrence. (b) A complaint must be submitted through the Union and/or directly to the Executive Director (or the equivalent or designate). When the Executive Director has received a complaint, they will notify the respondent and the union staff representative of the substance of the complaint in writing within 15 days. (c) The complaint must contain the specific instance(s) and date(s) that the alleged harassment occurred, the names of any witnesses, an explanation of how the action constitutes a violation of Article 29 (Harassment), and the remedy sought. (d) The Executive Director or their designate will investigate the complaint and will complete their report in writing within 30 days. (e) The Employer will take action to resolve the complaint within 10 days of receiving the investigator's report. (f) The Employer will advise the respondent, the complainant and the Union in writing of the substance of the investigator's report and the resolution of the complaint. (g) If the resolution involves separating employees, reasonable efforts will be made to relocate or reschedule the respondent. The complainant may agree in writing to be transferred or rescheduled. (h) If the resolution involves separating an employee and a respondent who is not an employee, reasonable efforts will be made to remedy the situation. (i) If the respondent is the Executive Director (or equivalent), or where there are possible systemic issues or multiple complaints, the following process will be used: (1) The complainant will contact the Union. (2) As soon as possible but within 30 days the Union will notify the Executive Director (or equivalent) and CSSEA. Clause 29.4 (a) and (c) apply to the notice. CSSEA will inform the Employer's Board of Directors. (3) CSSEA and the Union will appoint either Xxxxx Xxxxx or Xxxxxx Xxxx to resolve the complaint. (The person appointed is referred to below as "the Appointee".) (4) After consultation with the parties involved, the Appointee will establish the process to resolve the complaint. The process may include - at the Appointee's discretion - any of the following (or any combination of them): fact-finding, mediation, making recommendations or a full report, or conducting an expedited arbitration. In exercising their discretion with respect to the process, the Appointee will consider the parties' desire that the process be fair and expeditious, that it minimizes disruption in the workplace, that it respects individual privacy to the degree possible in the circumstances, and that it keeps costs to a reasonable level. The Appointee will submit any report or recommendations to CSSEA and the Union. The report and recommendations will remain confidential, except for distribution to the Employer's Board of Directors, the complainant and the respondent. The Appointee may stipulate conditions she/he deems appropriate with respect to distribution. Any outcomes of the process are without prejudice or precedent for other proceedings. (5) The Appointee's fees and expenses will be shared by the Employer and the Union. (j) The Employer may take appropriate action, including discipline, against a complainant if the investigation determines that the complaint is frivolous, vindictive or vexatious.
Technical Objections to Grievances It is the intent of both Parties of this Agreement that no grievance shall be defeated merely because of a technical error, other than time limitations in processing the grievance through the grievance procedure. To this end, an arbitration board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the grievance and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in the processing of a grievance, in order to determine the real matter in dispute and to render a decision according to equitable principles and the justice of the case.