Professional Integrity. At a minimum, Insurer shall maintain industry standards of professional integrity in conducting Marketing activities. Insurer shall not distribute inaccurate, false, or misleading Marketing materials. Insurer shall not use Marketing materials with negative statements about any other Florida Healthy Kids insurer or Insurer. Insurer may not seek to influence enrollment in conjunction with the sale or offering of any private insurance. Insurer shall not require network Providers or facilities to distribute Marketing materials nor shall Insurer require or allow network Providers or facilities to distribute Marketing materials for Insurer at the exclusion of any other Florida Healthy Kids insurer with which the Provider or facility participates. Insurer shall not compensate any network Provider or facility for distributing Marketing materials.
Professional Integrity. The instructor…
A. Responds to requests in a timely and thorough manner.
B. Communicates clearly. Is forthright and respectful to members of the campus community.
C. Takes accountability. Demonstrates a commitment to resolving conflicts and willingness to admit mistakes.
D. Sets and maintains appropriate boundaries with students, colleagues, personal time and commitments.
E. Recognizes and adheres to ethical guidelines in working with students and colleagues.
Professional Integrity. A. The Publisher and the Guild agree to the following conditions in order to preserve and further professional integrity of the newspaper and its staff:
B. No person employed by the Free Press shall, for any reason, prepare for publication material which is inaccurate, misleading or false.
C. No person employed by the Free Press shall be required or permitted to use his/her position for any purpose other than performing the duties of that position.
D. No person employed by the Free Press shall accept in connection with his/her work or as a result of his/her association with the Free Press any gift or gratuity or other thing of value from any source, the acceptance of which would tend to compromise the integrity of the newspaper.
E. Whenever time permits, substantive changes in material submitted shall be brought to the attention of the staff member who produced the material before publication.
F. No person employed by the Free Press shall perform work for any employer that is engaged in competition with the Free Press.
G. If a question arises as to the accuracy of printed material, no correction or retraction of that material shall be printed without prior consultation, time permitting, with the staff members who produced the material. H There shall be no limitation upon the outside activities of any person employed by the Free Press, except that no such person shall engage in any activity that compromises the integrity of the newspaper.
Professional Integrity. 1. An employee’s byline or credit line shall not be used over his/her protest. Bylines or credit lines may not be withheld for purposes of concerted activity or withheld by an employee on a continual basis. In the event substantive changes are made in a reporter’s story and it is not practicable to call such changes to his/her attention, the byline shall be taken off such story by the editor,
2. The Guild and the Employer agree that news stories and feature stories will be presented in accordance with sound journalistic practice without distortion of any facts. If a question arises as to the accuracy of the printed material, the employee concerned will be consulted prior to any retraction of the material involved.
Professional Integrity. I agree to not formally teach Nuad Thai to any person unless I am an Instructor or Institutional member of THAI, and engaged in a training course recognized by THAI. I also agree to make clear to my students that the practice of Thai massage is subject to all local laws and ordinances.
Professional Integrity. I will observe and abide by the code of ethics based on the professional integrity and ethics of a professional Translator/Interpreter/Vendor, including, but not limited to, the Code of Professional Conduct for Translators, Interpreters and Vendors (as attached) as the highest self-regulatory principles, and exercise the responsibility of a good administrator towards Clients.
Professional Integrity. In order to maintain professional integrity and the integrity of The Daily Progress employees shall objectively report the news without influence from outside interests including but not limited to advertisers, advertising staff of the paper, politicians or any other person in a position of power. The Publisher’s reporting standards are part of the Employee Handbook and shall govern employee behavior.
Professional Integrity. Interpreters and translators shall demonstrate professionalism and personal integrity, including: • If the Interpreter or Translator believes he or she may have interpreted/translated inaccurately or incompletely, he or she will make this known and, if possible, provide a corrected interpretation/translation. • If the Interpreter or Translator believes he or she is so impacted by the content to be interpreted/translated, that he or she becomes unable to interpret/translate accurately and completely, he or she shall inform the parties of their intent to withdraw without threat or retaliation.
Professional Integrity. Professional integrity refers to the ethical behaviors and conducts expected of all involved throughout simulation-based experiences (SBE); facilitators, learners, and participants.
Professional Integrity. Teachers should: ➔ act with honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work ➔ respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of information gained in the course of professional practice, unless a legal imperative requires disclosure or there is a legitimate concern for the wellbeing of an individual ➔ represent themselves, their professional status, qualifications and experience honestly ➔ use their name/names as set out in the Register of Teachers, in the course of their professional duties ➔ avoid conflict between their professional work and private interests which could reasonably be deemed to impact negatively on akonga.