PROGRAM REDUNDANCY. 9.1 Program redundancy refers to the cancellation of an Academic Program resulting in the loss, or possible loss, of a Member’s position at the University, for reasons other than Financial Exigency.
9.2 The merging of programs, or the reassignment of a Member to another Program without the loss of a Members position, is not Program redundancy and is not subject to this Article. Where necessary, the University will assist the Member affected by Program merger or by reassignment as per Articles 9.9, 9.10, 9.11 and 9.12.
9.3 Program redundancy may occur only for bona fide academic reasons and shall apply only to Programs, or Colleges, not to individuals within a Program, or College.
9.4 A Program redundancy exists when, in the opinion of the Program Redundancy Committee, a Program does not meet acceptable academic standards, or does not contribute in a significant way to the mission of the University, or does not have, or is not projected to have, within the next three
PROGRAM REDUNDANCY. 33.3.1 The Board may only declare a program redundancy on the recommendation of Education Council.
33.3.2 The Education Council may recommend a program redundancy for academic reasons such as a change in academic priorities, concerns regarding academic standards or relevance, persistent low student enrolment, or external factors which specifically affect the viability of the particular program and over which OC has no control, such as changes to the requirements for certification in various professions.
33.3.3 If OC proposes to declare a program redundancy, the Vice-President Education shall request, in writing, that the Education Council consider whether a program or department should be closed for academic reasons. The request must be accompanied by a brief that explains the nature of the Vice-President Education’s concerns and includes the relevant data or information in the Vice President Education’s hands which motivated the request: and includes the relevant data or information available to the Vice President Education which motivated the request.
33.3.4 The Vice-President Education shall form a Redundancy Committee which shall evaluate the academic merits of the concerns raised. The Redundancy Committee shall consist of:
a) two representatives appointed by the Association, b) two representatives appointed by OC, and c) the Vice-President Education as Chair.
33.3.5 No member of the Redundancy Committee shall be a member of the program under consideration. An employee from the program or department affected by the proposed redundancy shall be chosen by the committee to serve as a non-voting resource person for the committee.
33.3.6 The Redundancy Committee shall meet within ten (10) working days of its appointment.
33.3.7 The mandate of the Redundancy Committee shall be to assess whether the proposal for the program redundancy is consistent with the reasons set out in section 33.2.
33.3.8 Within 30 working days of its first meeting, the Redundancy Committee shall submit a written report to the Education Council with a copy to the President and the Association.
33.3.9 The report of the Redundancy Committee shall address the reasons and plan for the program redundancy. The committee shall also consider short and long-term actions that do not involve the transfer or lay-off of employees.
33.3.10 After considering the report and any responses to it, the Education Council will make a recommendation to the Vice-President Education within twenty (20) working...
PROGRAM REDUNDANCY. 23.1 The University may implement a program redundancy, as defined in 23.3, only on the recommendation of Senate, and only for academic reasons under 23.5.
PROGRAM REDUNDANCY. Inability of the University to continue the appointment due to program redundancy [see
PROGRAM REDUNDANCY. 3.8.1 This Article applies only to those situations in which the declaration of Program Redundancy may result in the layoff of employees. A Program Redundancy refers to the cancellation of an academic program for reasons other than Financial Exigency and when verified by the Redundancy Committee. The Board may only declare a Program Redundancy, on the advice of Senate, for bona fide academic reasons including the following:
(i) a Program does not meet acceptable academic standards, or
(ii) a Program does not contribute in a significant way to the mission of the University, or
(iii) a Program does not have an enrolment sufficient to justify maintaining the Program. Program Redundancy shall apply only to academic programs, not to individuals within a Program. If low student enrolment is argued as a bona fide academic reason, it must be demonstrated that a major decline has occurred which has produced a condition of low enrolments for at least three consecutive years, and there is no probability of an increase in enrolment over the next three years.
3.8.2 Subject to the provisions of this Article, the Parties recognize the authority of Senate to advise the Board on the restructure of the University’s programs by introducing new programs, by changing existing programs, or by cancelling programs. No Member shall either:
(a) be transferred for the purpose of labour adjustment except in accordance with this Article; or
(b) be laid-off, terminated, or otherwise penalized with respect to terms and conditions of employment and/or rights or privileges relating to employment for academic reasons except in accordance with this Article.
3.8.3 An academic program is one or more of:
(a) a group of courses approved by Senate which may lead to a diploma, certificate, or degree,
(b) a research program.
PROGRAM REDUNDANCY. 33.3.1 The Board may only declare a program redundancy on the recommendation of Education Council.
33.3.2 The Education Council may recommend a program redundancy for academic reasons such as a change in academic priorities, concerns regarding academic standards or relevance, persistent low student enrolment, or external factors which specifically affect the viability of the particular program and over which OC has no control, such as changes to the requirements for certification in various professions.
33.3.3 If OC proposes to declare a program redundancy, the Vice-President Education shall request, in writing, that the Education Council consider whether a program or department should be closed for academic reasons. The request must be accompanied by a brief that explains the nature of the Vice-President Education’s concerns and includes the relevant data or information in the Vice President Education’s hands which motivated the request: and includes the relevant data or information available to the Vice President Education which motivated the request.
33.3.4 The Vice-President Education shall form a Redundancy Committee which shall evaluate the academic merits of the concerns raised. The Redundancy Committee shall consist of:
a) two representatives appointed by the Association, b) two representatives appointed by OC, and c) the Vice-President Education as Chair.
33.3.5 No member of the Redundancy Committee shall be a member of the program under consideration. An employee from the program or department affected by the proposed redundancy shall be chosen by the committee to serve as a non-voting resource person for the committee.
PROGRAM REDUNDANCY. 45.1 The Board may declare a program redundancy, as defined in Article 45.3 only on the recommendation of a duly established Senate Redundancy Committee, to which Senate has delegated its power and authority to make such a recommendation in accordance with Article 22(2)(j) of the Nipissing University Act, and only for bona fide reasons under Article 45.5.
45.2 No Member will be transferred, redeployed, laid off, terminated or otherwise penalized with respect to terms and conditions of employment and/or rights or privileges relating to employment for reasons of program redundancy except in accordance with this Article.
PROGRAM REDUNDANCY. When the University approves a reorganization which involves the closure, reduction, amalgamation, or transfer of an academic program or programs which may lead to the transfer of one or more Members, a Redeployment Advisory Committee will be struck by the Xxxxxxx to provide advice on measures needed to effect the reorganization, including (where applicable) redeployment, buyout or retirement.
PROGRAM REDUNDANCY in The University may implement a program redundancy, as defined the of Senate, and only for academic reasons under to of this Agreement, and the provisions of this Article, the Parties recognize the authority of Senate to restructure the University's academic programs by introducing new programs, by changing existing programs, or by cancelling programs. or and conditions of employment and/or rights or privileges relating to employment for academic reasons except in accordance with this Article. a group of courses approved by Senate which may lead to a diploma, certificate, or degree; an academic unit or sub-unit which delivers such a group of courses; a .research program; any other academic unit or sub-unit to which Members are assigned. If the University proposes to declare a program redundancy, it shall inform program redundancy, a detailed statement of t he academic reasons for such a proposal, and its reasons for believing that the transfer or lay-off of Members of the academic unit or sub-unit affected may be required. which the isproposed and in related units and sub-units, Limited Term academic and professional qualifications; a list of all other options other than lay-off, including but not limited to leaves, voluntary early retirement, voluntary a statement whether the options under and above satisfy the requirements of the redundancy plan; and, if the options under and do not meet the requirements of the redundancy plan, a list of Members to be laid-off, with a statement of the academic and professional reasons why each individual Member is of4 AM cost of the Redundancy Committee established under Article shall be borne by the University.
PROGRAM REDUNDANCY. 15.1 Program termination means a decision by the Board of Directors to terminate a program or department in the College for reasons other than financial exigency. The decision to terminate a program or department may be made where the academic interests of the College suffer because reduced student demand or social need for the program is coupled with a demand or need in another program which cannot be fulfilled without redeployment of resources. A recommendation for a program or department termination shall be initiated at the Educational Policy Committee and shall be supported by a two-thirds majority of Faculty Council.
15.2 In the event of program termination, every reasonable effort shall be made to redeploy the Full-Time Faculty Member in another position in the College, possibly after retraining. If such retraining is necessary, reasonable costs of retraining shall be borne by the College.