PROGRAMME MILESTONES. The following Xxxxx chart illustrates the key deliverables and the delivery milestones (e.g. DM1) for the GDE FF programme at GHNT, broken down into its component work streams and individual projects. In addition, key deliverables have been matched against funding payment milestones. The anticipated start date of this programme is planned for December 2017. All dates in this proposal are subject to change based on this programme initiation. This is also subject to funding and resource allocation. Any critical dependencies on the GDE will be factored into the programme once the individual detail on the projects has been worked through. A1 Funding Agreement Sign Off Nov-17 Jan-18 A2 Delivery Approach and Framework Feb-18 May-18 A3 Programme mobilisation approach Feb-18 May-18 A4 System Topology Mar-18 Jun-18 B1 Accelerating Patient Flow Feb-18 Dec-18 B2 Live Hospital Management Feb-18 Dec-18 B3 Real time Patient Monitoring Feb-18 Dec-18 B4 Delivering a 24x7 service Apr-18 Jul-19 B5 Clinical Images available anywhere Feb-18 B6 B7 B8 B9 Clinician access to all Images across XxXX and GHNT Digitising Medical Devices Improved Clinical and Operational Decision Making Enabling the Agile Clinician Oct-18 Oct-18 Sep-18 Sep-18 Xxx-00 Xxx-00 Xxx-00 Mar-20 C1 Clinical Records available anywhere Feb-18 Oct-18 C2 Clinical Pathway Workflow Transformation Oct-18 Jan-19 C3 Standardisation of Clinical Records Mar-19 Aug-19 C4 Electronic Medicines Management Apr-18 Aug-19 C5 Closed Loop Medicines Jun-19 Sep-20 C6 Paperless Orders and Results Trust wide Apr-18 Mar-20 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 Hospital at Night Visible Patient Management - Tasks Visible Patient Management - Referrals Patient Self Care and Management Patient Self Check in Feb-18 Sep-18 Jan-19 May-18 Apr-19 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Sep-19 Mar-20 D1 Single Clinician Portal Jun-18 Jun-20 D2 Paperless Outpatients Apr-18 Oct-18 D3 Paperless Nursing Apr-18 Jul-19 D4 Paperless Community Services Apr-18 Oct-18 D5 Paperless AHPs Apr-18 Dec-19 D6 Paperless Clinicians Apr-18 Mar-20 D7 D8 D9 Paperless Mental Health Paperless Theatres Real time NHS Numbers Apr-18 Oct-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Jun-20 D10 Improving Patient Outcomes Xxx-00 Xxx-00 The attached delivery milestones document provides a summary of each project with an estimated delivery date for the related delivery milestones. In addition, each project is categorised according to the DMA classification contribution.
PROGRAMME MILESTONES. 4.1 The following milestone dates are provided for information purposes and will be driven by compliance with the Landlord’s, the Tenant’s and the Contractor’s obligations under the Agreement for Lease and the Management Contract. 4.2 Please refer to the MAC-lnteriors Landlord Remodeling Works Construction Programme included at Appendix D for more details on the sequencing of the activities to achieve the following milestone dates. Please note that these dates are now superseded as they were dependent on the date for signing the
PROGRAMME MILESTONES. Freezing of main machine parameters Completed
PROGRAMME MILESTONES. 3.1 There are several Phases of the PROGRAMME: - Phase 1: entrance to AAPA leading up to PPL; - Phase 2: after PPL leading up to CPL and CIR; - Phase 3: employment with Rex and entrance to Rex Ground School leading up to type endorsement; - Phase 4: employment with Rex as a First Officer; - Phase 5: entrance into the PICUS programme after meeting all prerequisites and leading up to graduation from PICUS; - Phase 6: entrance into the Command Upgrade leading to graduation as Captain. The above represents the principal progression path of the Cadet. However Rex reserves the right to modify the progression from Phase 3 onwards according to the needs of the Xxx Group while being mindful of the aspirations of the Cadet, 3.2 The Cadet confirms and acknowledges that it is a fundamental element of the PROGRAMME that the Cadet, at his own cost and time, passes the ATPL Air Law and Airline Human Factors exams within 1.5 years of graduating from the Course and the remainder of the ATPL subjects within 2.5 years of graduating from the Course. 3.3 The Cadet acknowledges and accepts that the - continuation in a Phase; and - the graduation from a Phase; and - the entry into the next Phase are all conditional on the Cadet meeting fully at all times Rex's very high expectations of conduct, attitude and performance with high weightage being placed on conduct and attitude. The Cadet acknowledges and accepts Rex's absolute discretion in this matter. The Cadet should be aware that graduation from a Phase does not automatically entail suitability to enter the next Phase.
PROGRAMME MILESTONES. 3.1 There are several Phases of the PROGRAMME: − Phase 1: Entrance to AAPA leading up to PPL; − Phase 2: After PPL leading up to and including CPL and CIR; − Phase 3: Employment with Rex and entrance to Rex Ground School leading up to and including type endorsement; − Phase 4: Employment with Rex as a First Officer; − Phase 5: Entrance into the PICUS programme after meeting all prerequisites and leading up to graduation from PICUS. Cadets who, at the sole discretion of Rex, have poor aptitude either in performance or attitude will not be offered a place in PICUS and will remain at Phase 4 for the rest of the PROGRAMME; − Phase 6: Entrance into the Command Upgrade leading to graduation as Captain. The above represents the principal progression path of the Cadet. However Rex reserves the right to modify the progression from Phase 3 onwards according to the needs of the Rex Group and the performance and attitude of the Cadets while being mindful of the aspirations of the Cadet. 3.2 The Cadet confirms and acknowledges that it is a fundamental element of the PROGRAMME that the Cadet, at his own cost and time, passes the ATPL Air Law and Airline Human Factors exams within 1.5 years of graduating from the Course. The Cadet is required to hold valid credits in all of the ATPL subjects within 2.5 years of graduating from the Course. 3.3 In addition to the terms of clause 3.1, the Cadet acknowledges and accepts that the − continuation in a Phase; and − the graduation from a Phase; and − the entry into the next Phase are all conditional on the Cadet meeting fully at all times Rex's very high expectations of conduct, attitude and performance with high emphasis being placed on conduct and attitude. The Cadet acknowledges and accepts Rex's absolute discretion in this matter. The Cadet should be aware that graduation from a Phase does not automatically entail suitability to enter the next Phase.


  • Project/Milestones Taxpayer is a food producer and full line grocery store chain, proposing to expand its in- house food manufacturing. In consideration for the Credit, Taxpayer agrees to maintain at least 44 full-time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, at its Merced food manufacturing facility; and, to hire full-time employees and invest in a research and development equipment, manufacturing equipment, tenant improvements, and a facility as part of its expansion in Merced and/or Riverside, California (collectively, the “Project”). Taxpayer agrees that for the purposes of satisfying the milestones in Exhibit A (“Milestones”), Taxpayer will only count jobs and investment at its Merced food manufacturing facility and/or a new food manufacturing facility in Riverside, and that no other jobs or investment at any retail or other facility can be counted. For the purposes of calculating the number of full-time employees, no employee transferred from another affiliate, facility, or entity owned, related to, or controlled by the Taxpayer shall be included in the calculation. Taxpayer shall not be entitled to any portion of the Credit if it fails to maintain at least 44 full-time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, at its Merced facility for the entire duration of the agreement. Further, Taxpayer agrees to satisfy the Milestones and must maintain Milestones for a minimum of three (3) taxable years thereafter. In the event Taxpayer employs more than the number of full- time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, than required in Exhibit A, for purposes of satisfying the “Minimum Annual Wage of California Full-time Employees Hired” and the “Cumulative Average Annual Wage of California Full-time Employees Hired,” Taxpayer may use the wages of any of the full-time employees hired within the required time period. For purposes of calculating the “Minimum Annual Wage of California Full-time Employees Hired” and the “Cumulative Average Annual Wage of California Full-time

  • Development Milestones In addition to its obligations under Paragraph 7.1, LICENSEE specifically commits to achieving (either itself or through the acts of a SUBLICENSEE) the following development milestones in its diligence activities under this AGREEMENT: (a) (b).

  • Commercial Milestones (a) Within [*****] calendar days after the end of the first Calendar Year in which aggregate annual Net Sales for that Calendar Year for the Licensed Product in the Territory reach any threshold indicated in the Commercial Milestone Events listed below, EverInsight shall notify VistaGen of the achievement of such Commercial Milestone Event and VistaGen shall invoice EverInsight for the corresponding non-refundable, non-creditable Milestone Payment set forth below and EverInsight shall remit payment to VistaGen within [*****] Business Days after the receipt of the invoice, as described in Section 8.6 (Currency; Exchange Rate; Payments). Annual Net Sales Milestones for Licensed Product Milestone Payments (in Dollars) (each a “Commercial Milestone Event”): (1). [*****] (2). [*****] (3). [*****] (4). [*****] (5). [*****] (b) For the purposes of determining whether a Net Sales Milestone Event has been achieved, Net Sales of Licensed Product(s) in the Territory shall be aggregated. For clarity, the annual Net Sales Milestone Payments set forth in this Section 8.3 (Commercial Milestones) shall be payable only once, upon the first achievement of the applicable Commercial Milestone Event, regardless of how many times such Commercial Milestone Event is achieved. (c) If a Commercial Milestone Event in Section 8.3 (Commercial Milestones) is achieved and payment with respect to any previous Commercial Milestone Event in Section 8.3 has not been made, then such previous Commercial Milestone Event shall be deemed achieved and EverInsight shall notify VistaGen within fifteen (15) calendar days of such achievement. VistaGen shall then invoice EverInsight for such unpaid previous Commercial Milestone Event(s) and EverInsight shall pay VistaGen such unpaid previous milestone payment(s) within thirty (30) Business Days of receipt of such invoice. (d) In the event that, VistaGen believes any Commercial Milestone Event under Section 8.3(a) has occurred but EverInsight has not given VistaGen the notice of the achievement of such Commercial Milestone Event, it shall so notify EverInsight in writing and shall provide to EverInsight data, documentation or other information that supports its belief. Any dispute under this Section 8.3(d) (Commercial Milestones - subsection (d)) that relates to whether or not a Commercial Milestone Event has occurred shall be referred to the JSC to be resolved in accordance with ARTICLE 3 (Governance) and shall be subject to resolution in accordance with Section 14.10 (Dispute Resolution). The Milestone Payments made for each Commercial Milestone Event shall be non-creditable and non-refundable.

  • Milestones Subject to the provisions of the SGIP, the Parties shall agree on milestones for which each Party is responsible and list them in Attachment 4 of this Agreement. A Party’s obligations under this provision may be extended by agreement. If a Party anticipates that it will be unable to meet a milestone for any reason other than a Force Majeure event, it shall immediately notify the other Parties of the reason(s) for not meeting the milestone and: (1) propose the earliest reasonable alternate date by which it can attain this and future milestones, and (2) requesting appropriate amendments to Attachment 4. The Party affected by the failure to meet a milestone shall not unreasonably withhold agreement to such an amendment unless: (1) it will suffer significant uncompensated economic or operational harm from the delay, (2) attainment of the same milestone has previously been delayed, or (3) it has reason to believe that the delay in meeting the milestone is intentional or unwarranted notwithstanding the circumstances explained by the Party proposing the amendment.

  • Sales Milestones On a Co-Co Product-by-Co-Co Product basis, Celgene shall make the following sales milestone payments to Jounce that are set forth below upon the first achievement by or on behalf of Celgene, its Affiliates or Sublicensees of the sales milestone events (“Sales Milestone Events”) set forth below with respect to sales of such Co-Co Product in the ROW Territory. [***] [***] [***] [***]

  • Targets and Milestones You may choose to develop specific additional targets and milestones which assess your performance in ITT over time – particularly if ITT trainees make up a significant proportion of your overall student body. Alternatively, you may have targets and milestones in your existing 2012-13 access agreement which you now also wish to apply to undergraduate and/or postgraduate ITT trainees. These targets may be statistical – based on how representative your entrants are and/or your retention performance – and might include annual or interim milestones to help you monitor whether you are making progress. You may wish to include criteria around the numbers of trainees in receipt of a full or partial maintenance grant, as financial data will need to be collected to determine bursary support and the data will also be accessible through the Student Loans Company for HEBSS subscribers. You may also wish to consider the TDA guidance at Annex C which gives information on specific groups that are underrepresented in the teaching profession.

  • Milestone A principal event specified in the Contract Documents including the Material Completion and Occupancy Date and other events relating to an intermediate completion date or time.

  • Milestone Schedule Please state the status and progress of each Milestone and identify any completed Milestone(s) for the previous calendar quarter.

  • Milestone Event Milestone Payment [***] [***]

  • Development Milestone Payments Pfizer shall make the payments set forth below within [**] days (or [**] days after [**] following the first occurrence of each event described below for a Licensed Product Covered by a Valid Claim that achieves such milestone (each event a “Development Milestone” and each payment a “Development Milestone Payment”). Development Milestone Development Milestone Payment [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**]. The Development Milestone Payment in clause (2) of this Section 3.3 may become payable as set forth in Section 4.6. Whether or not the Development Milestone in clause (2) of this Section 3.3 is achieved, the Development Milestone Payment in clause (2) shall, pursuant to Section 4.6, in all cases become payable prior to the time the Development Milestone Payment in clause (3) of this Section 3.3 becomes payable. With respect to the Development Milestone in clause (3) of this Section 3.3, in the case of a [**] that is determined to have become [**], such Development Milestone, if achieved based on such [**], shall be achieved upon [**]; provided, however, if either [**], such Development Milestone shall be deemed to have been met on the date of such determination. With respect to the Development Milestone in clause (8) of this Section 3.3, such Development Milestone will be paid in [**], provided that if such Licensed Product [**]. (For the avoidance of doubt, all payment [**] that became payable prior to such [**] shall continue to be payable and there shall be [**] of the [**] Development Milestone Payment will be deemed to have been achieved and payable on [**], and will be paid by Pfizer within [**] days thereafter, until the earlier of [**]. For example, [**] of such Development Milestone, such Development Milestone Payment would be paid [**] of the Development Milestone [**]. For the avoidance of doubt: (a) except for (i) the Development Milestone Payment set forth in clause (6) of this Section 3.3 [**], (ii) the Development Milestone Payment set forth in clause (8) of this Section 3.3 [**] and (iii) the Development Milestone Payment set forth in clause (9) of this Section 3.3 [**], each Development Milestone Payment shall be payable only once upon achievement of the applicable Development Milestone and only on the first occurrence of the corresponding Development Milestone regardless of the number of Licensed Products and (b) satisfaction of a Development Milestone by an Affiliate or by a sublicensee or assignee of, or Third Party retained by, Pfizer or its Affiliates shall be deemed to have been satisfied by Pfizer for the purposes of this Section 3.3.