PROGRESS TOWARDS ACHIEVING PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS. By the start of the fourth year of operations, we had largely completed most institutional and community facilities for the life of the project. Speeding up the calendar in the third year of the project was a means of allowing us to moving beyond standard deliverables so that we would have a year to provide more innovative solutions to WASH sector problems in rural communities. We feel strongly that GWASH has continued to move in the appropriate direction and will close out the project in a way which will far exceed many of the targets set out at the project’s outset.
PROGRESS TOWARDS ACHIEVING PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS. As mentioned previously, with a few exceptions, we’ve largely completed most institutional and community facilities for the life of the project prior to the fourth year of operations. Speeding up the calendar was a means of allowing us to moving beyond standard deliverables so that we would have a year (or more, had we received an extension) to provide more innovative solutions to WASH sector problems in rural communities. While we did not achieve 100% of this objective, and have a few outstanding facilities to complete, we have the staff available internally to segregate out the tasks so that an entire team will be able to focus exclusively on the new initiatives in the coming year, while others will focus their efforts on bringing home the initiatives that remain pending. Likewise, despite no additional support, we feel so strongly about the potential of the Safe Water Network initiatives around Lake Volta that we will continue to commit as much as possible to assisting our partner in bringing potable water solutions to communities bordering the lake. Obviously, we could have done much more with additional assistance and time, but we still stand by the assessment made by USAID that the SWN opportunity is precisely the type of a partnership that defines a successful Global Development Alliance (or Public Private Partnership). We are disappointed that perhaps the procurement calendar and other initiatives take precedence over adding support to this type of initiative at present, but despite this hurdle we still think that this partnership is one of our best opportunities to fulfil the innovation mandate of our cooperative agreement. As such, we have to invest as much as possible to bring more of these initiatives home. The point of completing all institutional and community facilities for the life of the project by the end of year three was to allow the project to concentrate all of its efforts on five key areas in year four: • CLTS activities and household latrine building. • Behavior Change Communication and sustainability issues related to facility management. • Public-Private Partnership initiatives. • Promoting innovation in the rural water sector. • Using the Small Grant Facility to broaden the impact of the GWASH Project. As of November 1, 2012, one individual (the Water and Sanitation Advisor) will remain the sole point person for completing all outstanding facilities. The rest of the GWASH Project staff members have shifted their efforts to focus ...
PROGRESS TOWARDS ACHIEVING PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS. The Ghana WASH Project has made great strides in resolving all internal procurement and funding issues and has bid out, selected and issued advance payments on 31 contracts to 20 different contractors. Likewise, ADRA has an additional 150 artisans contracted and trained to build household latrines in four regions of the country. When all currently contracted works are completed3, the project will have provided the following: • Potable water will be provided to 53,450 individuals • Water storage capacity of 340,000 litres will have been provided to schools and clinics • Improved sanitation will have been provided to 53,960 individuals In many cases, construction continues to be ongoing, rather than completed, as of the reporting period. Therefore, in each section we will provide a table which details not only the number of facilities completed, but the various stages of construction for those that are not yet completed as of the reporting period. We have also provided a projection of the works that will be completed by December 3 These figures only account for results from current contracts which are in progress. New contracts for 15 boreholes, 20 hand dug xxxxx and 11 four seat KVIP latrines will also be signed during the first quarter of FY2012. In addition, these figures do not include the target of 2170 household latrines to be built via CLTS approaches and through the WADA initiative. 31, 2011. We feel that this approach gives a truer picture of the strides the project has made in the last six months and gives a better indication on how activities will progress in the next twelve months of the project.


  • Project Objectives 1.1 (Type the Project objectives)

  • Project Goals The schedule, budget, physical, technical and other objectives for the Project shall be defined.

  • Project Objective The Parties will jointly develop the Project Objective based upon the Owner’s requirements, goals, and constraints. The Project Objective is comprised of the Base Program, Target Cost, Added Value Incentive Items, Implementation Documents, and Contract Time, and any other objectives agreed by the Parties. The Project Objective establishes the Project requirements and standards for measuring the Project’s success. The various components of the Project Objective may be incorporated into the Agreement through Amendment upon recommendation of the Project Management Team and approval of the Senior Management Team.

  • Program Objectives Implement a rigorous constructability program following The University of Texas System, Office of Capital Projects Constructability Manual. Identify and document Project cost and schedule savings (targeted costs are 5% of construction costs). Clarification of Project goals, objectives.

  • Performance Targets Threshold, target and maximum performance levels for each performance measure of the performance period are contained in Appendix B.

  • Goals & Objectives The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent IT service support and delivery to the Customer by the Service Provider. The goal of this Agreement is to obtain mutual agreement for IT service provision between the Service Provider(s) and Customer(s). The objectives of this Agreement are to: • Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and/or responsibilities. • Present a clear, concise and measurable description of service provision to the customer. • Match perceptions of expected service provision with actual service support & delivery.

  • Safety Objectives 55.1 The Parties recognise the potentially hazardous nature of the construction industry. To this end, the Parties to the Agreement are committed to continuous improvement in occupational health and safety standards through the implementation of an organisational framework which involves all Parties in protecting Employees’ health and safety. 55.2 In meeting these objectives, the Parties have agreed to consider a broad agenda through the consultative processes established by this Agreement. Such an agenda will include: (a) Measures designed to include the safe operation of plant and equipment; (b) Training issues including specific hazards, health and safety systems, and site induction; (c) Management of occupational health and safety through a comprehensive approach which aims to control hazards at their source, reduce the incidence and costs of occupational injuries and illnesses; and (d) Risk of fatigue (see clause 36.5). 55.3 The Employer will comply with all relevant work health and safety legislation, including the OHS Act, workers compensation legislation, regulations, codes of practice and relevant and appropriate Australian and Industry Standards as set out in Appendix F.

  • Project/Milestones Taxpayer is a food producer and full line grocery store chain, proposing to expand its in- house food manufacturing. In consideration for the Credit, Taxpayer agrees to maintain at least 44 full-time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, at its Merced food manufacturing facility; and, to hire full-time employees and invest in a research and development equipment, manufacturing equipment, tenant improvements, and a facility as part of its expansion in Merced and/or Riverside, California (collectively, the “Project”). Taxpayer agrees that for the purposes of satisfying the milestones in Exhibit A (“Milestones”), Taxpayer will only count jobs and investment at its Merced food manufacturing facility and/or a new food manufacturing facility in Riverside, and that no other jobs or investment at any retail or other facility can be counted. For the purposes of calculating the number of full-time employees, no employee transferred from another affiliate, facility, or entity owned, related to, or controlled by the Taxpayer shall be included in the calculation. Taxpayer shall not be entitled to any portion of the Credit if it fails to maintain at least 44 full-time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, at its Merced facility for the entire duration of the agreement. Further, Taxpayer agrees to satisfy the Milestones and must maintain Milestones for a minimum of three (3) taxable years thereafter. In the event Taxpayer employs more than the number of full- time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, than required in Exhibit A, for purposes of satisfying the “Minimum Annual Wage of California Full-time Employees Hired” and the “Cumulative Average Annual Wage of California Full-time Employees Hired,” Taxpayer may use the wages of any of the full-time employees hired within the required time period. For purposes of calculating the “Minimum Annual Wage of California Full-time Employees Hired” and the “Cumulative Average Annual Wage of California Full-time

  • Development Milestones In addition to its obligations under Paragraph 7.1, LICENSEE specifically commits to achieving (either itself or through the acts of a SUBLICENSEE) the following development milestones in its diligence activities under this AGREEMENT: (a) (b).

  • Targets Seller’s supplier diversity spending target for Work supporting the construction of the Project prior to the Commercial Operation Date is ____ percent (___%) as measured relative to Seller’s total expenditures on construction of the Project prior to the Commercial Operation Date, and;