Re-openers. 18.3.1 Upon written notice and completion of the Public Notice requirements set forth in Government Code Section 3547, the Association and District may re-open negotiations on compensation, health and welfare benefits (including such benefits for retirees), and two additional non-economic Articles selected by each party in each fiscal year of the Agreement.
18.3.2 The parties acknowledge that state finance information is not finalized until late summer of each fiscal year, and that the District reports unaudited actuals on the Annual CCFS 311 on October 10 of each fiscal year. The parties agree to keep these facts in mind while acknowledging the requirements of Government Code Section 3543.7.
Re-openers. Any portion of this Agreement may be re-opened at any time upon mutual agreement of both parties.
Re-openers. If at any time during the term of this Agreement, the Board of Trustees takes action to lay off Unit I employees, as defined in D. above, the parties agree to reopen negotiations on item F.4. (Severance Pay).
Re-openers. 20.1.1 During the term of this Agreement, the District and the CSEA waive and relinquish the right to meet and negotiate except as set forth Article XXIII.
20.1.2 The District is not obligated to negotiate on any subject found not to be within the scope of negotiations by the Public Employment Relations Board or by the courts.
Re-openers. The parties agree to reopen Article 10.1, Health (Medical) Plan, and/or Article 10.2, Dental Care, should Federal or State legislation be enacted for a national or Statewide health (medical) and/or dental plan.
Re-openers. The parties agree that the salary provisions of this Agreement shall be reopened at the request of either party any time additional funds become available that are eligible to be used for faculty salary increases.
Re-openers. In 2024-2025, 2025-2026 negotiations between the parties shall be limited to, Compensation and Article XVIII Annual Salary Supplement and two subjects or articles for each party. The parties shall notify each other of their intent to negotiate no later than April 1, 2024 and April 1, 2025.
Re-openers. Upon written notice and completion of the Public Notice requirements set forth in Government Code Section 3547, the CSEA and College District may re-open negotiations on health and welfare benefits and wages, plus two additional Articles selected by each party.
Re-openers. 3.1.1 Each party may reopen two non-monetary Articles or topics of bargaining each year for the length of the contract. By mutual agreement of both parties, an exception may be made to reopen issues related to benefits.
3.1.2 By mutual agreement, the parties may extend the term of this contract beyond June 30, 2016.
3.1.3 All meetings will be held as mutually agreed.
3.1.4 The District will provide a reasonable amount of release time for a reasonable number of Association members for negotiations.
Re-openers. There shall be re-openers for each year of the contract as follows: One article of choice of each party