Examples of Salary supplement in a sentence
Salary supplement occurs when payments are made that augment an HG employee’s base salary or pre- miums, overtime, extra payments, in- centive payment and allowances for which the HG employee would qualify under HG rules or practices for the per- formance of his/hers regular duties or work performed during his/hers regular office hours.
Salary supplement occurs when payments are made that augment an HG employee's base salary or premiums, overtime, extra payments, incentive payment and allowances for which the HG employee would qualify under HG rules or practices for the performance of his/hers regular duties or work performed during his/hers regular office hours.
Salary supplement occurswhen payments are made that augment an HG employee’s base salary or pre- miums, overtime, extra payments, in- centive payment and allowances for which the HG employee would qualify 731.370under HG rules or practices for the per- formance of his/hers regular duties or work performed during his/hers regular office hours.
Acquirers need to develop specialist skills to exploit their existing opportunities and generalist skills to explore new ones, and most of all – to find the golden mean and balance between these two.While the overall theoretical explanation above is focused on the bidding firm learning and the post-merger period, Aktas et al.
In the case of adoption, the time is counted from the arrival of the adopted child with the adoptive parents.• Salary supplement is paid for a maximum of 36 months• Salary supplement starts at 10 % of daily wages up to the amount of the maximum basic amount.
Salary supplement occurs when payments are made that augment an HG employee’s base salary or pre- miums, overtime, extra payments, in- centive payment and allowances for which the HG employee would qualify 731.370under HG rules or practices for the per- formance of his/hers regular duties or work performed during his/hers regular office hours.
After preparation by the Nomination Committee, the Supervisory Board examines on a regular basis whether its members’ remuneration is appropriate, given their tasks and the situation of the company.
For the portion of the wages over the maximum basic amount, it is calculated at 90 % of daily wages.• Salary supplement is paid monthly according to the nature of the leave for a maximum of 360 days regardless of the scope.• Leave with salary supplement accrues holiday leave according to the Annual Leave Act.
Salary supplement designation for the purchase of the approved benefits must be submitted on the appropriate forms to the District within thirty (30) days after employment for new employees.
Salary supplement occurs when payments are made that augment an HG employee’s base salary orinvitational travel, honoraria andpayment for work carried out outside of normal working hours are notconsidered to be salary supplements subject to the provisions in USAID policy referenced in paragraph (c) of this section.