Recurrence. A Medical Emergency is considered to have ended when medical evidence indicates that the Insured Person is able to return to his or her province or territory of residence. No benefits will be paid in connection with the condition that caused a Medical Emergency if they are incurred after that time.
Recurrence. An employee who suffers a recurrence of disability with one hundred eighty (180) days of the employee’s return to work will become eligible for the remaining portion of benefit according to the salary continuance schedule, without serving forty (40) hour waiting period, provided:
Recurrence. Each Party shall use all reasonable efforts to prevent a recurrence of any such unauthorized possession, use or knowledge of the other Party’s Confidential Information.
Recurrence. If the Customer’s computer problem reoccurs subsequent to a service by C2S, or another problem occurs, this will be considered a separate issue, and if service is requested, the Customer will be charged Fees.
Recurrence does the author use the same passage elsewhere and how regularly?
Recurrence. A disability for which the elimination period does not apply. To be considered a recurrence, a disability period must meet all the following conditions: • It follows an initial period of total disability for which the elimination period has been completed and benefits have been paid by the Insurer; • The new period of total disability is of indeterminate duration and arises from the same or a related cause; • This period is separated from the initial period of total disability by your return to work for a period of less than 30 consecutive days. However, no payment is made for the period during which you returned to your employment between the periods of total disability.
Recurrence. After the publication of the PRELIMINARY result, any recurrences may be submitted by letter to FINEP, filled in at the physical address in item 6, within ten (10) calendar days of the preliminary results release date in FINEP portal in Internet. The appeal shall comply with the requirements of Articles 58, paragraph I, and 60 of Law No. 9.784 / 1999. In the text recurrence request will not be accepted information of any kind that modifies the original proposal, or to send additional documents to those originally sent.
Recurrence. In die event of a recurrence, as detailed above, die Correction Officer must detail which injur)1or sickness gave rise to die recurrence and proride die date of die initial injury or illness. In addition, die Correction Officer must proride any verifying medical report detailing die recurrence. In die event further medical verification is deemed necessary, die Correction Officer will submit to medical examination as directed by die Sheriff or his designee and as detailed in diis procedure, including diose detailed in Sections 4 and 5, below.
Recurrence. In the event of a recurrence of an injury or sickness, as detailed above, the corrections officer must detail which injury or sickness gave rise to the recurrence and provide the date of the initial injury or illness. In addition, the corrections officer must provide any verifying medical report detailing the recurrence. However, a corrections officer claiming a recurrence within the first four (4) consecutive months from the date of return to full duty, will not need to provide additional verifying medical report(s). In the event further medical verification is deemed necessary, the corrections officer will submit to a medical examination as directed by the Sheriff, or the Sheriffs designee, and as detailed in this procedure, including those detailed in Section 4 and 5, below.
Recurrence. In the event of a recurrence, as detailed above, the deputy sheriff must detail which injury or sickness gave rise to the recurrence and provides the date of the initial injury or illness, in addition, the deputy sheriff must provide any verifying medical report detailing the recurrence. In the event further medical verification is deemed necessary, the deputy sheriff will submit to medical examination as directed by the Sheriff or his designee and as detailed in this procedure, including those detailed in Sections 4 and 5, below.