REPORTING FOR WORK PAY. 33.01 An employee reporting for work by instruction of the Company and at the commencement of his/her scheduled work day, but for whom no work is available, will be offered at least four (4) hours employment in other work at his/her regular hourly rate or, at the Company's option, shall be entitled to four (4) hours pay at his/her regular hourly rate. This guarantee shall not apply in the event that the operations of the Company are affected by a labour dispute, fire, electrical failure, major mechanical failure or other major occurrence beyond the control of the Company. This guarantee shall not apply in the case of an employee who has been absent from his/her scheduled work and who has failed to inform the Company of his/her intention to return and the date thereof.
REPORTING FOR WORK PAY. ‌ 15.01 All employees reporting for work on instructions of the Company but for whom no work is available shall be paid for four (4) hours of work or to their regular quitting time, whichever is the lesser, provided that such lack of work is not due to labour disputes, fire, flood or any other cause beyond the control of the Company. 15.02 Employees who commence to work on their scheduled starting time and are sent home, on the instructions of the Company, shall be paid at their regular rate of pay up to their scheduled quitting time, provided that their separation from work is not caused by circumstances beyond the Company’s control, particularly plant breakdown, fire or flood.
REPORTING FOR WORK PAY. 14.01 Employees reporting for work as usual, unless notified the previous day not to report, and for whom no work at his/her regular job is available, shall be offered at least four (4) hours employment in other work at the employee’s current rate of wages, or, at the company’s option will be paid for four (4) hours pay in lieu of work. This provision shall not apply if the failure to provide work is caused by strike or other work stoppage, fire, flood, power failure, machine failure or other like causes beyond the control of the company. 14.02 Where the Company is able to give notice the previous day not to report, such notice shall be effective where a Company representative speaks with the employee directly, or where the Company representative leaves a message for the employee at the number provided by the employee under Article 11.02.
REPORTING FOR WORK PAY. 17.01 The Company agrees that an employee reporting for work at the commencement of his regular shift unless previously notified not to report, shall be entitled for four (4) hours work with pay at his basic hourly wage rate or payment in lieu thereof if sent home prior to the completion of four (4) hours worked. An employee so affected will perform such temporary related or departmental work as is available in order to qualify for payment.
REPORTING FOR WORK PAY. 15.01 Any employee who reports for work at their scheduled starting time without having been previously told not to report shall be paid for four (4) hours at their regular straight time hourly rate of pay, except if work is not available due to an act of God.
REPORTING FOR WORK PAY. 32.01 An employee reporting for work by instruction of the Company or at the commencement of his/her scheduled work day, but for whom no work is available, will be offered at least three and one-half (3 ½) hours employment in other work at his/her regular hourly rate or, at the Company's option, shall be entitled to three and one-half (3 ½%) hours pay at his/her regular hourly rate. This guarantee shall not apply in the event that the operations of the Company are affected by a labour dispute, fire, electrical failure, major mechanical failure or other major occurrence beyond the control of the Company. This guarantee shall not apply in the case of an employee who has been absent from his/her scheduled work and who has failed to inform the Company of his/her intention to return and the date thereof.
REPORTING FOR WORK PAY. 22.01 All employees reporting for work on instructions of the Employer but for whom no work is available, shall be paid for four (4) hours work, provided that such lack of work is not due to labour dispute, fire, flood or any other cause beyond the control of the Employer. An employee shall not be entitled to any pay if the Employer has made every reasonable effort to contact the employee in order to advise him not to report for work. 22.02 Provided that the separation from work is not caused by their own dispute, fire, flood or other cause beyond the control of the Employer, an employee who commences work on his regularly scheduled shift at the regular starting time, and is directed to cease work and is sent home on the instructions of the Employer, prior to completion of the shift shall be paid: (a) for all the hours of his scheduled shift, providing more than one-half (½) of the scheduled hours have been worked; or, (b) for four (4) hours, in cases where one-half (½) or less of the scheduled hours have been worked.
REPORTING FOR WORK PAY. 33.01 An employee reporting for work by instruction of the Company and at the commencement of his/her scheduled work day, but for whom no work is available, will be offered at least four
REPORTING FOR WORK PAY a. When an Employee reports for their regularly scheduled shift and there is no work available, they shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours pay at their regular rate, providing that, if three
REPORTING FOR WORK PAY. 22.01 All employees reporting for work on instructions of the Company, but for whom no work is available shall be paid for four (4) hours of work or to their regular quitting time, whichever is the lesser, provided that such lack of work is not due to labour dispute, fire, flood, or other cause beyond the control of the Company.