Responsibility of the Facility Sample Clauses
Responsibility of the Facility. A. The Facility shall provide clinical instruction and supervision of the students by personnel qualified in {Name of Applicable License or Certification or Degree} who meet the standards of recognized professional accrediting agencies or state agencies and the stated objectives of the University. The Facility shall designate in writing to the University the name and professional academic credentials of staff members participating in the clinical education program.
B. Designated Facility personnel and the University’s Clinical Coordinator for the {Name Program(s)} shall jointly plan and evaluate the clinical experience.
C. The Facility shall provide immediate emergency health care to the faculty, if any, and students in any instance of injury or illness at the expense of the faculty or the student. The Facility shall also orient the student to the infection control and safety procedures at the Facility that are applicable to their clinical rotation.
D. The Facility will permit faculty, if any, and students to utilize the parking/library facilities. The Facility will permit faculty, if any, and students to utilize the Facility’s cafeteria at their own expense.
Responsibility of the Facility a. The Facility shall provide reasonable space and equipment to the students for clinical experience.
b. The Facility shall maintain complete records and reports on each student's performance and provide an evaluation to the School on forms provided by the School.
c. The Facility shall have the right and may request the School to withdraw from the Clinical Education Program any student whose performance is unsatisfactory, whose personal characteristics prevent desirable relationships within the Facility, or whose health status is hazardous to the Facility's patients or personnel or it is detrimental to the student's successful completion of the clinical education assignment. To assist the School with its due process obligations to its students, Facility will provide written documentation for the request for withdrawal of any student from the Clinical Education Program.
d. The Facility shall at all times be responsible for all aspects of patient care.
e. Facility shall be responsible for supervision of participating students.
f. The Facility shall, on a reasonable request, permit the inspection of the clinical facilities, services available for clinical experiences, student records and other such items pertaining to the Clinical Education Program by the School or agencies charged with the responsibilities for accreditation of the program.
g. The Facility shall designate and submit in writing to the School for acceptance the name and professional and academic credentials of a clinical designee to be responsible for the Clinical Education Program. That person shall be called the Center Coordinator of Clinical Education.
h. The Facility shall immediately notify the School in writing of any change or proposed change of the Center Coordinator of Clinical Education.
i. The Facility shall indemnify and hold the School harmless from and against all liability, loss, damage, cause of action, cost and expense, including reasonable attorney fees arising out of or in connection with any activity undertaken by the Facility, including Facility employees, in performing their duties and responsibilities under the Agreement or arising from a breach of the terms of this Agreement, provided that such liability, loss, damage, cause of action, cost and expense is not the result of the negligence of the School or its students.
j. The Facility will make available emergency care for students in the event of illness or accident while at the Facility, in accordance with the Facility'...
Responsibility of the Facility. A. The Facility will provide a planned, supervised program by qualified and competent personnel ("fieldwork educators"). Facility verifies that the fieldwork educators who participate in training of the student while at the Facility are active staff members in good standing at the Facility and meet the minimum ACOTE requirements of at least one year of clinical experience. Facility on-site supervisors agree to assess the students’ performance and complete any evaluation reports provided by the University.
B. The Facility will provide the University and the student with documentation regarding the educational experience requirements, site specific objectives, expectations, and general information regarding the Facility.
Responsibility of the Facility. A. The Facility shall provide clinical instruction and supervision of Student(s) by personnel who meet the standards of recognized professional accrediting agencies or regulatory agencies in the state where the Facility is located and in accordance with the stated objectives of the Program. The Facility shall designate in writing to the University the name and professional academic credentials of the staff members participating in the University’s clinical education program on behalf of the Facility.
B. Designated Facility personnel and the University’s Clinical Coordinator shall jointly plan and evaluate the Student(s)’s clinical experience.
C. The Facility shall provide immediate emergency health care to the Student(s) in any instance of injury or illness at the Student’s expense. The Facility is responsible for an orientation of its plant, facilities, policies and procedures with regard to infection control and safety procedures at the Facility that are applicable to the Student’s clinical education/experience.
D. The Facility will arrange to permit the Student(s) to utilize the Facility’s parking and library and to use the Facility’s cafeteria (if any) at the Student’s own expense.
Responsibility of the Facility. A. The Facility shall provide clinical instruction and supervision of the agreed upon students by personnel qualified in Mental Health Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling and Psychiatric Rehabilitation, as applicable, who meet the standards of recognized professional accrediting agencies or state agencies and the stated objectives of the University. The Facility shall designate in writing to the University the name and professional academic credentials of staff members participating in the clinical education program.
B. Designated Facility personnel and the University’s Clinical Coordinator for the Mental Health Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program(s}shall jointly plan and evaluate the clinical experience.
C. The Facility shall assist in arranging for emergency health care to the faculty, if any, and students in any instance of injury or illness that requires immediate attention at the expense of the faculty or the student. The Facility shall also orient the student to the infection control and safety procedures at the Facility that are applicable to their clinical rotation.
D. The Facility will permit faculty, if any, and students to utilize the parking/library facilities in accordance with the Facility’s policies and procedures. The Facility will permit faculty, if any, and students to utilize the Facility’s cafeteria at their own expense.