Right to Examine File. No employee shall be denied access to his personnel file. The contents of an employee's personnel file shall not be divulged to third parties absent the express written consent of the employee, except when ordered by court or by subpoena, and no employee of the Board other than the personnel file custodian or the Superintendent, or the designee of either, which said designee must be an employee of the Board, shall be allowed access to an employee's personnel file without the employee's express written consent, unless that employee is charged with the duty of supervising that particular employee's performance. In the case that a personnel file should be accessed by someone other than the Superintendent, designee or the employee's principal, the employee whose file was so accessed shall receive written notice of the fact and the name and title of the person who was permitted access. All persons permitted access under this Section shall maintain the confidentiality of those documents in the file which are not matters of public record. Any employee requesting to see his personnel file shall be given access to his entire personnel file at a single location and within a reasonable time after making the request. Such an employee shall be given access to any portion of his personnel file maintained at his worksite, at such site and at any reasonable time.
Right to Examine File. Each Faculty member shall have the right to review the entire contents of his/her personnel file. A Union representative or the Faculty Member’s attorney may accompany such employee upon his/her request to review his/her personnel file. The contents of the personnel file shall be available for photocopying in the presence of the person in charge of the file and the Faculty member involved. Inappropriate material may be removed from the file with the joint consent of the Faculty Member and the appropriate Administrator.
Right to Examine File. An employee shall have the right upon two (2) working days prior notice to the Superintendent or designee to examine non-confidential documents in his/her personnel file and to have a representative of the Association accompany him/her in such review. Each file shall contain a record indicating who has reviewed it, the date reviewed, and the reason for such review.
Right to Examine File. An employee and/or his/her designee shall have the right, upon request, to examine his/her personnel file and to have a representative of the Association accompany him/her in such review. Such review shall be during normal business hours and in the presence of a designated employee of the Board. No employee shall remove any material from a personnel file. Such review shall not be applicable to confidential material, such as recommendations for employment.
Right to Examine File. An employee shall have the right to examine his/her personnel file within twenty-four (24) hours of request and shall be permitted to have a representative of the Association accompany him/her in such review.
Right to Examine File. The Employee shall have the right to examine his/her personnel file. The Board will make the file available at a designated time and place within 2 days of the request. A representative of the Association may accompany the Employee in such review.
Right to Examine File. Within one working day of written request by the employee to the Superintendent or designee, he/she shall be permitted to examine his/her files in the presence of a superintendent or designee during a time that will not disrupt the educational process.
Right to Examine File. An Employee shall have the right to examine his/her personnel file (with the exception of confidential data from other employers) and to have a representative of the Association accompany him/her in such review. Personnel files will be stored on the District server. All files will be password protected and only accessible to Human Resources’ personnel, the Superintendent or designee, and other personnel as required by law. Such review shall be during normal business and shall be preceded by reasonable notice of intent to review. The form to request a personnel record review is available on the district website. A representative of the Board may be present during such review. Nothing shall be permanently removed from the official personnel file except by consent of the Board and the Employee.
Right to Examine File. An Employee shall be entitled to review his/her personnel file during regular business hours by making an appointment therefore with the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel or designee. At the Employee's request, a representative of the Association may accompany the Employee in this review. Upon request, the Board will reproduce one (1) copy of any non-confidential materials in the Employee's personnel file.
Right to Examine File. The teacher shall have the right to examine his/her official personnel file upon written request. The review shall occur within two (2) work days. The review shall not include confidential material, such as evaluation by colleges or previous employers. When the review occurs, a representative of the Superintendent’s office shall be present, along with a representative of the teacher if so desired by the teacher.