District Website Sample Clauses
District Website. Individual position postings can be accessed by bargaining unit employees on a continual basis as positions become available through the District web site at xxx.xxxx.x00.xx.xx.
District Website. Manager shall maintain an official District website and shall post on such official District website all of the following: (a) Manager’s Board of Directors roster (names and business affiliations); (b) all regular Board of Directors and committee meeting agendas; (c) all approved Board of Directors and committee meeting minutes; (d) Manager’s articles of incorporation or formation and amendments; (e) Manager’s bylaws; (f) all annual audits, reports and financial statements or disclosures prepared by Manager or provided by Manager to City under Section 9; (g) Internal Revenue Service and California Franchise Tax Board determinations of nonprofit and tax-exempt status; (h) all contracts for which Manager will expend $10,000 or more of Assessments; and (i) this Agreement, including exhibits and amendments. All items required to be posted on the official District website under this Section 4.7 shall be maintained on the website for a minimum of five (5) years.
District Website. 1. The District will establish and maintain a website. The website will include information regarding the District, its schools, District curriculum, extracurricular activities and community education.
2. The District webmaster will be responsible for maintaining the District website and monitoring District web activity.
3. All website content will support and promote the District’s mission, goals and strategic direction.
4. The District’s website will provide parents with a web portal to classroom related calendars, grades, attendance, assignments and resources.
District Website. Manager shall maintain an official District website and shall post on such official District website all of the following: (a) Manager’s Board of Directors roster (names and business affiliations); (b) all regular Board of Directors and committee meeting agendas; (c) all approved Board of Directors and committee meeting minutes; (d) Manager’s bylaws; (e) all annual audits, reports and financial statements or disclosures prepared by Manager or provided by Manager to City pursuant to Section 9; and (f) all contracts for which Manager will expend $5,000 or more of Assessments, including notation of the total number of bidders for each such contract in the top right hand corner of the posted contract. All items required to be posted on the official District website pursuant to this Section 4.7 shall be maintained on the website for a minimum of five (5) years.
District Website. The District will maintain a District Website for the purpose of informing employees, students, parents and members of the community of District programs, policies, and current activities. Requests for publication of information on the District Web site must be directed in digital form to the designated Webmaster. The technology director will establish guidelines for the development and format of web pages controlled by the district. No personally identifiable information regarding a student will be published on a web site controlled by the district without written permission from the student’s parent or guardian. Only first names will be published for students in grades PK‐6 with permission from their parents. First and last names may be used for students in grades 7 through 12 with permission from their parents. No home addresses, phone numbers or other personal information will be used. Students or classes may establish websites with the approval of the Technology Director and link them to the District’s website. However, all material presented on the website must be related to the educational activities of the student. If the websites express opinions, the following notice must be included: “This is a student Web page. Opinions expressed on this page shall not be attributed to the District.” Any links from a student’s web page to sites outside the District’s computer system must receive approval from the Technology Director.
District Website a. The District shall establish a website and develop webpages presenting information about the District. The Superintendent, or designee, shall establish a process for governance of the District’s web activities. At the discretion of the Superintendent, recognized District-wide organizations may also publish webpages on the District server.
b. Schools and classes may establish webpages presenting information about the school or class activities. The building principal will designate an individual responsible for managing the school website. Teachers shall maintain their class website. Class sites may include individual student or group work. Parent permission must be obtained to publish student names or photos on the web.