Payment Methodology The Contractor shall be compensated based on the payment methodology for goods or services authorized by the State in a total amount as set forth in Section C.1.
Non pre-priced Adjustment Factor To be applied to Work determined not to be included in the CTC but within the general scope of the work: 1.1500.
Methodology 1. The price at which the Assuming Institution sells or disposes of Qualified Financial Contracts will be deemed to be the fair market value of such contracts, if such sale or disposition occurs at prevailing market rates within a predefined timetable as agreed upon by the Assuming Institution and the Receiver.
ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT Beginning twelve (12) months after the effective date of this Statewide Contract and for every annual anniversary thereafter, the prices set forth in Exhibit B – Prices for Services shall be adjusted, based upon the percent changes (whether up or down) in the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) indices described below, for the most recent year. Economic adjustment will lag one (1) calendar quarter past the Contract commencement date to allow for publication of BLS data. All calculations for the index shall be based upon the latest version of data published as of one year of the effective date each year. Prices shall be adjusted on February 1st. If an index is recoded (i.e., the recoded index is a direct substitute for the prior index according to the BLS), this Statewide Contract will use the recoded index, as applicable. If an index becomes unavailable, Enterprise Services shall substitute a proxy index. If there is not a direct substitute, the next higher aggregate index available will be used. The economic adjustment shall be calculated as follows: New Price = Old Price x (Current Period Pricing/Base Period Index)
Market Adjustment The parties to this Agreement recognize the appropriateness of market pay adjustments in rare instances for compelling reasons. To effectuate judgments in such cases, the President and AAUP Chapter President, in consultation, shall each name three (3) individuals to a university Market Evaluation Committee. Deans may submit recommendations for market pay adjustments with supporting written reasons to the committee. Said Committee shall consult with the President concerning proposed market pay adjustments reporting its advice not later than May 15 in each year. Upon the favorable recommendation of the President and the Chancellor, market pay adjustments may be approved effective at the beginning of that pay period including September 1 of the following year. Not more than one (1) market pay adjustment per one hundred (100) full-time members, or fraction thereof, may be recommended in any contract year. A member’s salary may not be increased beyond the maximum for the rank. Funding for this program shall be governed by Article 12.10.2.