Initial Screening. In accordance with 42 CFR 438.208(b)(3), the Contractor shall conduct an initial screening of each member within ninety (90) calendar days of the effective date of enrollment to identify the member's immediate physical and/or behavioral health care needs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor shall use best efforts to conduct the initial screening of individuals identified as potentially medically frail as soon as practicable prior to the expiration of the member’s Verification Period. The Contractor must make subsequent attempts to conduct an initial screening of each member’s needs if the initial attempt to contact the member is unsuccessful. The Contractor shall make attempts to find a member’s current contact information if it is not included in the enrollment file. The initial screening will also determine the need for disease management, care management, complex case management, or RCP services as detailed in Section 3.8.2. The Contractor shall utilize the FSSA Health Needs Screening tool. During the initial screening, and periodically thereafter, the Contractor will review the member’s claims history, identify access or accommodation needs, language barriers, or other factors that might indicate that the member requires additional assistance. The initial screening shall also identify members who have complex or serious medical conditions that require an expedited appointment with an appropriate provider. The initial screening will ensure that members who are in ongoing treatment receive assistance in accessing appropriate care in order to avoid disruptions in services. The initial screening must include a full review of important relevant clinical information such as the provider’s assessment of conditions and the severity of illness, treatment history and outcomes, other diseases, illnesses, and health conditions as well as the member’s psychosocial, support, behavioral health and treatment needs.
Initial Screening. The purpose of the initial screening is to identify Enrollees with immediate needs in order to prioritize in person Level I Assessments.
Initial Screening. RiboGene shall screen each Combinatorial Library delivered to RiboGene by HPI with the Assays to identify one or more compound mixtures [*]
Initial Screening. 28 A. As part of its usual registration or financial screening process, CLINIC submitting claims for 29 payment of Clinic Services through this Agreement shall use its reasonable best efforts to screen 30 whether a patient:
31 1. Lacks financial resources to pay for services, and
32 2. Is currently Medi-Cal or MSI Eligible.
33 B. If the patient is unable to provide the information necessary to make the above determination, 34 CLINIC shall use its reasonable best efforts to obtain this information from any other person with 35 knowledge of the patient. 36 //
Initial Screening. The principal at the school where the vacancy exists will paper screen all external applicants and those internal applicants who do not meet the criteria in the following subsection for semi- finalist interviews. If needed the Principal may conduct a short pre-screening interview. See paper screen Rating Sheet.
Initial Screening a. All urine specimens tested shall first go through an immunoassay screening test (EMIT) which will be used to eliminate "negative" urine samples from further testing. Written documentation shall be maintained by the laboratory showing details of all the EMIT screening tests done under this program. These data may be reviewed by consultants to the Union. All samples that initially screen positive shall be stored in a locked freezer until confirmation studies by GC/MS are complete.
b. The breath alcohol test shall be conducted in full accordance with all U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) regulations relating to alcohol breath testing. Additionally, the breath test instrument operator shall be trained in accordance with USDOT regulations and the instrument shall be a properly calibrated and currently approved USDOT instrument.
Initial Screening. Defendant shall adopt and fully implement new policies, procedures, and training curricula concerning screening practices at the Jail. These remedial measures shall ensure that: trained and Qualified Medical or Mental Health Staff shall administer an initial mental health/suicide screen for all incoming arrestees; the mental health screening shall be done at the same time as medical screening, both of which shall take place prior to housing placement (the mental health screening may include or be in addition to the assessment required under the PREA standards (see Section II.A.6 above)); the medical and mental health screenings shall take place within four hours of booking; the results of the screening shall be shared with appropriate correctional staff; the mental health screening shall include explicit screening for the potential for self-harm, delirium, depression, mania, and psychosis; and the screening form shall include the identification and assessment of the following factors:
a. Past suicidal ideation or attempt;
b. Current suicidal ideation, threat, or plan;
c. Prior mental health treatment or hospitalization;
d. Recent significant loss such as the death of a family member or close friend;
e. History of suicidal behavior by family members or close friends;
f. Suicide risk during any prior confinement (i.e., whether prisoner has previously been on a suicide watch);
g. Any observations by the transporting officer, court, transferring agency, or similar individuals regarding the prisoner’s potential suicidal risk or mental health;
h. Substance(s) or medication(s) used, including the amount, time of last use, and history of use;
i. Any physical observations, such as shaking, seizing, or hallucinating;
j. History of drug withdrawal symptoms, such as agitation, tremors, seizures, hallucinations, or delirium tremens; and
k. History/serious risk of delirium, depression, mania, and psychosis. The screening instrument will be validated by a Qualified Mental Health Professional approved by the Monitor and DOJ within X days of the Effective Date and every 12 months thereafter, if necessary.
Initial Screening. The State will provide prompt and adequate screening of children for special education needs after intake and will identify children who are receiving special education in their home school districts or who may be eligible to receive special education services but have not been so identified in the past. The initial screening will include:
a. Review of available school records;
b. Information available in Connecticut Special Education Data System;
c. Child interview; and
d. Parent interview, if parents can be contacted (with attempts to contact documented).
Initial Screening. Recruiters initially screen resumes for basic requirements of all applicants for a position. The screen covers the basic qualification information including: • Availability • Suitable Educational Qualification • Requisite number of years of work experience in relevant technologies or functional areas • Accurate project duration dates, references for last three or four projects • Initial verification of skill-set and summary of technical knowledge • Additional HR related information will be gathered (W2, I-9 etc.)
Initial Screening. Upon closing of the recruitment, Enterprise Services HR will complete an initial administrative review, eliminating applicants that do not meet the minimum qualifications listed in the position recruitment posting. Should questions of meeting any minimum requirements arise, Enterprise Services HR will reach out to the Review Panel (See Section 2.4) for input and/or clarification. Enterprise Services HR will provide a report to the SBCC Executive Committee summarizing the number of applications received and determination of which candidates moved on to the second round of screening.